Not too sure if people want these anymore but seems good price.
Sony Playstation 3 Play TV $46 Was $88 @ Harvey Norman In Store Only
PS3 Wireless Headset $28
FREE Pick Up Available
Not too sure if people want these anymore but seems good price.
Sony Playstation 3 Play TV $46 Was $88 @ Harvey Norman In Store Only
PS3 Wireless Headset $28
FREE Pick Up Available
Dual? Thought it could only record one chan at once?
You can record one and watch another.
If you have the software it should let you watch 2 at the same time e.g. PIP
Nope, definitely dual tuner. I have two of them on my myth box and can record 4 multiplexes at once.
Unless it's changed, when used on the PS/3, you can only record one and watch one.
That's a software limitation of the PS3 (refer to comment already made by dazweeja and lplau above) rather than a hardware limitation of the tuner. My myth box has no such software limitation ;)
@pennypacker: Yes, I was pointing out that in its typical environment, it can't do what you said it can do when connected to a PC. Non-technical users could easily have been misled into thinking it could record two things at once, when connected to a Playstation.
It's pretty obvious if you follow the bouncing ball;
The Play TV is a dual-tuner PVR addition to the PlayStation 3. With dual tuners you can record >one show while watching another or while playing a game or a Blu-ray.
As we all know, it's a dual-tuner device, which can record/watch 2 channels simultaneously if you aren't hobbled by the PS3 software.
So everything bar SBS?
I think you'd be doing well to find 4 individual programmes a week w
@pennypacker: Your message made it very unclear for anyone not of a technical background, or unable to correctly/accurately google information. That would be by far the majority of the population. I was making the matter clearer for them. What point you're trying to prove is really anyone's guess, but you aren't being helpful to anyone, yourself included.
"What point you're trying to prove is really anyone's guess, but you aren't being helpful to anyone, yourself included."
Weird. You're the one that added your $0.02 15 minutes after someone had already made the same comment.
Sorry to sound stupid but what is a myth box?
It's a PC with mythtv installed (see It's a linux PVR essentially (also plays music and video files). PlayTV is a very popular tuner for mythtv as it's cheap, dual-tuner and plug and play.
@bazzaa: Recording one thing and watching another still requires two tuners. The content you are watching is being broadcasted on two different frequencies.
@JigBew: Yes thanks captain obvious
What I was pointing out was that a certain propellor head in here was implying that you can record two things at once on a PS3… you can't
@pennypacker: What is weird is how you keep on with this when you're not making any additional contribution. I guess you like upvotes. Perhaps Imgur would be more to your taste?
Tempted, but don't watch tv nearly as much as I used to…. especially with a HTPC.
These are excellent, and as a bonus they upscale SD FAR better than built in TV tuners.
The hardware itself doesn't upscale the video. It is done by the PlayTV Software.
Actually it's done by the PS3 hardware, I was just referring to the end result.
Got a date or a receipt for that one?
Damn, when did you get this for $14 :O
Hi unity1, is that an old pic, or is it still available? If so, I've love to get one at that price!
Sorry guys, photo was taken 31/12/14. I didn't post as a deal due to the low level of stock and that it looked like a store specific deal.
Bugger that was a very nice looking price
Yeah, I took the photo ready to post on Ozbargain but didn't want to create a frenzy knowing that stock was limited.
Someone can take the picture and try to price match if game.
Mind me asking which store this was at?
Don't remember, I don't tag my photos but it would have been at a HN store in Melbourne's SE.
Great 2 years ago, but now I've almost forgotten what broadcast TV was.
Its annoying too that Australia FTA TV is going backwards with TV Broadcasters removing HD channels.
Only SBS does a HD channel now, all the other channels don't do HD anymore.
One HD Is HD isn't it?
I thought it was just called One now. I thought they dropped the HD a while ago, but I was hoping they'd dropped HD in name only and the broadcast was still HD.
Isn't 7 Mate still in HD?
And ABC News 24?
And Gem?
I thought they removed One HD which is why its now branded as "One".
It has nothing good on it anyways, used to have sporting events on it but not any more.
Was quite disappointed coming back from other countries which pretty much broadcast every channel in HD 1080i.
Its AWESOME that they decide to broadcast super old tv shows in HD but don't care about the new shows. Its like the broadcasting stations are slapping you in the face.
Sucks ABC used their HD channel for News. Should've at least used it for the 45 minutes to broadcast Doctor Who episodes in HD and surround sound for the few times they air every year.
@lplau: other country? You mean China, Lau? But many of their programs have their issues too. Most programs are not for wide screen TV.
Damn straight.
It's insulting that the AFL grand final is on 7 in SD while they're airing Magnum PI in HD on 7 Mate.
Oh, and then after the grand final finishes you can watch the post game entertainment in HD on 7 Mate.
Channel 7: WHAT THE F#$K?
On the contrary, all broadcasters have one HD channel each (and currently must do by government legislation).
1, 24, 30, 73, 90 (unless you're regional, of course)
The funny thing is although they must have a HD channel each, but the broadcasters clearly is just slapping the viewers over the face with showing old TV programmes on them.
No Sports in HD? Interesting how Australian Open Live Broadcasting rights is owned by Channel 7 but they refuse to put it in HD, where as if you wanted to watch HD you need to watch a recording of it later in time on Foxtel.
No up to date TV shows in HD
Oh EVERYBODY loves MAS*H (1980s) in HD though!
They used to have each tv station duplicated in HD but they removed that because they figured showing old TV shows will make them at least some money. In the end they only care about MONEY not the viewers.
No Sports in HD? Interesting how Australian Open Live Broadcasting rights is owned by Channel 7 but they refuse to put it in HD, where as if you wanted to watch HD you need to watch a recording of it later in time on Foxtel.
They did however do well in offering the Australian Open on two SD channels for the first week, as well as via mobile devices. Gotta give them that.
Can this act as a TV tuner to watch on my computer monitor?
requires a PC with either Windows or Linux on it to play TV.
Read here for drivers:
Thanks ordered one for my HTPC.
i bought one of these at harvey norman in springvale, vic for $20 before xmas… awesome tuner and works well in windows 8 & 10..
I wasn't aware that you could use it on PCs in Windows. What benefit does this give you over a standard PC TV tuner card? You can get one around the same price point these days.
Standard one at this price point usually is a single tuner which means you can only watch 1 tv channel at a time.
What you are getting here is a twin tuner so you can simultaneously access 2 channels at the same time.
Not at all, these are a very good twin tuner DVB card, for a few dollars more, standard price.…
Yes they're internal, but I find that to be better when it comes to wake and standby issues.
Yes and conversely, htpc cases usually have limited internal space. Hence why this external usb solution is often preferable.
@bazzaa: Say what?
Yes when my small htpc case literally can't fit another internal card, form is very important.
I have found the PlayTV to work much better than a PC native tune of equivalent specs and price. The PlayTV seems to switch stations faster and work better in areas with weak signal.
I have had great success with these on Raspberry Pi with XBMC/TVHeadend combination as well.
Never even thought to try one on a PC. Own one for the PS3 that I don't believe I ever got around to using…might give it a go on the home PC instead.
It's a shame the upcoming Xbox One tuner is only a single tuner without record capabilities.
I'm using mine with TVHeadEnd and streaming to OpenELEC on Raspberry Pi 2 because my PS3 doesn't have enough internal storage to be useful. Good thing about the dual tuner is that it can record all channels on a single broadcast (i.e. can record ABC and ABC24 and only use a single tuner). Indeed it's a shame the Xbox One tuner is only a single, even dual is a bit limiting. Austar used to have a quad tuner satellite STB.
Another vote for use in a server/htpc. Works great under linux (ubuntu) and with tvheadend.
Then grab a nice android app and stream FTA to a pad.
Good excuse to buy a dual tuner tv card. Thanks. :)
Used one of these in my HTPC with Windows Media Centre for ages now. Excellent combo. Would recommend.
I'm looking at adding PVR functionality to my Pipo X7 box (which is running W8.1). Anybody know whether I could use this tuner and what PVR software it would be compatible with?
tvheadend i use
Thanks. Got the $30 kettle as well.
That is good as the time it takes for play TV to fire up you could go and make yourself a cup of tea or coffee!
I use this with my Raspberry Pi and works perfect to stream tv over the network to any device
do you have any more details/links on how this works?
im using tvheadend via XBMC on the Pi, plenty of info on the net.
it needs no drivers its linux native
Very cool. I didn't know about tvheadend until this deal discussion. So if you route the signal onto your network via tvheadend can MythTV pick up the tuners - (nearly or) as easily as it does with the HDHomerun ?
Excellent. So that sounds like HD Homerun functionality at 1/3 or less of the the price (at this price) - assuming you are able to use TVHeadend at no extra cost (which I can as I will have it connected to a linux machine).
Good price - already picked one up for less than half this a few months ago but it was a 2nd hand purchase from eBay (at the time I was looking these were still priced quite high).
Pity it doesn't work with PS4.
Very cheap.
Bought one for my MythTV box - thanks. I already have enough tuners to simultaneously record every single show on TV - a Kworld internal dual tuner, a Leadtek internal single tuner and an HD Homerun dual - but what the hell. It's that Ozbargain disease. You know - it could be good as a spare in case one of the others conks out - or if I want to build another Myth backend - or, you know, a million and one reasons I'm sure.
Dont forget a further $5 off when you subscibe to their newsletter
Doesn't work m8 You might be able to sign up but you don't get the voucher, unless they have revived this promo
Voucher came through after 10-15mins. U have 100hours to use it.
Really, they must have activated it again. I will try :)
After a month or two I finally got the $5 voucher - two actually, then it just gives me 48 hours to use them… Well, didn't use them in the end.
Anyone using this for a kodi setup? I tried on my windows 7 pc with kodi but it seemed all to complicated with the backend side of things, easier to just launch media center and have it working straight away hmm
Yes, it worked with xbmc(before kodi) I followed a setup off the web.
on windows os it wasn't too hard from memory.
Then as a proof of concept, the same machine was tested with both ubuntu and openELEC os and also worked… eventually!
Decent price but I've seen it in the $25-30ish range before at places like The Good Guys in their bargain bins. I know this because I bought it once (but then sold it on Gumtree for $20 BNIB not long after).
really worth it for a dual tuner I still have mine
To watch tv programs on PC through play tv, do I still need to connect the play tv to a antenna?
Thanks mate.
Is there a way to get a replacement CD? I cannot find mine.
It appears it's only available in store at Bendigo.
Been waiting for these so long. They are great for my MythTV box. Unfortunately Albany is the only place in WA and I'll be buggered if I spend that much time and fuel picking them up! Damn - why don't they do delivery on these!
Did you ring around? Online stock lvls aren't really 100% correct
Has something changed ? I ordered mine for delivery yesterday. I'm in Sydney near the city and there weren't any in stock near me either. Prob very few stores with stock.
Yeah now in store only
I heard a couple of years ago the PlayTV boxes was no longer being manufactured because a newer version was coming out for PS4. I've got 2 boxes at home. Good yo know you can still buy them
I ordered mine yesterday and most vic stores showed pick up available.
Picked up the last one from Morabbin for $40 30 mins ago. Store clerk said there were three this morning, and someone came in just before me and bought 2. All had been opened already btw.
Plenty still available at Fountain Gate. In a bin in the back right corner of their tech section.
I don't want to start a new thread but i got myself these just now for $25 at Harvey Norman Springvale (IKEA building). There is only 5 units left near the electrical/computer counters. But on the system should be 9 total in the store.
Thanks. Just picked up 2. There was 1 left at the front, not sure how many in total.
lol you people still watch tv.
I watch more TV Than ever
Pretty good deal for a dual USB tuner which can work in Windows or Linux