This was posted 9 years 10 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

FREE M&Ms Cushion: Spend $10+ on M&Ms Range @ Big W


Offer starts 7th May and ends on 3rd June.

Spend over $10 on any m&ms products at Big W between those dates and receive your free cushion in store.

Cushions have not yet arrived so I cannot say how big the cushions are. I will update the size with a picture when the time comes.

The cushions have arrived!


The approximate measurements for the cushions are as follows…

32cm (H)
26cm (W)

27cm (H)
25cm (W)

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closed Comments

  • +1

    If it's a red and a yellow one then I'm guessing we'd be wanting to spend $20.

    How do we get a $20 Big W gift card for the best price?

    • -1

      Huh? $20 gc?

    • +1

      Entertainment book 5% off Big W eGift cards.

  • +15


    Get yourself some home brand ice-cream, $2.20 for 2 litres or so… add m&m's, cost on average 50c a serve. Why pay a clown $4.50 for almost the same thing?

    • that is actually a good idea, will get some next time i go shopping

    • Then enjoy it while resting on your newly free cushion :)

    • +14

      Get yourself some home brand ice-cream,

      Some people push the sport of Oz-Bargaining just a little too far….

      • It's definately improved though… well, it's better than soft swerve!

      • Whats wrong with homebrand icecream?
        I like to add homebrand vanilla ice cream on my banana milk shake or coffee in summer. It is cheap, and just the right amount of sweetness.

  • +2

    Looks like there's some high level manufacturing happening over there at M&M's.

  • Do you know if this is state-specific or nationwide?

  • +3

    Guys, $10 buys you a 720g bucket of plain m&m's (no nuts) at Big W.

    Keep in mind, they are selling the same amount THIS WEEK at Coles for about $6.70. So it's technically another $3.30 for a cushion that probably costs closer to 50c-$1 to make. Up to you guys :) Just don't try eating the fluffy m&m.

    Though the OzBargain way is to buy the M&M's at Coles this week, eat them all the day after then buy more at Big W :P

    • +1

      There's also some special deals on the m&ms products as well. Didnt take a picture of it unfortunately

    • +1

      Either way eat the red ones first

    • +1

      This deal doesn't start till May so no point buying from bigw now

    • Looks like the buckets will be reduced to $9 on May 7th lol

  • $10 is too much!

    • +5

      If you buy something that you enjoy eating and then receive a freebie with it, then $10 is not too much!

      • +4

        Bascailly, Diabetes + a pillow $10

        • +2

          Something to cry into when you get the diagnosis

  • What does the cushion look like

    • It's in the picture

      • +1

        Is it to scale?

        • +4

          Well the physical item hasn't arrived yet. But once they do, ill post a picture of it

        • +7

          Is it to scale?

          Yes, it's to scale - the cushion is almost a big as the real M&M man.

      • Ok cheers, didn't see that.

    • +4

      Lol. They would be like -_-

    • +1

      What if they ask for the cushion back?.

      • It may contain "nuts" too! :P

  • -6

    Op forgot to mention you have a good chance of getting free diabetes to with this deal.

    Eat lots of mm and sit on your cushion all day

    • +2

      You won't need any cushions once you have enough lard on your buttocks.

  • Are we getting different ones from the USA ones?

  • -1

    can we return the items and keep cushion?

    • Why though? M&M's be tasty.

      • Only the cripsy ones!

  • Just in time for Mothers Day… Mum gets the M & M's, i'll keep the cushions LOL

    Tough choice between getting 2 of the dopey looking blue ones (if we get those here) or one of each colour… damn.

    • Only getting the red and yellow ones

      • Thanks for the info… that makes it easier… 2 of each then it is!

  • Hopefully they're good quality!

  • +5

    What is the deal ? seriously guys it's a crappy toy in exchange for overpriced lollies. You can't even stick an Eneloop in it.

    • +6

      warningthe above comment is 18+

      • Only if you use the Tool i was thinking of to put the battery in.

    • yeah I don't get it. if you want to get all 6 of them that's at least $60 and all of that chocolate isn't healthy to eat.

      • You can eat them bit by bit everyday or share them with family members and friends. Just don't finish them at once or you'll be on the cover page of the news (probably bad news) next morning.

        No way I'm gonna share the cushions.

  • so keen, screw the haters

  • +1

    Is it safe to say that Big W won't be having a sale on M&M during this period?

    Else, I'd wait for a price reduction and get moar!

    • +1

      Buckets will be reduced to $9 throughout the promotion

      • Thanks OP. Please update us the best combination for minimum price to score a cushion during the promotion. Cheers.

        • +3

          Alas, I cannot find that pamphlet anymore but you can buy a bucket ($9) and one of those m&ms mini tubes for $1 so your total spend is exactly $10

        • @taQ: Thanks for the heads up mate… now do we have a sale on boot camps too as I think I'm gonna need it after a few buckets of M&Ms

      • Always the way…

  • Are these the left overs from the Easter show LOL

  • +2

    If only OP had peanut-butter flavour (in buckets) …

  • +1

    saves going to vegas store to buy them! and they weren't cheap there too!

    • +2

      Vegas store was a massive rip off. Youd think itd be cheaper. I was there in Feb and the bad exchange rate made their prices even worse. Heads up for anyone going to Vegas and visit m$m world, street spruikers always hand out 15% discount vouchers out the front and close to the store, also, M&m places discount vouchers in many of the tourist rags they leave inside hotel rooms. I also noticed there was like a 2for1 special instore on products changing daily.- Which made their prices a bit better coupled with the 15% discount coupon

  • I might as well make use of those Big W vouchers I got for 7.5% off from the last Entertainment Book sale.

  • +1

    Great if you were buying m&m's anyway. But otherwise, I don't get it.

    I had the same feeling in the m&m's store in new york times square.. all their stuff looks like low quality cheap chinese stuff

  • +2

    Question is why would anyone waste $10 on overpriced chocolate just to get such a ridiculous pillow.

    • +11

      141 voters says otherwise

      • +2

        You just broke the first rule.

    • Kados You obviously havent gone on a crazy A bonkers mixups feast by the bucket load ……nom nom nom nom

      Oh and peanut mnm's are the best lan munchies going …… all that sugar overwhelms the body at 2 am to keep the fragfest going + all that cold pizza in the morning what more could you want …… Yep you guessed it an MnM's Cushion:-)

    • +1

      Look how cute these cushions are. I wish they had arms and legs, would look less like an egg.

    • +3

      Get in the bowl.

      • +3

        You get in the bowl

        • -Rubs butt on barcode scanner-

    • Because they taste awesome

  • One day left to go, I work in the city so Big W is close by, and the buckets are $10. My son has the M&M plane that dispenses M&Ms, he loves those guys.

    • They should be $9 tomorrow and interestingly enough the cushions haven't arrived yet

      • Im excited to get these, but there arent actually any Big W stores nearby, so i dont want to go all the way and find out that they havent got any in stock…

  • PogChamp

  • The day is here now. Have they arrived yet? Very excited about them!

    • The cushions have arrived only today. They look a bit small but they are definitely not badly made

      • Can you take some photos please :)

        • I will upload the photo on break but then it has to be a moderator to change the description because I don't have the privilege to do it now

        • @taQ: That's okay, you can post it in the comments for now haha.

        • +1
        • @taQ: You forgot the banana for scale but that's okay :P Cheers OP!

        • @ronnknee: lol. Since when is a banana the universal item for measurement?

          Ha. I'll just randomly whip put a banana out my pocket

        • @taQ: I'll just leave this here ;)

        • @taQ: Is that a banana in your pocket, or are you just happy?

  • Oh no, I bought a box of peanut m&m from woolworths $5.

  • Anyone bought any yet ? would like to see what these ones look like

  • Big W Carindale currently has the M&Ms (peanut) boxes for $5, not sure if it's a special but two of them is 800g+.

  • Cushion's haven't arrived at Brisbane Macarthur Central yet. Once you buy $10+ worth, they'll take your name and will contact you once the delivery arrives

  • -2

    Guess people will be trying to buy these and refund the M&M and keeping the pillow.

  • NOT FREE! Bought $20 worth of m&m and the cushions come up as 1c each… Shop attendant said it was normal and I didn't have enough cash to round down so I had to pay by card

    Otherwise, the cushions are top quality, DEFINITELY better than those typical China stuff you buy from Aliexpress. Worth the purchase if you're gonna get M&Ms anyway… even if you're not, it is still worth it :D Size-wise, they are bigger than I thought, too awks to take pictures in an office environment so I'll leave that up to OP

    Price Guide
    Minis Tube $1
    Crispy 340g $5
    Bucket (Peanut) 640g $9

    • I've got the pictures ready. Just have to wait for a moderator to edit my description

      • Can you confirm if they are supposed to be free or 1c?

    • NOT FREE! Bought $20 worth of m&m and the cushions come up as 1c each…

      Good to know but it's not a biggie considering it's only 1 cent.

      • +1

        That's definitely not the ozbargain spirit

    • Are you sure you have to pay 1c for each cushion? From what I can see from the flyer picture OP posted, it states "FREE cushion when you spend $10 on M&M". This means you'll never have to pay 1c for one cushion.

      Even though you have to pay, is that 1c rounds up to 0 if you pay in cash? I'm gonna go buy some today!


  • Price Guide from Canberra bigW (YMMV)

    M&Ms Minis Tube $1
    M&Ms Crispy 340g (bag) $5
    M&Ms Peanut 640g (bucket) $9

  • Any idea how many each store is getting? Wondering if I need to jet down now.

    • We got 5 boxes of 20. So 50 yellow and 50 reds

  • Is it one per $10 spend or limited to one per customer?

    • one per $10 spending, I bought $20 worth and got 2 cushions

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