Seems to be just discounted in their eBay store, was $529 before as posted by someone else. And it's free delivery!
PlayStation 4 Console + 3 Games (DriveClub, TLOUR, Bloodborne) - $479 @ Target eBay Store

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driveclub decent?
not bad. forza is just better!
yeah i know..
that's why I question the choice of the word decent..
Driveclub is too cheap now, cos it is in every bundle..
btw which better
forza or gran turismo?
I think now it is unfair to compare two generations games..
But I just prefer the way froza plays like. but for sure +1 for froza for the race replay.
those games are worth around 100$ combined, so making it around 379$ for the ps4 is a nice deal
Really! Wait awhile and will be waaaaaay cheaper. Happens every time. The games are worth nothing. Try and sell them once you've bought them and you'll agree. Now maybe 279 might be interesting.
That's in the ps3 price range. The ps4 costs more to produce even than 279. Yes the games aren't that great to be honest. Still a good deal, you could even resell that one for profit.
Aren't that great? You have two of the best games of all time in that bundle and a really good racing game, bundled for less than you can find the console for alone.
Sorry mate, you're probably right. I was thinking about resell value of the games. Yeah TLOU is freaking amazing. Am not that much into Drive club though. And haven't played bloodborne yet.
@holden93: I'm not even trying to sell mine lol. Would probably only get enough money to buy a tube of toothpaste out of it.
@holden93: son bought a ps4 bundle from target with 3 game about 2 months ago for 499 he kept only the one game little big planet 3 the other ones he sold on ebay drivers club for$20 and second son for $25
@holden93: "I'd buy that for a $1" (Robocop reference) - Seriously I was going to buy this game for quite a few Doll Hairs. Is it a pile of detritus ?
$279? When PS5 is out?
Good find OP
Big W is selling the xbox one fifa 15 bundle for $400 as part of their drop zone promotion. Which is a better deal?
Both are pretty equal. The 3 PS4 games are probably worth fifa + $70.
Depends on which console you want more.PS4 > XBox One :)
Is the Drop Zone promotion still available?
Yeah as far as i know. I was there on sunday. Its only advertised in store so ring to confirm if your store has stock.
Thanks Buddy. I picked up the FIFA bundle for $400. The last one they had.
just got a fifa 15 bundle for 400 two days ago. good deal.
Do you want to play Bloodborne?
Do you want to play Sunset Overdrive?
There's the only exclusives on the consoles. If you don't want either, don't get a next gen console.
i have an ebay 10% off max $50
do you reckon ill get it any cheaper then that?
makes it 431.10c
If I could get that price I would buy!
i got that too! It's an amazing price
Hi 5!Help a brother one?? :D
Where did you get that from?
i just logged into ebay and they gave it to me.I think its random or for accounts that arent very active as an incentive to buy
I'll be patient and wait for the white one.
Same here. No huge urge.
Ooph, you're killing me OP.
This deal, which is cheap and would be delivered by next week. Also has Driveclub, a game I'm quite keen on.
Or the BigW deal, which is $90 more, I can pick it up - in white - tomorrow, comes with MKX and The Order (lol cutscenes, lol QTE, lol it's short etc etc) which I'm both keen on, but doesn't have Driveclub.
Hmmm. /edit: Nah bugger it, I'm grabbing the BigW deal (or the EB deal with P/O Driveclub).
Dude I'm keen to negotiate a deal with you on the Drive club part.
As indicated elsewhere in this post, there's loads of cheap copies going of Driveclub so that's really not a factor. I personally wouldn't bother with The Order; If you didn't you could easily get MKX and DC for less than $90, which is less than what BigW sell it for, but then it obviously won't be with you tomorrow or in white.. up to you how much that really matters though. I would say this is a much better deal.
Haha I thought the White was Destiny exclusive but then I googled it and
Sony has clarified that the white PS4 will only be sold as a standalone product in Europe. Gamers in the United States will have to buy the Destiny bundle to get the console.
Don't forget further discount through cash rewards.
Good deal. DC, TLOU and BB are as good as games get for their respective genres imo, must haves.
Damn…literally bought the Big W one today.
In this instance, you snooze you win? :)
I'm so close to pulling a trigger on one of these deals. I do want white though. Now I get nervous of the slim version edging closer, mocking me.
This is the best PS4 deal in last 2 month solely because of BB.
argh…should i buy or should i not? Try to hold out for EOFY sale…
Personally, last two years of EOFY sales have just been abysmal… We get better sales during the year.
whether buy or not, you need to check out the last of us.
even just watch the walkthrough on youtube.
I will buy and play TLOU GOTY on the PS3 as soon as I can get it for $30. On current trends that will probably be in early 2018.
TLOU Remaster on PS4 runs at 1080p/60fps though, it's leaps and bounds better than the PS3 version.
Its the same game, so hardly leaps and bounds better. On my PC if I lower my resolution and vsync a game lower it doesn't change the game.
:P it does if your playing twitch games like CS or timing games like DDR :P turn that vsync off and play better!@FabMan: I use my consoles through a 24" pc monitor so it makes a big difference. If you play on a TV though I can see the argument of the resolution not making a huge difference. It is pretty much the best looking PS3 title released after all.
TLOU isn't a twitch game, but I get your point. Face to Face fighting games and FPS games are important when considering fps, 3rd person games aren't so much. Plus a steady 30 fps is preferable over constant swaying of fps also.
in 2018, I will play OML (only me left) :)
TLOU PS3 is 24 dollars at hardly normal
Have been tentative about buying one for the past 2 months or so, and in the end I always miss out on past deals.
Finally decided to pull the trigger early on this one! Copped one :)
Good deal. Tempted…but I'm not gonna bite just yet. Don't really have the time these days either (which is a sad reality of growing up) :P
Plus the old 12Gb PS3 is still going strong (touches wood) and I barely use that as it is.
I wish I enjoyed TLOU as much as everyone else, but it really didn't woo me like I thought it should have. Either way, Driveclub has been okay so far, the drift mechanics aren't good unfortunately but the graphics are great and the new massive update revamped a lot. Hope the release a deal like this in white!
Hi all,
The deal will not come in white unfortunately.
Just further to this post, the black console on its own is now $399 -…
nice one!
damn, looking for a cheap second console, but really want white… will keep waiting
bigw deal is pretty great, but not sure i want to go to the effort of selling off the games (already have them all except the order)
are there any other bundles out there like this one?…
i want the white console
Yah EBGames have one, though it is $598.…
Harvey Normal have a 'select your game' style bundle. It's value isn't as great as these or the Target ones, but if you are specific games in your bundle it may tickle your fancy more.…
Thanks but i'm only really after gta v or density in the bundle and those ones are a bit steep for $$.
Can you do pickup?
u can not just asked them on the phone… have to do it thru ebay
well i got it for 429 since i have a ebay coupon :)
damn, just logged in to buy one and they are out of stock :(
Gomo / boratsagdiyev - do you know whether more stock could be added?
Hi mate,
More have justt been added to the ebay site. You may want to get in quick however.
Thanks! Just picked up the bundle.
Will have to return the $399 console purchased yesterday to my local target store :)
Out of stock
Hi there,
This is now back in stock.
All gone again :)
Use ebay code: CHEERS and get extra 10% off, price becomes: $431.10
Does not work: "This redemption code is linked to another eBay account"
Any chance this bundle will be back in stock during this week? T
last 60 or so are back on now. Deal ends tomorrow arvo so you will need to be quick.
Got the last bundle! :D
Anyone know if you can organize to collect this in-store? I've seen people say they can with other eBay storefronts on previous deals.
Any more going on sale boratsagdiyev?
good price for 3 games + ps4 + delivery ! 3 decent games as well