• expired

Belong ADSL2+ No Contract - 500GB $80 P/Month (or 100GB $70 P/Month) + $60 Modem


Hi guys, long time lurker first time posting:

Had an issue checking my usage at Belong and customer service informed me it was because they had just increased their data allowance.

Regular plan went from 70GB to 100Gb for $70
Large plan went from 250 to 500Gb for $80

This seems to be for new and current customers.

I went through their joining page and it seems like installation is still free.

There used to be a $10 modem offer, that has gone up to $60, but there is a 6 Month Contract option where you get $10 off per month on your first 6 months.

Also, if you are lucky you could have almost a full month for free. I got connected on the 11th of March but won't be billed for the month.

Referral Links

Belong (Mobile): random (299)

Referral for Belong mobile only. Referrer will receive $20 credit. Referee will receive $20 off next (2nd) payment.

Belong Broadband: random (31)

Referral for Belong Broadband only: Referrer will receive $20 credit. Referee will receive $20 off next (2nd) payment.

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closed Comments

  • +13

    Wow these are some of the worst prices I have seen for many years
    Is this only good for free connection and no contract AND THEN YOU CHURN?

    • this is "belong" to bad deal section

      • Yea sure it's a bit more expensive, but better than smashing your head against a wall for exetel/others crawl speeds at night.

  • Clubtelco $40.00 unlimited …all this changes with the nbn ,adsl will be history.

    • and $60 for regional + $80 membership fee per year. Try exetel also for $60 unlimited regional, $50 for 500GB. Take $10 off for non-regional. 12 month contract though

      • -2

        You've got it the wrong way around. It's $60 unlimited including phone or $50 for 500GB including phone but an extra $20 for regional.

        • +1

          Are you talking about exetel? Regional unlimited is $60 add $20 for line rental. Metro unlimited is $50 add $20 for line rental.

    • No contract with clubtelco

    • all this changes with the nbn

      yeah, maybe in 5 or 6 years…

      our suburb is not even on the list to get NBN, so we'll probalby be the last to get it.

      • +1

        5 or 6 years?

        Unless development has already started in your area that's optimistic.

        • I'm getting around 35Mbps on cable, so I won't hold my breath for NBN…

  • +1

    These include phone as well, so they seem pretty reasonable to me

    • Yeh, $20/month less for no phone.. Decent prices, but nothing overly special.

  • +1

    Terrible prices, go with an unlimited ISP instead. Plenty of cheaper deals out there.

    • -5

      Some people prefer quality over quantity though….

      In saying that, I'm not with Belong (I'm with Internode).

      • +1

        It's a nice phrase until your speed gets reduced to a crawl because you are over your limit

        • Better than being at a crawl for most of the month from most of the 'unlimited' ISP's ;-)

          Not all of us want to try and backup the internet every month either.

  • when they started, the $60/mth for 250gb is reasonable considering it's telstra backend and included line connection which can be very expensive with other ISPs.

    bad deal now.

  • This is good for areas where Telstra is the one and only company they can sign up with.

    in metro areas, we're spoiled for choice.

  • This deal doesn't really make me want to 'belong'

  • +1

    Rofl, you call this a deal?

  • +2

    Belong have a bad rep for shite speeds. Check whingepool before signing up.

  • Internet pricing has become much more competitive over the past year or two and this certainly isn't. Especially when there are several provoders offering unlimited or better deals for around or under that price.

  • We're currently unable to provide services at your address. Please enter your details below and we'll contact you when you can get belong at your address.

    I thought, that's a bit ironic. I'm writing to them requesting that they add "We won't be long." to the end of that sentence. Just to cheer us unfortunate people up a bit at the news.

    • Did they pop up a message saying "You don't Belong" ?

  • This isn't even close to a deal, contract or no.

  • Literally dozens of more reputable providers offer better pricing and more data.

    Been with TPG for years with no issues, unlimited data for $60 a month including home phone.

    • Is there a contract?, does it include calls?.

      • www.tpg.com.au

        6mth contract which is practically nothing, unlimited calls for an extra $10 per month.

  • +1

    Some of you might disagree but I've been with Dodo ADSL 2+ over the past 3 years before I got the NBN and it's a way better deal than this.
    I paid $80 a month for 2TB and never had any issue with them. Our house is pretty connected with 7-8 devices online most of the time and speeds were always good.

    In saying that, this is a horrible 'deal'. Whether you pick Dodo or another ISP, there are heaps better plans with more data for cheaper.

  • -1

    I think we need to start a speed test thread in the forums.

    • +1

      On ADSL, everyone's speeds will be different, as speed is dependent on the line length back to the exchange.

      The thread would be pretty pointless.

      • Yarp. The only speed tests that would be relevant would be from people who churned from provider to provider every month and retested. And I can summarise the results for you right now: a barely perceptible difference.

  • Had an issue checking my usage at Belong and customer service informed me it was because they had just increased their data allowance.

    This instills confidence. /s

  • Cheaper doesn't necessarily mean better.
    Take a look at the complaints in the Dodo and TPG Whirlpool sections about speed, congestion, and overseas based customer service
    Belong is owned by Telstra, so for those stuck on a Telstra DSLAM or RIM, these plans aren't that bad.

    • -1

      expensive doesn't means good or good value either. especially in this domain, belong 'contracts' are month to month, so their 'plan' can change vastly over time. as said previously it used to be $60/250gb (+free modem promo) now it's $70/100gb (+modem). while it's arguable that their modem sucks and you'll be better off using your own… whingepool has people complaining on every single ISP in australia, so it's really a damned if you do/don't thing.

      • -1

        said previously it used to be $60/250gb (+free modem promo) now it's $70/100gb (+modem).

        You're comparing just the ADSL cost of the 250GB plan to the ADSL + line rental costs of the 100GB plan. Not really an apples to apples comparison now is it?

        The plans are exactly the same price as they were before, just now for the total cost of $70pm (including line rental) you get 100GB (compared to 70GB previously) and for the total cost of $80pm (including line rental) you get 500GB compared to 250GB.

        I don't know where on earth you got the idea that the total cost including line rental use to be $60pm for the 250GB plan..

        • -1

          Because i got that quote when i was looking. What you said is irrelevant.

        • -1

          @slowmo: Oh sorry, posting the actual prices is irrelevant. Keep making it up as you go along then to justify your rant.

        • -1

          what i said is actual price including line, do you have difficulty comprehending simple passages?

          which part of my post mention w/o line?

        • -1

          @slowmo: Read my first post again.

          You're quoting one price which is the total bundled price, and the other just the broadband part of it. The prices have never changed.

          It was always $50 for the 70GB (now 100GB) for just the broadband.

          It was always $60 for the 250GB (now 500GB) for just the broadband.

          It was always $70 for the 70GB (now 100GB) for broadband + line rental.

          It was always $80 for the 250GB (now 500GB) for the broadband + line rental.

          You are the only one here who is having issue with simple comprehension. Don't believe me? Take a look at the first deal posted for Belong.

        • @Porthos:
          first deal posted for belong =/= to deal i am talking about , nor the post is referenced anywhere on this thread.

          so first and foremost, read what i said. if you have no idea what you are talking about then don't talk.

          i find it extremely strange that you want to argue with me over a quote i got from them and over what you read on the website thinking you got the 'best' deal.

        • -1

          I used the first deal on here as an example that their prices have always been as I said, didn't expect you to be able to make that connection though to be honest.

          I have read your previous post. The only person here claiming they offered a $60 a month 250GB plan including line rental is you. That has never been shown on here, or on Whirlpool from the looks of it. So you're trying to claim a price that has never existed (and you show no proof, apart from what you're claiming) and saying that this is therefore a bad deal because of it!

          I find it extremely strange that you make claims on a plan that no one else has and has never been in the public domain, showing no proof that this was ever offered, yet trying to talk like you actually have a clue. Funny as actually, great entertainment you not having a clue :-)

  • Anyone had any experience getting belong in for the free connection and then churning out? Can't bring myself to $399 new connection for a second line.

    • Yeah, my experience so far has been free set up with Belong…Great. Now i'm finding it difficult to port/churn away from them!

      Having tried with exetel I got a rejection with the following response:

      Connection Issue: Please be advised that this rejection is usually due to one of the following reasons; It may be a Telstra number that is not portable based on the number range(meaning your local exchange has run out of portable numbers).Or, a NON-Telstra number which was originated from another company (Optus/iinet e.g.). Even though it was redistributed to Telstra, the number was on a network which was incompatible for porting Hence due to business rules beyond Exetel control, the number cannot be either ported to our supplier. Possible solutions to this can be; you can change telephone number, making sure it is a PORTABLE TELSTRA NUMBER.Please be aware that if you currently have ADSL,changing your service number can drop the ADSL service(and hence be unusable). You must also make sure that the new number is also on the same exchange for where the Optus hardware lies.The possible solutions still have no guarantee of porting a number.

      Would hate to think that Belong are giving 'unportable' numbers out to keep their customers…
      Yet to get resolution on why I can't get away from Belong.

      • Hi! Wow that is really alarming… I'm genuinely curious to know how it pans out for you so please do keep me to up to date either here or via PM :)

        Just a thought, not entirely sure but something worth pursuing - I know Telstra like to charge an additional $100 fee if you leave within 3 months of a new connection. Could there be a way of them barring you from porting out until this is paid/the time has elapsed?

        • Will do…

          I think Belong are still quite separate to Telstra and haven't seen them admit to that in any of the terms and conditions. In fact in their FAQ they have a note about churning away and they say that you can.

          This could be quite a specific and isolated case, I just havent found another example of someone getting a new connection and confirming they have ported away. Lots who have joined have churned from another provider…

          I have raised the issue with Belong so hope they will explain it!

        • @samwise_777: Yeah I saw a few mentions of churning as I have been fence sitting now for a while myself :p

          Very interesting.. Keep us up to date!

        • @jackary:

          Okay, so a bit more info.

          Exetel have said (ill believe it when it happens) that i can re-apply and get on telstra port with them.

          There are optus ports at my exchange, however, belong services cannot be transferred to anyone but telstra providers…

          ie. belong are not telstra and their numbers cannot be moved to anyone like telstra can.

          Furthermore I think that they do this to ensure people are back on telstra infrastructure (for telstras profiting). Infact they will usually put in a new line for you before they move someone over from optus infrastructure.

          She said I could port to telstra and then port to anyone else but obviously that isnt particularly easy or cost effective.

          I will report back when i'm with exetel on a telstra port.

        • @samwise_777: Very interesting indeed! So you're able to leave, but only onto another Telstra port? Very sneaky!

        • @jackary:

          I think it is a bit sneaky! They dont actually say this anywhere on their website/terms and conditions etc. Given we are all assuming that them being telstra means the number they give behaves like a telstra number only to find out it is like telstra's equivalent to an optus number!

          I have gone ahead with paying an extra $10/m for a telstra port with exetel (no other choice anyway but to be telstra). They still have to confirm if it works.

          Belong seem to be pretty open (when asked) about the fact that once you leave belong you can only be on telstra infrastructure.

        • @samwise_777: Haha being open would be mentioning it upfront! I'm sure there are many now in your predicament! :p

          But thankyou for the heads up! I guess now I'll have to have a real think about my options :p

        • @jackary:

          No worries

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