Looks like Boost Mobile has made the 500MB online recharge bonus permanent; plus 1GB of data to be used every Sunday!
Looks like Boost Mobile has made the 500MB online recharge bonus permanent; plus 1GB of data to be used every Sunday!
a deal for existing boost mobile users, plus it is FREE data on Sunday
deals are normally something with and end such as the ebay sale going on. since this does not have an end date it means this is the NOW standard pricing.
But as a boost customer this is still awesome but still not really a deal.
Alas plenty of these kinds of announcements make it through as deals these days. Apparently people don't read the forums so want them listed on the main page.
You might like to read this comment from the Moderator in other post. I think its very similar scenario.
@mihiroffer: That is completely different.
this isn't a paid item becoming fully free this is a change of a current prepaid offer.
Boost calls it a bonus but i bet they have included the cost into the $40 as they certainly wouldn't just give something away loosing them money.
Holden93 is correct, especially if a person accounts for the fact that Boost has raised the price and lowered the data since they "coerced" us away from Kogan Mobile.
Though I'd seen this already, I appreciate someone taking the time to post the info. That said, this thread belongs in the forums - it's not a deal.
I agree, this is not a deal.. Its good news for boost customers i guess? but good news is about all that it is
So the Telstra data one was a deal? Hypocrisy.
No and i didnt say it was nor even seen that till now.
lol a prepaid deal.
I was trying to find an app for Boost, but cant seem to find anything. Im currently on Telstra prepaid, but think the drop to 3G wont affect me that much, but do you have to setup auto recharge or is there an app that i can use etc like Telstras one.
auto recharge is an option :)
Can you do this with an app? or is it like DD?
DD - like my women
Dayum (said both ways)… so if i run out of the 100 minutes i cant automatically spend another $20 to upgrade to get another 100 minutes?
Also the $10 addon doesnt provide any information to how much talk you get? I might have to call them.
@XCelR8: I don't know these answers, but I do know that it is VERY simple to recharge over the phone using just typing in your numbers etc on your phone.,
Also, if you do run out of credit, you can still receive calls without any cost
You can also dial #111# on Boost to get a range if info + to recharge
Its similar to dialing #101# on Telstra
Sunday Data:
500MB for the $20 Ultra recharge.
1GB for the $40 Unlimited recharge.
I assume you must use this all on Sunday, at the end of the day being void?
Edit: Just refreshed and saw the post below me..
Top Deal… Lucky I'm already a Boost customer :)
Just for clarification - From FAQ's - extra 1G Sundays is only for use on that Sunday! :
What is BONUS DATA SUNDAYS and how do I get up to 8GB of data?
Introducing BONUS DATA SUNDAYS on $40 UNLTD SIM starter pack and recharge. From 31 March 2015, we are offering bonus 1GB of data for use each Sunday, every week! As there can be 5 Sundays in a month, you can get up to an additional 5GB of bonus data. This Bonus data must be consumed on that Sunday. Unused data also doesn't roll over. Together with 3GB of data for use within 30 days, you can get up to 8GB in some months.
good to know anyway.
competitions seem to get lessen after the Kogan's saga …
Does Boost work on Telstra pre-paid mobiles?
Can't really see what they are offering.
If I use 500mb during the week and on Sunday use 500mb is my usage 1gb or 500mb.
I'm unsure of the word BONUS.
There's now a Mon-Sat quota and a separate Sun quota (which if exceeded starts using up the 'regular' Mon-Sat quota.)
So the answer is 'yes'.
I'm lucky enough to have 4g as opposed to 3g for some odd reason. Speed test confirms I'm getting 4g speeds, but I did change the APN on my phone settings, would this be the reason I get 4g speeds. Can anyone confirm why. Either way this is awesome and good news
I'm on boost what did you change your apn setting to?
how please?
It's probably HSPDA+ I get that too..
You are just getting really good 3g speeds.
I just did a speed test on boost and got only 18mbps full reception.
no where near 4g speed.
Changed apn settings too (telstra.internet) as opposed to previous settings which were boost. Wap I think and I seem to be getting impressive speeds like 79.48Mbps upload and 34.69 Mbps download with 29ms ping time. Cause with speeds like that on 3g I'm mighty impressed
thanks heaps :)
Thank you - yes the previous APN was telstra.wap - swapped it over and seems to be quicker
Now if only i could find a usage meter that can deal with such an arrangement I might be able to make use of it. :D
Also brace yourself for another 4-5 junk SMS per month :p
I read the deal as 'Boost juice', it comes with data now. Am I the only one? lol
Thanks OP!
Gonna make sure I reset my data usage every Sunday morning and "milk em" ;)
This looks at best like 7/6 & = a 16% loading; against the original, IMHO superior 40%! it only seeks to mimic @vodafone 7-Feb/15.
reset my data usage every Sunday morning and "milk em"
but how, pray tell, would this be achieved .. unless there's a 30gb- I may have missed ? Routine for those on Vodafone,BTW Since February that is.. . aka Real deal. 4gig is but minimal.
Not exactly a deal.