This was posted 11 years 7 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[FREE Kindle eBook] 50 Ways to Eat Cock: Mouthwatering & Nutritious Recipes (Was $9.99)


"How much cock can one eat in a lifetime?

Let Adrienne Hew count the Ways!

A humorous approach to a subject that we tend to ignore: nutrition! Learn to eat cock and LOVE it!

Curious about cock? You’re not the only one.

Once revered for his virility and strength, the rooster has taken a back seat to the hen in more recent years. “Fifty Ways to Eat Cock” takes a revealing look at the folklore, history, culinary culture and nutritional benefits of this well-endowed ingredient. With tongue-in-cheek descriptions, these playful cock recipes are bulging with everything from the quintessential to the quick-and-easy to the downright quirky. You’ll learn how to tame this tough bird meat into succulent and finger-licking gourmet meals. Thanks to the ingenuity of author and Certified Nutritionist, Adrienne Hew, the noble cock retakes his rightful place at the head of the table.

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closed Comments

  • +22

    I will place this on the shelf next to this:…

    • +1

      We don't usually see books about cocks on Ozbargain

      • +5

        weird that such a comment would be negged

    • +1

      not sure if I can justify spending $95+ for a book about games I can play with my pussy?

  • +4

    I had to read the comments on Amazon to make absolutely certain I understood what this was about.

    I didn't realise eating cock was considered so strange. It's always been a big part of French rural culture…

  • +3
    • for the title alone. =D
  • +1

    You're unlikely to be able to buy Rooster in Australia to be able to cook, so unless you have some in the backyard you intend to eat…

    • +6

      What the book got to do with roosters ?

  • +1

    cock! \o/

  • +4

    darn! camelcamelcamel says its out of stock

    people must really love cock.

    • +1

      How can they be out of stock in cock if its an ebook?

  • +2

    Awesome Title

  • +4

    So this must have been what my cabinet minister Christopher Pyne was talking about for all those years.

    • +2

      Don't give me your cock and bull story!

    • +2

      Lol, awesome username.

  • +6
    • 1 if you only came here for funny comments.
  • +3

    I LOVE the cock!

    • And this deal too?

  • +5

    is there a recipe for cock n bush?

  • +1

    omg, precious book!

  • +7

    I am going to read this on my Ainol.

    • -1

      It wouldn't be Ainol without it.

      • +2

        congratulations, with this Ainol joke, Ainol has overtaken the record of jokes previously held by "Broden". Please collect your prize from the service desk.

        • Which is located in the Children's Section.

  • +12

    Save this on your "One Direction" USB stick

    • Actually I've received some disparaging remarks since purchasing my OD USB stick.

      Now I see that most of them were referring to this book, it seems.

  • +1

    New marketing idea for Red Rooster!

  • +2

    I thought There is only one way to eat cock!

    • -1

      Apparently their is 50 ways

      • +1

        There* are* ;)

        • +1

          You don't have to be a dick about it


  • I prefer raw.

  • This is one of the other books that buyers of 50 Ways are shelling out for:

    Castration: The Advantages and the Disadvantages [Paperback]

    The book contains considerable data to substantiate each of the aspects of the castration results. The simple 15-minute surgery gives a whopping thirteen and a half years of average life expectancy increase, cures prostate cancer and improves the body's immune system functioning.

    Pity only paperback, would make for an interesting coffee table book, say in a doctor's surgery…

  • Cant be bother being dicked around on this deal

  • +3

    Thanks! I sent this to my mum's Kindle.

    • +2

      If she ate cock instead of having intercourse you wouldn't be here right now

      • +1

        One is more of an entree for the other, at least in my house.

      • -1

        Geez keep it clean man.

        • what cleaner word is there than intercourse!?

        • +1


          ~Sheldon Cooper

  • Thanks. Seems good

  • +1

    glad the OP had the balls to post this deal. And congrats to the mods who haven't shafted the OP and removed the "risque" post.

  • Better practice the Heimlich manoeuvre in case someone gags on it.

    Video instructions here:

  • +3

    There are a lot of front page food deals to choose from @ ozbargain today

    $5 streetwise box, free KFC chips and cock

    Choose wisely

    • If those are the choices, I suddenly don't give a fig about nutrition.

  • I see what the author did there.

  • +1

    Are these cocks also available on bare-paperback?

  • Didn't know that cock is good for the winter warmer, especially with soup!…

    Must…have…cock Pho…now…

  • POSITIVE because of it's title…

  • +2
  • Good chuckle, careful not to gag

  • got it for the missus.

  • -1

    Ha ha, this thread is so funny -not.

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