Cheaper wisdom teeth removal in Melbourne?

Hey guys,

I got my braces off almost a year now and through my x-rays i have 3 wisdom tooth. I had a consultation with a wisdom teeth removal specialist and he quoted me $1580 for all three of my wisdom teeth, plus hospital and anesthetic fees. Which can cost up to $2500-$3000 to remove 3 wisdom tooth. This is out of my budget and from my perspective seems to be quite expensive.

What are some other options i can consider? How much did your wisdom teeth removal cost?


closed Comments

  • +1

    do you have health insurance for dental?

    • Thank you

  • +1

    I have some workshop tools, so I could probably do it for you quite cheaply, but it'll probably hurt a lot…

    Seriously, I don't think "cheap" is what you want with dentistry.

    • Not necessarily cheapest… just CHEAPER than my current consultation.

  • +1

    I don't understand how $320 X 3 = $1580?

    • Misread the papers, he quoted $1580 for all three of my wisdom tooth so approxiamtely 530 for each tooth

  • +1

    Having wisdom teeth is quite normal. What makes you think you need to have them removed?

    • Just adding onto this, I didn't remove my wisdom teeth because it was growing in a straight line. Unless your wisdom teeth is growing in a slanted angle and is chewing through your gum or unless you have Gingivitis around the gum tissues around the wisdom teeth, I think you don't have to remove them (though a doctor telling you to remove them might have a reason that isn't mentioned here, I think you might be better off asking him why you need to remove the wisdom teeth).

      I've kept most of mine in (3 out of 4, had to get one pulled out because of Gingivitis). I specifically told the ortho/dentist that unless it is necessary, I'd rather not remove any teeth from my mouth though.

    • I've had my mouth x-rayed and three are growing in an angle into my other teeth, in the future it can potentially move my other teeth. Its not urgent, but i rather have them removed than waste 7k on the braces i had.

  • TLDR; Pay extra and get knocked out ;)

    I just had all 4 of my wisdom teeth out because they were decaying. Before hand I did some research and was quite worried about the cost. I got my x-rays then found a general dentist that was highly recommended on whirlpool for wisdom teeth extractions so got him to take a look and give me a quote. He said they should come out easy and he would be able to do it for me in the dentists chair under local anesthetic for about $260 per tooth. So I booked it over two sessions to do one side at a time so i could still eat.

    The first two came out easy. Few needles to numb it up, he went in with the pliers, first one bit of a crunch and popped write out, second one had to yank and pull around a bit but came out in under 10 seconds. The whole extraction took less than a minute, the local anesthetic needles were more painful, and i was recovered enough to eat on that side only 3 days later.

    The second 2 were a different story. I still shudder thinking about it. the top right wasn't even out yet so he had to slice the gum to get it out, and he couldn't get a proper purchase on it so that one took him about 30-40 seconds of digging around. Not too painful but very uncomfortable.

    The bottom right had a cavity and holy mother of god… if I could go back and pay an extra $2000 to avoid that pain I would. It hurt me for him to grab the tooth with his pliers because of the cavity it was very sensitive. And it was huge and wouldn't budge… he spent a good few mins yanking on it, my whole jaw locking in and out while I'm moaning in agony. He found out it had a third root which was locking it into place, so he had to get his bone cutters in there and cut off the third root to get it out. Fun times.
    Very painful, bled for a full day, recovery was a good week. I do not recommend the experience.
    Here's a picture of the extracted teeth if you're interested ;)…

    • Haha damn, thanks for the information of your experience! Nice teeth haha

  • I had Mr William Besly, he was very good, and all up including general anesthetic and 4 wisdom removal and hospital fees was around $1500 mark from memory. I have bought him a few happy customers.

    • Whereabouts is this may i ask?

      • He works out of a few places. He did me at Epworth Richmond but he also works out of Monash Clayton and sometimes goes up to Benalla. You can Google him

        • Thank you

  • do you remember how much you paid for your sonsultation? or it was covered by medicare?

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