This was posted 9 years 11 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

3 Months Free Streaming TV & Movies from Presto Via Telstra


UPDATE: See this comment. Presto has changed the free months to 3 (instead of 6).

Telstra are giving T-Box customers 6 months of free Presto - but it's just a coupon code so can't see why it wouldn't work for everyone.

Make sure you access it through - fill in your details, confirm your email address, then choose the $14.99 a month plan and apply the coupon code in the box below it and it will give you 6 months 3 months of free Presto.

Presto has it's flaws, the catalogue is a bit average especially for TV - I think Netflix and Stan are better, but it's pretty great for free.

You've got until June 30 to take up the offer and you do need to provide credit card details - just make sure you cancel before the trial is up if you don't want to be charged.


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closed Comments

  • +5

    anyone got a 12 Months Free coupon?
    because it looks like we are on a roll…..

    • +3

      im waiting for the 24 months one

      • +6

        Nah Lifetime…. though given the competition from Netflix lifetime might now be less than 24 months…

    • It's a triack don't do it, once you've started you won't stop, the movie addiction will consume you!

  • try TEL615 and TEL715 ?

    • +4

      TEL615 - 3 months
      TEL715 - Your promo code was not recognised

  • Payment Details

    Payment today will only be $0.00. Presto on any mobile network & on any non-Telstra home broadband service will incur data charges. Using Presto on a Telstra Home Broadband connection won’t count towards your data allowance but data charges will be incurred with other home broadband providers.

    Seems they may check to see if you are watching over a Non telstra connection.

    Who wants to take a chance?

    • +4

      Nah that's just saying if you're using Telstra home broadband, your bandwidth isn't counted. Other ISPs,Telstra mobile, Tesltra business, the data will count.

      • I really should learn to read it properly. I missed the DATA word in it.

    • The other way. Telstra does not charge if you connect to presto. The other Internet provider will data transfer charges for MB transferred. If you are on an unlimited plan … no problem.

      • So if I bought a telstra prepaid sim and it only costs $2, unlimited free presto? You would be using a Telstra product after all and shouldn't take data.

        • Mobile networks are not exempt, even Telstra's

  • +24

    Soon they'll be giving away for free & just using advertising revenue to fund it.
    Then later on they can have a separate premium subscriber service which gets the content 1-3yrs ahead, but Ad free. Then they'll start putting ads on the premium service & offering a new ultra premium service which will stream 4k video.

    No one has ever thought of that model before!

    • +2

      Hopefully foxtel will be dead by then.

      • +1


        Most people with foxtel watch sports

        • +7

          So that those poor people (like me) aernt forced into paying $88 a month to get the basic package and sport or whatever outrageous amount they charge just to watch sports like AFL which is simply due to the fact there is no competition. Bring on this competition and keep forcing those prices down instead of gouging us as hard as possible

        • @Sira:

          It's $25 per month for the basic package, $50 with sports. Hardly breaks the bank.

        • @dazzywazzy:

          The problem is if you want anything else other than basic you're forced to have sport ☹

        • @viggenn:

          Ture, except you can get Basic + Drama which doesn't require sport :)

        • @Sira:

          Actually with sports its $45 per month

      • I agree they charge a packet and give you less channels than what they used to…

  • Have to use CC, no thanks.

    • +2

      Set yourself a reminder on your phone or something to cancel in 6 months time before they bill you.

      • +3

        Yeah, my CC will expire soon anyway … lol ..

        Account created thanks.

        BTW, Presto support chromecast I assume, right??

        • +5

          I've found that recurring charges are still honoured even past expiry unless the CC is blocked (reported stolen etc). Citibank at least.

        • @LoopyLou:

          I am not sure but during signup it asked for the 3 digital security code which it will be difference on the new card.

          Of course to be safe go and cancel it before expire.

        • Sure does, the app (on Android) isn't too bad either

      • Or just use the method I posted, risk free!

        • Changed to the one you generated, all good.


        • +1

          what was the method?

        • @Larz128: wondering the same thing. Would love a PM with the details.

        • @Larz128:

          If you scroll down you can see those posts got removed just some kind of code generator you should know what I mean Google it yourself.

    • You must have a debit Master or Visa card lying around from one of the other bank deals hey?

    • -3

      how did you do that, any code word ? cheers :-)

      • +1

        Just enter the coupon code above.

  • Thanks OP :)

  • +1

    I put in a credit card that expires in 2 months, just in case I forget about this.

  • +3

    I had already used a previous code to get 1 month free.

    So, I parked that account, and created a new one with the code TEL515 (different email address).

    It works for 6 months. Brilliant tip.

    By the way, for the person talking about Presto monitoring which network you are connecting from.
    They only refer to data charges from that network, not from Presto itself.

    • Did the same thing. thanks OP.

    • Not necessary. You can simply delete your existing account (bottom of the "my account" settings) and re-create the account again.

  • That code worked OK. Telstra only offered 3 months of presto when I activated a new sim. We'll see how this goes.

  • Thanks OP.

  • Its good they offering good promo but they gotta have HD or 4K! transferring 4K on Netflix is sucking up 35GB a day :\

  • -1

    If i sign up and cancel after 3 months, does my service cancel from then or do I get to keep what i've "paid" for and stay for 6 months? As I'm writing it i'm thinking it'll cancel straight away..

    • It doesn't end early if you cancel.

      • So I could technically sign up, then cancel after 2 days and I would keep the 6 months? Without any threat of being charged after the 6 months?

        • I don't think so, if you cancel it now it will work until that month.

  • anybody know if you can stack the coupon codes?

    • Wow, you stole my avatar?

      not cool >_>

      • <3 had it for years lol

        • Year*. December '13……….

          copycat >:(

        • @thedude23:

          Not just on here lol >.<

          Been using it since I thought it was the best thing ever as a teen lol like 2007

  • Worked a treat, thanks

    The promo code you have entered is not valid. Please check your code and try again. If the error persists, please contact your promotional code provider.

    • ozbargained?

    • -1

      Worked for me first time just now :)

    • This is what i'm getting. none of the above mentioned codes are working… :(

  • +2

    Jeez the android app does not have very favourable reviews. For some reason there's a separate app for phones and tablets. I guess their devs don't understand android very well…
    Signed up, not expecting big things…

    • Nexus 5 not supported :/

      • +1

        Nexus 6 not supported

        • +1

          That's really weird. It installed and worked fine on my rooted Asus TF300T tablet. Why they would support that and not Nexus is confusing…

  • Worked for me, thanks!

  • +2

    OMG the selection and video quality is so much worse than Netflix!! Glad I pad for Netflix and not for this…Foxtel has lots of work to do IMO

    • +3

      You paid for Netflix? :)

      • +5

        Some of us have been using it (paying for it) for a long time already.

      • +1

        Im using the free trial but next month I will begin paying! It's worth it, convenient and good quality!

  • Worked for me too, thanks!

  • +3

    No subtitle on any Australia streaming service like Quicklix, Presto. What an ignorance, totally not friendly to non-native English watchers.

    Netlix not only support English but also several other languages.

    • +3

      That is why we sign up only because it is free.

      • Agree, We can think that we have free movies instead of free premium streaming service.

    • Another reason why DRM sucks. If they let you download the movies and use your own player, you could easily obtain subtitles.

    • How can I add the subtitle, can't find any way, thanks.

      • There aren't any

    • +2

      It's pretty shocking that they can't implement this. I live with a housemate with a hearing impairment and this service is absolutely useless. Guess we'll stick with subtitled WEB-DL torrents till they pick up their game.

      On the quality front, there's no way that Presto will survive with sub-par SD streaming whilst Netflix offers up 4K. At this stage, Presto is barely worth it at 6 months free. I won't be paying unless something changes.

      • Yes, disappointed that they don't offer HD, HD TV's have been out for many years now. With prices coming down all the time many people would have HD capable sets nowadays and yet all we seem to get offered from these broadcasters is SD quality(free to air is mostly SD, foxtel play is SD presto SD etc etc).

      • +1

        Not to mention I can get quickflix and Netflix on my dad's bravia TV and also on my ps4. I can't get presto on anything other than browser, apparently my phone is an unsupported device so the only way to get it on any of the TV's in our house is to hook a computer up? Wtf? They are not even trying to compete…

  • Thank you OP!

    6 Month freebie for me :)

  • so on what date should I cancel? August 25th???

    • I think you can cancel anytime within your 6th month and the service will continue until the end of that period.

      • end of that period as in full 6 months? So I could cancel after 1 week?

  • I think they're wising up, I haven't gotten my confirmation email. Anyone else not?

    :EDIT: Just came through as I posted.

  • Personally I don't think it's worth the effort

    But thanks for posting :)

    • -1

      Not much effort.. took 2 minutes all together, put in a fake credit card, i get 6 months ($90 worth) for free and they have modern family etc! Can't see how that's not worth the effort :)

      • My reasons, crap library and not HD quality content. Tried it for a month before. Stick to the obvious better choices.

  • thanks op

  • Nice, thanks.

  • +2

    Thanks OP. Used a Virtual Visa i got from Yumtable promo.

    Now i dont have to remember to cancel lol

    • speaking of which, I only managed to spend that the other day… because you can only use it for something that's $5 or less and it has to be done over the phone or the internet, I realised you can get a woolworths or coles electronic gift card.

  • +2

    OMG, Presto's video quality seems very low resolution compared to Netflix…..or is that just me?

    • +9

      All content on Presto is delivered in SD (so sub 720p). There is no HD content.

      Between the shit quality, no subtitles, and lame library, I don't even think I'll bite at the price of free. Good find though.

      • +7

        No wonder, looks like i'm watching an AVI file from the 90's. Awful on anything bigger than a phone.

        Surely this company can't last another 6 months?

    • +2

      Presto wont say, but googling around, it looks like it maxes out at about 480p, with a varying bit rate. So not even HD.

      So phones and smaller tablets only. Absolutely not worth anyone's time, even if it's free, for viewing on your TV or even laptop. It's best quality is significantly worse than DVD on non-tiny screens.…

    • all of us,

  • +2

    Does anyone know why I can't unlock R Rated content for myself? I'm over 18 obviously but can't unlock R18+.

    • +1
    • Worked but same issue with me. Great post OP!

    • +2

      from their faQ's

      Just to clarify, as a Presto account holder, you are able to access every piece of content on the service, but for those rated higher (which in turn have restricted access), you'll need a PIN to access these. This is designed to ensure that if you're sharing your account with younger members of your family,that they'll not be easily able to access mature content by simply clicking to view.

      You can still view content with any rating on the service, but in the cases of higher rated mature content will need to enter your Presto Account PIN.

      • Can anyone even find a R+ rated movie on Presto?
        Tried several I know of, none listed

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