This was posted 15 years 3 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$5 - Tivo Home Networking Package (Normally $199)


Hi Guys

Just a reminder that the special offer for Home Networking Package and TiVo Desktop Plus starts tonight (25 Nov) at midnight AEDST for 24 hours.

Just to recap… During this 24 hour period you can go to our website and purchase HNP and/or a TiVo Desktop Key for $5. Simply put WHIRLPOOL for the Home Networking Package or WHIRLPOOLKEY for an additional TiVo Desktop Key in the promo code.”

NOTE: The Home Networking Package includes 1 TiVo Desktop Plus key, but if you wanted to run HNP on multiple computers you can purchase an additional TiVo Desktop Plus key.

ALL OF THE $5 COLLECTED DURING THIS PERIOD WILL GO TO BEYOND BLUE (charity for those with depression).

Any problems with your purchase you can whim Dacien /user/9931 and he can help you out.



The HNP page on the Tivo site:…

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closed Comments

  • I have 3 computers at home and connected via a wireless Microsoft Windows Network. This TiVo HNP sounds interesting.
    What hardware do I need to purchase apart from the $5 Desktop Key? Do I need 3 keys for my 3 computers?
    Will it be easy enough for a layperson to setup?

    • Do you mean besides a $600+ TiVo ?

    • Yes, assuming that you have a Tivo which is connected to your network either directly or using a wireless adapter, and are simply trying to set up multiple computers on your network to be able to access the content), then you will need a HNP - which already includes a key - plus 2 more keys for the other 2 machines.

      When you buy the HNP it's a software download, which you then install on each of your computers. They keys are kinda like a license to install and run on each machine.

      It should then be as simple as running the tivo program to access Tivo content on your computer.

  • If they are are all on the same network no other hardware is needed. You will need to download the tivo desktop. As long as the 3 Tivos are registered at the same address you will only need the one key

    • No, it says on the Tivo site that you need a key for each computer that you install the HNP to.

  • Ok so you need the tivo to use this though, cant just use the offer on normal media centre's or with myth or anything can you?

    • That's right.

  • +1

    This promotion has already begun. I think you will find it is 24 hours starting from 00:01am this morning. I picked up one of the Home Networking Packages this morning (about 12:30am) for $5.

    • Yep, the content of the post is a direct copy/paste from the Whirlpool post. The WP post was made yesterday, hence the reference to "tonight".

  • Can you buy even if you dont have tivo but may in the future or sell to a mate if they get it & you never do……

    • Pretty sure you can use it in the future, but not so sure about giving it to a mate, since it mentions something about the e-mail address. It might need to use the same one as your Tivo account?? Dunno…

  • A TiVo rep just told me that you can purchase HNP without owning a TiVo. Just don't lose the email activation.

  • ozpanda so if you buy it just keepthe email sent to you & dont activate yet? Also I tried to buy 2 one with the whirlpool code worked ok, but when i tried to use the whirlpoolkey when two were in the checkout it wouldnt work, so could only buy the one with whirlpool in caps anyone able to buy two??

    • If it's any help, I don't have a Tivo yet and I bought the HNP against the hope that I will be getting one in future. I also got a note from a Rep to say that I can just buy the HNP and keep the e-mail for later.

      No idea about the multiple purchases though. Maybe do it as several separate transactions?

  • For 5 bucks I bought one!

    What do I need now to use this product? TIVO here I come - can any one post a good bargain for Tivo?

  • If you get one at JB Hifi ($598 $12 delivery) and pay with PayPal you get 10% of the $598 back (so $550 delivered). Can't remember when that ends look at the PayPal site. Those of you in the bigger cities should be able to beat that.

  • I vaguely remember something about a $50 referral bonus too, if you can get an existing Tivo owner to refer you…

  • Great offer for Tivo Owners , not for me though.

  • Don't really understand why ppl would pay for TIVO, they charge an arm and a leg for the machine, then they take your organs for addons like HNP.

    You could just make your own small form factor PC, put on some TV Viewing software which most of them support the same features as TIVO. Then to get something like HNP simply download the free software called TV Scheduler Pro which provides you with scheduling capabilities via a website.

    You could achieve something with ALOT more capabilities than a TIVO for about half the price.

    • BS. This thread is showing you can get Tivo and the network package for $560. I still reckon it's hamstrung by the small drive, but apparently it is very 'non techo' friendly (I don't have one). HTPC's are still not good enough for the non techo's (I have one).

    • I'm sure there are a lot of things you don't understand :-)

      There are people who are going to be willing to pay a premium for stuff, whether you like it or not. E.g. why does David Jones exist when you can get the same stuff cheaper from Myer, Big W or KMart or something? Why do high-end luxury brands still exist when you can buy knock-offs? etc.

      For those people who are interested in Tivo, this is a great deal, a saving of $194. Judge it on the merits of the deal, not whether you agree with the people buying the product.

  • Interesting article on Tivo's new CASPA Video on Demand platform and upgraded PVR to 320gb…

  • Don't suppose anyone has a spare key they want to sell to me? Was lying in my sick bed and missed out on this :(

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