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Latest Supermarket Specials [IGA/Tasman Meats]


Savings over $5 this week are tabled below.

Item Name Supermarket Special Price Saving
Coca-Cola 18x375ml IGA (VIC) 9.99 $12.35
Coca-Cola 18x375ml IGA (QLD) 10.69 $11.95
Coca-Cola 18x375ml IGA (NSW) $10.69 $10.69
Coca-Cola 18x375ml IGA (WA) $10.69 $10.69
Coca-Cola 18x375ml IGA X-Press (VIC) $9.99 $9.99
Kleenex Cottonelle Toilet Rolls 48pk IGA (VIC) $17.99 $9.46
Vanish Napisan Oxi Action Intelligence Powder Laundry Soaker 2kg IGA (NSW) $7.99 $7.99
Morning Fresh Auto Dishwashing Caps 24pk IGA (NSW) $7.99 $7.99
Schweppes Pepsi Max 375ml Cans 24pack IGA (NSW) $10.99 $7.33
Australian Leg Ham (kg) IGA (QLD) $11.99 $7.00
Bertolli Olive Oil 1L IGA (VIC) $8.99 $6.96
Australian Beef T-Bone Steak (kg) IGA (VIC) $16.95 $6.04
Australian Beef T-Bone Steak (kg) IGA (SA) $16.99 $6.01
Beef Rump Steak Tasman Meats $10.99 $6.00
Australian Pork Scotch Fillet Steaks (kg) IGA (QLD) $11.99 $6.00
Garnier Fructis Shampoo or Conditioner 700ml IGA (WA) $5.97 $5.97
TREsemme Shampoo or Conditioner 750-900ml IGA (VIC) $4.99 $5.50
Twinings Tea 100 Bags IGA (SA) $5.35 $5.35
Twinings Tea 100 Bags IGA X-Press (VIC) $5.25 $5.25
Twinings Tea 100 Bags IGA (VIC) $5.35 $5.25
Nescafe Gold 190-200g IGA (VIC) $12.99 $5.00
Beef Rump Steak IGA (QLD) $10.00 $5.00

If you have an iPhone, you can download the app to see ALL specials.

This data has been extracted from our new iPhone app that allows you to have ALL supermarket specials at your fingertips.

With Trolley Saver's INTELLIGENT shopping list, you can take advantage of specials without even looking!

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closed Comments

  • +11

    You really need to take a look at how these have been done before you.

    • We like savings of under $5 (ie Cadbury bars 99c off represent a 50% saving)
    • We like to know what percentage we are saving
    • We like it in order or above percentage saving

    Just having amount saved isn't a great decider.

    • +2

      We may like, but that doesn't mean the OP has to do it that way :)

      • +1

        I read somewhere that humans are hardwired to prefer percentage discounts - i.e. we think $1 off a $2 item is awesome, but $10 off a $1,000 item is nothing. But one discount saves you only $1 and the other saves you $10. Logically the bigger discount (in absolute terms) should be more appealing, but it isn't. Weird.

        • +4

          Huh? If I buy 1000 $2 items, I save $1000! $10 is nada

      • +2

        But now the OP has posted this, posts like the ones by My Groceries can't be put up otherwise it's a dupe, despite having more information in them.

        • +2

          Won't be a dupe as this post does not have any savings under $5. MyGroceries can still come to the rescue!

    • +1

      Despite the title and the majority of information contained in the offering, the real alleged deal is the free iPhone app. Its so close to SPAM, it seems pointless to decide what side its on. But technically it appears to be a legit deal, for an app.

      I can say the 24x375 cans of Coke @ Woolies were $19.XX tonight.

  • +4

    Tell 'em the price son!

    • +1

      I agree. Without the regular price to compare against, this list means little. Sorted by percentage saving would be ideal, like the other lists on this forum.

    • Tell 'em the price son!

      You need to install their app for that!

  • +4

    That's an easy fix. I'll get the percentages up also =)

    Thanks for the heads-up

    • +3

      The actual selling prices would be most valuable - many of us know the thresholds of key products

      • +2

        60c per can for coca-cola (unless coupon stacking). 25c per tab of Finish Quantum Tablets.

        Percentage savings could be off a jacked up price. Actual sale price is best, percentage saving is informative for beginners.

    • +2

      Sorry Op, but without the before & after pricing, this is a pretty useless post.

      Saving $8 off
      "MSA Australian Beef Porterhouse Steak" & "Australian Beef Fillet Steak"
      Isn't much chop if it's down from $40/kg.

    • easy fix

      Nearly 3 hours later…

  • +5

    Missing actual selling prices. Lazy post. Just basically an advertisement for this guys own web site.

    • +9

      Noted. I'll re-jig the data to include all of those requested.

      You're somewhat correct. It is an advertisement for my site but my intention was to return the favour by adding value through information. I missed the mark but will take on board all the feedback to provide the info that is valuable

      • -2

        You're somewhat correct. It is an advertisement for my site

        Try the Yellow Pages.

        • How is posting a deal, as a representative or associated user, not an advertisement? Doesn't mean it can't be of use to the community as a whole.

  • +4

    Loaded the app. Saw the need to logon. Instantly deleted it.

    • +1

      Thanks mate
      Saved me 5 minutes of my life. Why would a grocery pricing app need a username and password.
      Beats me !!

    • OP - Why would an app like this need a logon? I won't be downloading it either.

      • Logon was asked for by the early users because there is an ability to set a 4-digit pass code to enter the app and email is required to communicate reset passwords - some users wanted a 4-digit pin code to enter because the app can help you track your grocery expenditure too.

        I take your points that it probably isn't required so I will seek to remove it from later versions and instead have it optional if specific app functions are used.

        Thank you for the feedback

    • Suggest to OP that the app uses the appleID to remember user info

      • +1

        Great point! I'll discuss with the Dev team.

        Thanks! :)

  • +3

    App Feedback:

    • Scan my receipts? Why would I want to do that when I have digital receipts for online orders in my email and could fwd them or your app could read my inbox.
    • "Chunk" loading of all specials is very slow, add a button which allows them all to be loaded at once -and- ideally a setting to load without images.
    • Specials appear unordered and random (within categories).
    • Duplicate items in specials (eg. Nestle Block Chocolate, Starburst confectionery bags)
    • Can't continue scrolling until "Item added to shopping list" disappears from the top of the screen.
    • Belvita Breakfast Cranberry Biscuirts?
    • "Let's Shop" is broken, red (empty) banner and "no location found" when tapping map icon.
    • +1

      Hi Lukian

      Thanks for the feedback. Those are points that we are working on and we intend to release version 1.1 within the next week.

      Re your last point, if you go to the SETTINGS screen you can set up your 'home' location (i.e. the location you most frequently shop from) as well as the distance you're willing to travel. Supermarkets within this radius will be searched. Pressing the Let's Shop button will tell you the savings by supermarket.

      Please let me know if this error still occurs after setting a HOME location in settings. [email protected]


      • Email sent.

  • +2

    I don't usually neg but this is pretty useless and the regular My Groceries post is so useful.

    • But we are not voting if other posts are better or worse than My Groceries, are we? Maybe just upvote My groceries posts instead?

    • The prices are there now.

  • I need to know cost per item

  • +3

    I fail to see where the deal is.
    No prices listed.
    All I see is blatant advertising for some pos app.

    • The prices are there now.

  • Not a very useful post without the prices, OP.

  • Prices intentionally withheld to try and bait us into installing the app. Rep even admits this was just an advertisement. 13 hours later and prices of the products still not provided.

    • -1

      The prices are there now, neg is a bit harsh I think. OP is trying their best it seems, give them a fair go I say.

  • -1

    Any ideas why Coca-Cola 18x375ml is cheaper in VIC?

    • I have no idea =S

      Would love to know the answer too!

  • -1

    Thanks for the updated list, OP.

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