Referrer and referee get $20 after referee's 1st purchase of $90+.
Win a Lenovo Y50 Gaming Laptop (Valued at $2,199ea) from Lenovo
Entry Requirements
This is actually the first time I've seen this comp myself. Looks good.
My code is 2DA55.
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closed Comments
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used yours, here is mine. 31CF2
thanks rosh, got an aegis off u
used yours
used yours :)
15B16 is next on offer@antheads: Used yours, mine is 73F50
Used yours
Mine is DF314@Michael15286:
Used yours
Mine is FDAB6@Vermin:
Used yours Vermin,
Mine is 801FDused yours,
here is mine. 78EA0@Michael15286: Used yours, mine is CBDA9
@antheads: ignore. Posted in reply to wrong comment
@antheads: used yours. Mine is F495A
@antheads: Used yours, 32713 is next
Used yours, mine is FBF62Used yours bao.
6A11C is mine.
26D8F is mine - Thanks in advance!
Useds yours
Mine is 895ADUsed yours.
Mine is 65E9EUsed yours.
Mine is A6FC2@liamtohmodnar:
Used yours mine is:
Used yours because NotBritishorUK used someone else's above (maybe delete your comment?)
My code: C60E2
Hi I used yours. Mine is 71708
Used yours SkyzoR
Mine is 9F0B3
Used yours omnipresent.
Mine is 1CBBB
Used yours omni. Sorry djEthen - clicked your link, but you didn't provide a code to enter.
In my case, if anyone feels to… You're supposed to click here: my code is is:
here is my code. 78EA0
1B463 is my code.
Used yours: @laughingwithu
Here is mine: B6096
Used yours noob999.
Here's mine: 969C4
Used yours lilkid28
Mine's D2A87
used yours chris.
Mine is D761B
Used yours Little Katie
Mine is AAE14
used, mine is CBDA9
-my code is 22297 , I used @Aminos's code , should come through as Tracy :)
used yours, mine is F295A
used yours cowiie , mine is 97945 cheers
sorry i think mine should be WINAY50 cheers
E7B7A <3
used yours
Used chronical176, here's my code thanks!
Tried to use yours Jasongood but wouldnt work :( so used Chronical176 mine is
Used yours
mine is
Used OP post
Mine's EDE70Thanks, mine is:
66B6DUsed, mine is 4D6CA
Used your code, mine's F833E
Used your code, here is mins: 0DC3A
Used yours. Mine is 82957
Used Jared17.
Mine is 0C7F4Used Flies
Here is mine> 18A70Used yours
Mine is 185d5
use this E5F0BUsed Keyane
Mine is 73042Used yours
Where do you the code, got an email but no code
Used 73042
Mine E5916Used: E5916
Mine: 14222Used yours bluechan
Mine: 44718Used yours fwiyono
Mine: 2B66DUsed dreamteam. Here is mine: DAB16
Used 721411's. Here is mine: A8B1D
Here is my code 10408
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@c0balt used yours. Mine's 85BD9