Quick Robot Survey for a Student!

Hi Guys!
Long time lurker and always interested in what I read but I need your help with a research project!

I am doing a research project on how people perceive robots and how best to design a new robotic trash bin to help society problem with litter.If you guys could help me fill out this quick survey about robots it would be greatly appreciated and help a student finish his studies and become a worker like the rest of you!


Sorry if this is in the wrong section but i thought it might be relevant to education.

Thanks again guys!


  • Done.

  • Done…. I Love robots! =D

  • Would you pick up litter if asked by the following?

    Do you mean litter that I've dropped (which I don't do), or some random piece of litter dropped by someone else?

    • I took it to mean any litter.

      • Surely in this technological age, any decent robot would be capable of 'picking up' litter itself (within reason of course)?

        If a robot told me to pick up someone else's litter I'd probably tell the robot to get f****d. Then after the robot had racked off I'd probably pick it up anyway, but the point is, I don't reckon peeps would take too kindly to being ordered about by a robot! Unless maybe it was one of those 'hot chick'-type robots like in that wacko documentary occasionally aired late at night on SBS…

        [did the survey btw OP, and best of luck with your studies :)]

        • Hubots? Nah, that wasn't a documentary.

        • +1

          I'd probably tell the robot to get f****d

          You have to be careful what you say to robots, they can be rather literal.

        • @pjetson:
          Well to be honest, for one of those "example robots" that we're asked to rate (re 'likelihood to obey' or sommat like that) in the survey, I might be inclined to be asking the robot about such things, rather than swearing at it…

    • Pretty much any litter you dropped or just walking by

      • A good point has emerged here seal; so well done on the research front! That particular question is majorly flawed, because it's not at all clear whether it is referring to litter that other people have dropped, or litter that the survey respondent has dropped. And these, of course, are completely different scenarios. Re your reply:

        "… any litter you dropped or just walking by"

        This actually makes no logical sense in the context of your survey, because the two different scenarios (picking up after someone else vs. being 'caught' littering yourself and being prompted to atone for your sin by picking it up/binning it) are completely unrelated/different.

        So for example, the survey asks whether I would obey a cop if they told me to pick up litter. I answered "no", because a cop has no right to order me to pick up someone else's litter. But the situation is entirely different if the cop has 'caught' me littering, and orders me to pick it up. Which of course the cop has every right to do (as you know, they could even fine me as well, etc.; totally different situation). So the wording of that question is inherently flawed.

        • +1

          For this reason I answered 'maybe' to all of those questions.

          Also, if a copy asked me to pick up someone else litter, depending on the circumstances (e.g. if he's polite and it's closer to me etc.), I would likely do it. However, if someone else litters near me and the cop asks me to pick it up instead of the person who dropped it, I likely wouldn't.

        • It does bring up a very interesting point of research in social behaviour but it is a bit out of my scope for my current research project. It would be very interesting to see further into the mind of people littering and how we can help deter it.

          I admit it was a flawed question but it was meant to relaxed and just a gauge of how people would react to it compared to a robot so if the same perception was kept through the question it would provide an accurate response regardless of if they took it as being caught or told to pick up a randoms.

          Thanks for bringing up an interesting topic!

        • @Evil-Elmo:

          Yes, the word "maybe" works here. Perfect!

  • Done

  • Completed. Best of luck.

  • Thanks for all teh responses so far!

  • Done

  • Done..

  • +1

    Completed. When do I receive my free robot?

  • Can't you make it look like Push the talking trash can… except fully automated?


    I loved that thing when I visited Disney as a kid for the first time.

  • Thanks for all the new responses!

  • Nice plan. Wish you all the best!

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