Help Me Find a Birthday Present for Someone Who Regularly Travels to Developing Countries

07/03/2015 : Thank you everyone for your suggestions and comments. Much appreciated:)

So here's what we are getting my mother:

  1. A bird of happiness necklace. Gran likes it and I think I know why.Some birds are not meant to be caged. Their feathers are too bright, their songs too sweet and wild. So you let them go, or when you open the cage to feed them they somehow fly out past you. And the part of you that knows it was wrong to imprison them in the first place rejoices, but still, the place where you live is that much more drab and empty for their departure. My mother is the bird that flew away and left us behind…at least thats how my four-year self felt when she left me at Gran and Gramp's and walked away. I've moved on since then but I don't think that Gran has. It must be so hard to lose your only child , much harder than losing a mother.

  2. My wife and I have chosen this necklace. I like it because it reminds me of how my life is now: bright, vibrant, full of colours,happiness and kookiness. I wanted to share some of that with her.
    My wife described the circles in the necklace as "weird, mismatched but meant to be together just like us" :)

  3. The twins are making her a card : a "mixed medium collage" Not too sure what that means but they've inherited my mother's artistic sensibilities, so it should look good.

  4. we've decided against getting her a travel voucher. She's doing quite well for herself in the art world. I doubt money is a problem for her.So we're going to donate the money to a charity/charities of her choice instead.

That's my mother's birthday gifts sorted. So why am I still going through the suggestions and trying to find where I can buy them from? o.O These things could sure come in handy if there ever was a zombie apocalypse… hmmm

As for those of you who suggested I get sex toys, sexy lingerie or pay someone to have sex with my mother…etc my mother issues pale in comparison to yours. So my biggest thanks goes to you, guys. You made me feel well-adjusted, sane and almost boring :b

The giftee
I don't really know her that well. She lives overseas. She is an artist and a social activist.She is often illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered. She wants to save the world.She also happens to be my mother.

The gift
Something that is not too small or too simple. Something that is thoughtful, artistic and activisty (?) and will help her survive in a third world country . Something that says "you suck big time but I still like you" :)

The budget
Something that doesn't cost the earth, although the mrs is happy to chip in. So we'll say $2000.

Edit: She's turning 55 in April.

Edit 2: She lives the US.Her partner (husband?) is a photojounalist and they travel a lot

TL;DR : I'm looking for a birthday present for my mother. We're not close. She sucked big time as a mother. She is a passionate social activist who often travels to third world countries.


    • +2

      If she didn't want to have kids she had many options.

      Such as? Any of those options ends well for me? o.O

  • +3

    Get her a bag that'll survive a lifetime.
    One of these:…

    Awesome bags, massive volume and has a lifetime warranty on it.

    While you're at it, maybe get her a nice compact DSLR Camera to reach the $2000 budget.

  • +1

    Well obviously the whole back order of every Victoria Secret runway show would be the perfect present for her.

  • +1

    Get her a souped up solar phone battery backpack. You can get a really nice waterproof one from amazon.…

    • thanks :)

  • If she's keen on fighting FGM you could get a ticket to Somalia? Has the highest rate of it in the world I hear. And I'm sure Somalian Muslims love nothing more than being lectured about their practises by white people.

    Can't think of a non facetious suggestion though.

  • Can you adopt me?

    • +4

      sorry but we already have a pig in the family.He trashes the place whenever we leave him home alone.

  • +1

    macbook air, dslr camera/lens/accessories, watch with engraving, handbag, pretentious art books, things that will hold value/appreciate that you can get later on in terms of inheritance (e.g. Magic cards).

  • We're not close. She sucked big time as a mother

    i still dont understand why you're spending 2k.

    • Maybe this help ..or maybe not. I don't fully understand my motivations myself.

  • How about the Spider-Man suit you are wearing? She can wear it to save the world!

    • The only person who looks better than me in my clothes is my wife ;)

  • +1

    sounds like you are trying to buy love from a person that doesn't have any to give, my advice would be to move on until she is ready to care

    • I've seen people who abhors their parents, to extent that they think the parents should be locked in an asylum for reasons that relatively reasonable, Even then I've seen them trying because they cannot simply give up on their parents. Letting go means simply nothing would happen and it's going to stay that way forever in most cases.

      Though I am hoping JJB don't feel that way. I've seen it consume people a lot. It's not healthy to hate someone, though it's hard not to.

      • @AznMitch, no I don't hate her but I'm also not ready to give up on her. I don't need a mother but I could always use another friend. I would like her and me to be friends.

        • +1

          I am glad to hear that, sorta. Hope you are happy with the presents you are getting for your mother :)

    • +1

      Not everyone is giving to hope for anything in return.

  • a dildo

    • +1

      dil does what men don't?

      (Sorry, I think I should stop watching old ads… Don't know how that Sega ad got stuck in my head.)

  • Love your threads Jar Jar Binks :D

  • +2

    I think I have an idea. What's her political stance on eneloops?

  • +4

    Such an interesting story so I just had to comment.

    Perhaps you don't now her too well to buy a 'gift' because travelling to a lot of developing countries makes me think she probably doesn't value material possessions too much. A 'thing' is probably not going to mean too much to her, but perhaps a memory will.

    Flip this gift on it's head and take her grandchildren to visit her, as they'll probably appreciate it more. It doesn't have to be a long visit. Just long enough so you can take a couple of instant photo's of Gran and your kids. Give her one and save one for your kids as they'll ask about her one day.

    If a gift is a must then donate the money to the 'SlingShot' Project www . slingshotdoc . com as this will make a real difference to those developing countries. Everyone deserves clean water right?

    Good Luck with your final decision :-D

  • +1

    I agree with LeavingTheWheel. If she enjoys travelling third world countries it's obvious she isn't into material possessions and most likely is already set with everything she could need personally.

    I'd buy her a bookstore giftcard she could use to purchase textbooks, stationery, art supplies for underprivileged children.

  • +1

    You should get her a historical book, or a rare first edition of a book, possibly one that is signed. Bonus points if it is a book by a famous humanitarian that she would find relatable.

  • +1

    Everyone and their relationships are different. I would suggest visit her. Take the kids along. No matter what happens, it will be good for you.
    Another suggestion is that as she travels often and your budget is decent, how about one bag travel gear? Like the Tom Bihn aeronaut
    Or the Ebags Mother Lode Weekender…

    These bags will get used a lot and the good design and hopefully your thoughtfulness will be appreciated.

  • +1

    A kindle + foldable usb solar panel to charge it. Spend the rest on amazon vouchers to fill up the kindle. I found a kindle very useful while I was overseas, some times you're waiting around or in transport for a long time. The higher end kindles have GPS, they can be used with an offline map app to find her way around.

  • buy some advertising space, and tell her your message here,

    • or just send her an email with a link to this thread :b

    • +1

      what i meant was more she is a social activist, she could use that space to advertise her message.

      • @mokr, thanks :) but we've already decided what we are going to get her. I've update the OP with the gifts and why we got them :)

  • +1

    You are making it to complicated for yourself when it's just something that should be already done, You should just follow your instincts, no one can approve what is correct or not, There is no right or wrong, all you need to do now is action, enough talk, buy something and be done with it, or else you"ll be pondering here forver into infinity.

    Don't assume that if she does travel to this country it will go out of hand, You don't truely know until it has happened.

    Just remeber it's the thought that counts, she should be gratefull no matter what is bought, just think of it as something to cherish with sentenmental value, it's a gift after all.

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