Basically just missed out on the nuuvem deals and was wondering what the next cheapest deal is?
GTA V PC Digital Copy - cheapest?

Checked it out but I don't think it's working anymore.
yeah that's where I got my copy
I just tried it again but it just keeps 404ing whenever I try to checkout…
You are using Hola for Chrome to access the site? I set to Argentina and it worked a treat, once I got to payment turned that off and paid with PayPal. Feel free to PM me
@Infinite Monkee: :( just tried and got to the paypal screen, logged in with paypal and it said not available for your region
@ohhidayo: hmm it just sounds like it has not picked you up from a South American address. ensure Hola is running and if not tell it did not and it will reload.
@Infinite Monkee: sweet thanks for the help I'll try again after work. Did you buy yours recently or before the 25th?
@ohhidayo: Think it was the day it was released, was waiting to see it was going to be the best deal which it was. Especially compared to Steam's asking price.
@Infinite Monkee: Yep tried again, looks like they've gone to stronger methods of security for it :(
It's back in stock.