This was posted 9 years 11 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

A Manager's Guide to Running a Strip Club [Kindle Edition] FREE (Was $2.99)

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For the Ozbargainer that brought you [FREE Kindle eBook] 50 Ways to Eat Cock: Mouthwatering & Nutritious Recipes.

There has been a few forum threads from members asking how to earn some quick extra cash.

This is for the ozbargainers that want to run their own joint for some extra cash lol

Just remember this is ozbargain, so your RATES must be CHEAP !!

May the comments begin

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closed Comments

  • +24

    finally an ebook that is relevant to me.. :)

    • +2

      Finally a kindle book I will get and -might- actually read (for a laugh)

      • +1

        Finally a free e-book that's gonna make me buy a Kindle !

  • +27

    Jees the price has really hit bottom!

    I hope this isn't the stripped down version of the book.

    Now lets all please don't make a song and dance about the subject matter.

    • Puntastic

    • +9

      At last a book that uncovers the naked truth. Can people bare it?

    • +2


      • +2

        Ah I was just about to post that, I feel like a Boob…

        • loll

        • This is 1 party you dont wanna be late for!

  • +12

    rule #1 there is no strip club….

    oh wait… wrong movie.

    • oh wait, i thought this was about paint strippers…. #KickInTheHead

      • Hey mom, can I marry a stripper.


        Sorry, paint stripper.

  • +26

    lesson one.

    don't screw your employees

    • Lesson two

      To avoid lesson 1, use audition process at your discretion

  • -1

    i would of bought this for 69c ;)

    • I see what you did there…

  • +2

    I can already see job posting threads in the forums !!

  • +11

    Competition is stiff in the strip club industry.


  • +8

    Is this an illustrated version? Or is there one available?

  • Striptease by Carl hiaasen is also a good guide.

  • +2

    I need an online interactive tutorial please.

    • +5

      isnt GTA5 enough?

      • +2

        Maybe, if it was actually out on pc instead of being perpetually delayed.

  • +6

    Queue the MVs.

    ok it's Kpop but hot as great for stripper clubs

    • -3

      yellow fever … yehhhhhh!!

      • +4

        yellow fever?? They're whiter than I am!

    • +1

      Holy s**t, the book comes with video guide.

  • +1

    Thanks for sharing this bargain… Made my day. :D

  • +2

    From the first paragraph of "A Manager's Guide to Running a Strip Club" by James Blackwell:

    "While we would love to have an abundance of supermodels dancing for us, ones with the mentality of a porn star and the charisma of a master salesman.."

    Classy stuff right there!

  • +8

    662 pages!

    It must include cocktail recipes and how to dispose of CCTV footage.

  • 662 pages, normal price $2.81. That's half a cent per page.

  • +4

    I always want to run a strip club since I was a kid. So, + from me.

  • this will be my retirement job

  • +3

    I need the guide for running a brothel. Need to diversify the business and set up the older gals for retirement

    • +1

      I can sense a future man of the year award coming your way… probably pretty fast… aimed at your head :P

  • +3

    dream job: QA dept for the OZbb strip club




  • -1


  • What a hoot(er)!

  • +2

    This is about the only way I'll make it to work till retirement at 85 or whatever the govt will be expecting by then ;-)

    • Just as long as you have a good heart… :)

  • -1

    I cum just for the comments

  • +1
  • Always wanted to know how to do that.

  • Classic posting on amazon

  • We're sorry, we could not complete your purchase.

    Your Kindle account is registered at To shop for Kindle titles available for your country, please shop at

    wtf is this shit?

  • +4

    So many better titles:

    The naked truth on running a successful strip club.

    Thanks for the mammaries, the tips of a strip club manager.

    Strip club management exposed.

  • lol @ the review

  • +11

    oh crap, I accidentally sent the purchase to my mum's Kindle.
    It's set on her device by default, stupid defaults.

    • +11

      Guess it will now turn to a family run business.

    • +5

      Tell her you're studying various successful business models.

      Purely research purposes only! :)

    • I'm craving Nandos for some reason…

    • For me, craving for dumplings now…

  • awesome, been thinking about opening one for a long time.

  • +1

    Very inspiring. And now that I know the inner workings, it shouldn't be too hard to get another one up and running in Frankston.
    Now, where to find some attractive girls this time!!!

    • Mentone

  • Any mention in the guide of how to conduct a proper job interview?

    • First rule: Never judge a stripper

      • +1

        What about out of 10?

      • First rule: Never judge a stripper

        Male or female?

      • +1

        Second rule: never strip a judge

    • +2

      the only proper job interview for the stripper is the BJ

  • Doesn't say anything about having to staff it with FEMALE strippers… or does it?

  • +2

    Is this to celebrate international women's day?

  • Ok, i'm convinced - i'm opening a club. Ladies, please send me an audition picture or video via PM.

  • +2

    2 of 2 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars Ozbargain rocks !! March 11, 2015
    By google
    Verified Purchase
    I've always wanted to open a strip club but never knew how to. Now i can.

    This eBook provides all the knowledge and tools to start and manage a Strip Club. From HR to Finance to Promotions and Advertising etc.

    It is well presented and easily understandable.

    I want to thank Easternculture from ozbargain for posting this on the website . We love you and you are a Deal Hunter Legend and an internet sensation !!

  • +1

    "Games you can play with your pussy" is now worth $70 second hand on Amazon. I should have picked up a copy…

    • +2

      From $2.97 here "used". Not sure I'd be going the second-hand route.

      Interestingly, Ira's first book was this one, which was published in 1969 (coincidence, surely) with the title "Games You Can Play with Your Pussy Cat". By the second edition/print in 1985, he or his publisher must have felt society was ready enough for him to drop the cat. He also writes books on raising children, and sex manuals, not altogether unexpectedly.


      This reviewer offers more about the with cat/without cat business. Seems the title was originally without, then in 1979, with, then in 1985 and subsequently, without:

      Hilarious and well written book! This reprint shrinks from the original quarto size (probably more economical to publish) and changes the original cover title by adding the word "Cat". The original cover is used as the frontispiece, so I see no reason for the change. Not a big problem, except that the political correctness diminishes the original joke of the whole book. If you are expecting the original version of "Games You Can Play with Your Pussy", this ain't it. But the price is right, and the content is intact.

  • +1

    I'm a painter. I paint. So this new career choice seems naturally compatible.

    • Stripping and painting: symbiosis.

  • But I do not want to open or manage the club. I will set up a 'pop up van' selling purple pies and blue lollies. Whilst it might be hard at first, I know it will last a long time. Any suggestions for the name I was thinking Soo Soo Boom Boom

  • Amazon books suggested I buy books on photography when I purchased this book.

  • -3

    I got an easier guide - as strip clubs are the dirtiest and least policed places of health, regulation and rights

    • Get a loan and lease a building
    • invite vulnerable girls willing to strip for less than $20/hr so you take advantage of them
    • pay off the councils, police, and other authorities with free VIP access so they shut up about 99.5% of the illegal shit that goes there.

    Done guys, I saved you 2hrs of reading nonsense.

  • +1

    I am down on my knees thanking you for the 69th time for keeping me aBreast of the situation. Brings back all the old Mammaries of days gone by.

    • And those still yet to cum!

  • +2

    The comments here are probably better reading than the book ^_^;;
    Sure made me chuckle.

  • +2

    With high unemployment going on I find hard to get a manager job now. Strangely I still see long queue outside strip clubs every nights. Strip clubs must be doing very well.

    Looks like I need to 're-align' my management skill, and this book come at the right time.

  • Well you really gave a topic to talk about, I'll give you that :)

  • +1

    well blow me away…. !!!

  • Price gone back up ?
    Kindle Price: $2.80 includes free international wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet

  • Reading all the comments one by one from the start … Lol most funny insights

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