This was posted 9 years 11 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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Cities: Skylines $24 USD (20% off) @ Green Man Gaming

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I'm addicted to Sim City type games and have been holding out for a while for Cities: Skylines. Finally got it cheaper than RRP with GMG's 20% off coupon.

Skylines has been universally praised for being true to the original Sim City games (as opposed to Sim City 2013) and has been the top selling game on Steam for the last week. Seems like a must have for avid city builders. Also looking forward to trying the Steam Workshop mods.

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Green Man Gaming
Green Man Gaming

closed Comments

  • +3

    Cracking great game. It was $21 in the VIP room recently too.

    Make sure you grab the park/commercial bug fix and the convert roads mods. Oh and the achievement enabler mod (for enabling achievements when using mods. Modception.gif)

    • What does the covert roads mod do? I haven't looked into the mods yet.

      I'd definitely recommend this game if you like city builders, I'm not that far in so I guess it could still fall in a heap but so far it's very well made. I bought it from Greenman last week and it worked out to about $31, damn the exchange rate is awful.

      • I think LaTerrible is referring to this mod. It basically just allows you to change the direction of one way roads and upgrade a one-way road to a two-way one and vice-versa. Really useful though

        • Patch 1.06b puts this feature into the main game without mods!

        • @Hellman109:

          Yes! Just came here to say this. Games just keeps getting better and better.

  • +1

    its 21 or 22US on G2A but I couldn't get the site to accept my card, or it was blocked.. not sure which

    ended up just buying on GMG, worked straight away.

    check out the GTA5 mod. someone has created the entire map of GTA5 for download.…

  • +1

    I wish you could morph this genre with GTA, zoom down to street level, steal a car and run over your sim residents, blow up buildings, then rebuild them.

    • +2

      I heard that someone made a city replica of Los Santos and Blaine County.

  • +4

    Cheaper on DL Gamer atm USD$22.49 for the regular version and the deluxe for USD$29.99 with coupon code "DLG-PACENAYA" (no quotes, enter in checkout). Process to get the key is kind of annoying, they'll text you AND email you a code thing for confirmation but other than that, received the key within 5 minutes.

    • Yup. Quite a bit of hassle, but it is cheaper. Can't complain :P

  • +2

    $22.42 AUD on Nuuvem

    • I tried to add the game to my cart and it said "this product is not available for your region". so gotta use VPN as well then? Have u got any problems with steam regarding this VPN stuffs? Cheers

      • Yeah, you gotta use Hola or similar to change your region. I just went with Brazil and it worked fine using paypal.

        • yep tried using hola already, it worked, but how bout the steam policy and stuffs? have done tons of purchase via VPN on origin, but never on steam. Any thought on this?

        • @Ch Rs:

          Don't worry about it.

          It's an issue when you connect to steam using a VPN, they don't like that.

          You are just buying a global key from a Brazilian retailer.

  • +1

    $19.65 AUS atm -
    Needs Russian VPN to activate (not play) but email they send after purchase provides instructions and link to software to do this for free :)

    Further 2% discount using this code: Allkeyshop


    • AWESOME !!! Paid $21.31 AUD ($15.96 USD). Didn't see the code part…
      Works fine. Not Derluxe version… thanks

  • ~$8 USD on GMG if you have a Russian friend :P

  • Been playing this game for a few days…

    Filled up one square area with a city and have positive cash flow.
    Have it on Fast Forward to save up to buy new area ($3.8 million).
    No intervention needed. Just a waiting game $1.5 million and $2.3 million to go.

    Bit boring atm… waiting waiting waiting…good game when building up city.
    Elevating roads and train lines is a bit tricky (fun fun fun). Plan it from the start.
    Not too challenging otherwise. Not tried any Mods yet.
    Anybody have some good Mod recommendations please?

    • It's not exactly the most difficult game at first, but you'll be thwarted mid game if you haven't planned traffic and public transport between region tiles. Once high-density pops up BAM! CARS EVERYWHERE! DROWNING IN CARRRRRRRRRRS.


      Unlock all 25 grid squares mod? :D

      • 25 Grids. WOW !!! Thanks FrankMcFuzz…

        I will unlock all grids and then start again :) Have to plan it from the beginning.
        I filled up one grid on my first go and then got trains, but it is hard to fit trains and other public transport into a full grid.

        I will spread things out more and allow for expansion…island cities with districts maybe :) And then allow for expansion within these. I believe that you can set area's for low traffic and no trucks if roads are being stressed by traffic.

        youtube videos are good if you need help…

        NO MULTI SCREEN OPTION !!! nooooooooo :(

  • How is this game compared to Sim City or Cities XL?

    • +1

      Incomparable… Lightyears ahead.

    • +1

      Take those things you said and imagine if they weren't awful.

      That's what Cities: Skylines is like.

      (Disclaimer: I was assuming you meant SimCity 2013. SimCity 4 is still pretty rad, but I'd still put my cookies on Skylines over even that.)

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