Government Considering GST on Overseas Purchases & Subscriptions (Netflix)

I'll let you make your own minds up on whether or not this is a good idea, but I have a feeling I already know……


  • +3

    There was one worrying comment posted on another site. "Guys, you need the read the white paper. What it is basically reporting is that the ATO monitors your bank accounts - as they already do. GST is then applied to any overseas made purchases including PayPal and foreign conversions. At the end of financial year 10per cent is applied to that figure and will form part of what you own in GST tax. No need to charge the company."

    If this is true, there will be almost no way to avoid having to pay these Liberal scumbags for every single payment made to an overseas entity, no matter how large or small a company. VPNs, usenet accounts, GreenMan Gaming, supplement sites, overseas Ebay purchases of used clothing, Wordery books, Amazon electricals, Steam, Asos, et al. And the GST would be on shipping costs as well as the cost of the goods.

    Question: How is our society different from a totalitarian regime? The government is spying in everything we do now, every IP we connect to, every bank transaction, every phone call. Totalitariansm is characterized by high, invasive surveillance of its citizens, just like modern Australia. The government has become the enemy. People need to vote for the LDP. They are the only true minimal government party in Australia.

    • +3

      How about overseas travel related expenses? I used my credit card to book a hotel overseas (10% GST), buy food while overseas (10% GST). That would be quite unfair, considering the overseas countries would also have their own GST (or state tax).

    • You have got to be joking. You cannot take that seriously.
      The ATO gets a report from the bank that states how much interest you have earnt so they can tax you appropriately. That is it.
      You can have your views on the GST but to spread crap like that is nonsense.

      And in case you are wondering, there are many reasons why the above is wrong.
      I fear for the level of intelligence here on ozb.

    • People need to vote for the LDP.

      Never heard of them !
      Had to Google LDP.

      Minority crack pot parties are not the answer

      • The Liberal Democratic Party definitely are not a crackpot, single issue party like, say, a marijuana legalization party. They have a wide ranging, minimal government ideology. If you read just their webpage you would understand this. You might despise their views (they are anti-welfare for instance), but to them them crackpot is definitely wrong. Do you class the Greens as a crackpot party? They have 9% of the vote and a basically the ALP far left. They even have a few lower house seats. All the 'liberal' elites seem to be voting for them.

        Some European countries, and Israel, have been governed by coalitions of small parties. The ALP and LNP don't represent everyone, and on a lot of issues now have identical views. Both want to turn our country into an overpopulated dump, for instance. Both support spying on the populace (they both voted for metadata retention and have extended ASIO powers so they can monitor an unlimited number of computers in Australia).

        • I consider the Greens a crackpot party!

    • +2

      People need to vote for the LDP.

      The LDP is perhaps the most right-wing party which has a seat in parliament right now - a party obsessed with lowering taxes at the expense of the welfare and future of society at large and, in my opinion, the party with a very selfish ideology.

      Small government does not mean selfishness. Small government means one that does not spend where it does not need to spend, that it minimises waste, inefficiencies and unnecessary ventures (i.e. ones better served in the private sector) in order to give the most value to its people.

      The LDP is a party which is obsessed with personal liberty at the expense of others' welfare. Let's have a look at some of the LDP policies which I think are particularly unfair. This comes straight from their website.

      The LDP advocates an immediate end to government ownership of business enterprises including the ABC, SBS, Australia Post, Medibank Private, electricity generation and public transport services.

      What this means is that genuinely good government services such as the ABC and SBS, which are both assets to Australians in general, are being privatised and will end up controlled by media moguls. It also means that state and federal assets which have been built up with taxpayer money are being sold off with no regards to its income generating potential and whether doing so has a negative impact on the prices and quality of services provided. This sort of "blanket policy" is very dangerous.

      The LDP does not believe in either subsidising or unfairly taxing any particular source of energy, including nuclear.

      So no more solar rebates which has genuinely convinced many people to switch to using solar electricity especially in climates where it is a very practical means of electricity that is much better for the environment then coal. By this policy, we'll all go back to using the cheapest and dirtiest source of energy - i.e. brown coal.

      The LDP regards the right to own firearms for sport, hunting, collecting and self-defence as fundamental to a free society.

      This is against the statistics which have shown a decrease in firearm related homicides and crime since firearm regulations were put in place in Australia. This policy will see us become more like the US, where mass murders and shootings take place on almost a monthly basis. Gun control in Australia is good for the general public and the statistics show that.

      The LDP believes government foreign aid, other than short term humanitarian relief, should cease.

      Fair enough, but seriously though, how selfish. Foreign aid isn't just about throwing money away, it's about giving money to those who are in need and building and fostering relationships between countries in our region so that we can work together towards common goals. For example, PNG and Australia on immigration policy at the moment.

      The Liberal Democrats will deregulate and privatise higher education, while retaining loans for tuition fees.

      Rubbish. Privatise universities? We'll end up with a system like the US where we pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in order to go to university. Fee deregulation is bad enough, but privatisation is ludicrous. That would be the end of the very fair system we have in place now where your ability to go to university is mostly based on merit - under a system like this proposed, whether you go to university or not depends on how deep your pockets are.

      The Liberal Democrats believe that inflation is taxation by stealth, that the Reserve Bank should be more accountable, and that banks should be free to fail.

      …and take people's deposits with them, causing widespread panic, "bank rushes" (where people withdraw all money), causing a shortage in liquidity, drying up the money supply and generally causing even more problems. (Doesn't tell the full story).

      The LDP believes school regulation should be devolved to state level and funded through school vouchers that promote competition between schools and encourage parental choice.

      Really? School vouchers?

      The LDP is neither pro-smoking nor anti-smoking; it is pro-choice.

      Except people can't choose to not passive smoke.

      So yes, this mob is actually the most right-wing and radical mob in parliament. If they ever get a majority or if people started voting for them in droves, that would be the end of a fair and equal Australia. I'd rather vote for Palmer than the LDP, that's for sure, at least Palmer has the sense to block ridiculous policies such as university fee deregulation.

    • So if this were to happen How would you avoid this? I refuse to pay anymore to these hypocritical scumbags, There has to be away around it, simply charging extra is not ethical. They have always been trying to charge more and give less to the society, have they not charged us enough? Enough is enough already.

      • Nothing you could do about it. i had to cop it in the neck when Rudd and Gillard were in power wasting my taxes on hair brained madness, spending like a drunken sailor. Welcome to the joys of democracy!

  • but I have a feeling I already know…

    Thanks TA

  • Is it worth it to get unblock us plus US account?
    I'm hooked to Netflix after trialling the OZ sites and would like to know more.

    • It's just under AU$15 if you pay monthly for both. Unblockus recently had a $10 off the US$49.90 if you prepaid for the year and you can also set up VPN through them. I've only set the VPN up in the last few days so not sure how good it is but it didn't cost anything I just set it up through my current account settings with them.

    • Just use the AU account and use Unblock-us to access other country's services. On the weekend I watched something in the UK, then jumped to the US then back to Australia to watch Daredevil.

      Netflix accounts aren't region specific beyond how much you pay. The type of content you get served is dependent on the country you are accessing netflix.

      But if you really want to be an Ozbargainer you should join which ever Netflix country is the cheapest (I have no idea which one that is).

    • +1

      Just use Hola extension on Chrome browser. It's free.

      • Or firefox

  • I think Tony Abbott has sculled too many schooners!

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