what is your height?
What is your weight?
Who here is a Glutton? :)
Height - 5'10
Weight- 75 kg
what is your height?
What is your weight?
Who here is a Glutton? :)
Height - 5'10
Weight- 75 kg
Why won't you be a sport Sir?
Give them the info that they want. lol
I am:
- 12 inches
- 1.5kg
Height and weight alone doesn't give you any information on whether a person is obese, overweight or underweight. Muscle weighs more than fat, so a short stocky person with loads of muscle could be classed as overweight on the Body Mass Index, when he/she clearly is not.
Different BMI indexes also exist for different genders, races and body types. It's a pretty shitty method of measurement if you ask me.
There's other factors to take into account, like the amount of adipose tissue the person has. More visceral fat percentage = more likely to be overweight.
Also, wrong forum, so moving this to the Health/Beauty sub cat.
True that. I have gained fair bit of weight last year, resulting me to weigh the same as what I was before I went to the air force. I feel much healthier than 3 years ago though, because of muscle (Well what's left of what already was disappointing).
At least according to my gf, I look like I've gained weight from last year, but I don't look as bad as what I was 3 years ago.
So.. pics with stats kthnx :P
They have to be without shirts and pants, because they might show up on the weight. We wanna be as accurate as possible.
…Have I gone too far?
Dat lat flare O_O
You really are convinced he's a porn star aren't you? XD
Yep agree with all
Just curious about height and weight :)
1.68cm. 47kg. Can fit into a zipped up suitcase.
How does all that personality and sass fit into that petite frame of yours?! o.O
@wicket1120: Is that you? We should totally go travelling together.
Wait, can two suitcases get on a plane without a ticket? (this could foil my plan..)
@waterlogged turnip: Nope not me. I didn't know you could get a live person into a suitcase. Had to do a quick google search and that pic was the result :) I'm 167 and weigh 50 kg. Does that mean we could swap clothes…because if we could, I erm love your ozbargain t-shirt ;)
Edit: @JJB, I used your laptop to do that google search…just like I used your laptop to do google searches on BDSM and erm anal sex… it was all in the interest of the ozbargain community . I don't think that I should be commenting on topics that I don't much about, hence the google searches. Sorry:(
I used your laptop to do google searches on B…
Sounds like you're getting lucky tonight!
I didn't know you could get a live person into a suitcase.
get a live person into a suitcase
a live person
@wicket1120: Look it up on Youtube - few vids of people being fully enclosed in them. Though in that vid she's using a large suitcase. The only way the whole 'I fit in a suitcase' thing came about was a few years back, while curled up on a friends lounge watching a movie, their housemate commented on how tiny I looked (it was the dead of winter in Canberra - it was freaking cold in that house.. I was in a tight little ball for a reason).
Then they jokingly said "I bet you'd fit into my sports bag", which I did but that was easy. Then came the luggage. Har har, amusement all round.
We could share clothes with those stats, for sure. My OzB shirt is a small (men's) though, so it's pretty baggy. Tis a cool shirt though :D
Is that meant to be 1.68m?
@waterlogged turnip: You're quite thin then for 1.68m. My cousin is about that height, and she's always been around 55-60kg. 47 seems to be a huge difference compared to that.
Maybe you can be a model or something :p
Sounds like you're getting lucky tonight!
I get lucky every night…what I would like to know is whether I'm getting even luckier tonight ;)
edit: on second thoughts… probably not my thing. I have a very low pain threshold.
Maybe you can be a model or something
Personally I'll go for the "or something"
You have more to do
than be weighed down
by pretty or beautiful.
You are a fiery heart,
and a wicked brain
Do not let your soul
be defined by its shell :)
Height and weight alone doesn't give you any information on whether a person is obese, overweight or underweight.
The nomenclature really needs to be changed to overfat/overlyfatty.
There are plenty of people who mistakenly focus on their weight rather than their body composition.
I agree BMI isn't particularly useful but I think a lot of fat or obese people cynically dismiss a high BMI to avoid accepting they are fat.
Their logic seems to go:
My BMI is high
BMI is an imperfect system
therefore, I am not really overweight or obese…
Maccas anyone?
add me to that list…
Ordered them twice and could never finish them in one sitting. I have shamed my family
Managed to get through 19 of the 24..
I have ambition to be a glutton. Kindly send you gluttonous left overs my way so I can reap the savings.
36" 24" 36", oh wait, thats the Mrs
7' – 8'
1,040 – 1,400 lbs
weight and high fluctuates depending on how angry I am
Confuses me when people use imperial for height and metric for weight…anyhow, I'm definitely a glutton…
EDIT: sorry, this should have been a new post and not a reply
I'm 6ft tall ,weigh 88 kg and wear pant size 32 inch….what did I have for breakie this morning? :b
Vegemite Sammich 😐
Not even if my life depended on it :)
Did it contain oats in some form? Porridge? Muesli? and fresh fruit was involved?
(guessing games are fun!)
I usually have porridge with fruits …but today I had muesli and half of my son's banana. I didn't realise that I was so predictable :(
lol I wouldn't call you predictable. Was a fluke guess. Untoasted muesli with almonds and fruit is my go-to as well. Nom nom! Figured that yourself and Wicket ate healthy wholesome stuff based on previous posts. What else would make the best vego breakfast? (assuming you're both still vego) :)
Here's another guessing game. My measurements are:
Waist: 80cm
Chest: 110 cm
Arms/ biceps(flexed): 36 cm
Do I have man boobs? If so, are they bigger than my wife's? :b
No, Yes :)
I saw him use a tape measure last night, so the measurements should be accurate. Serious question, is it possible to tell if its muscle or fat, based these measurements, weight and height?
It's simple, if it jiggles, it's fat.
If you'd like to estimate body fat proportion generally you need age and neck circumference too.
I think she meant, if someone who hasn't seen me can tell,based on my measurements whether I'm fit or fat.
Age: 32
Neck: 41 cm
According to this your body fat proportion is ~9 % which is ripped.
If you have man boobs at 9 % BF it's most likely gynecomastia.
@Scrooge McDuck: I must be blind. On that page you've linked - how does one find the BF% with only age and neck circumference (and height)?
+ weight and waist circumference
We're having a bad day for comprehension aren't we? :P
Look at the column on the right headered: Navy Tape Measure Method
@Scrooge McDuck: Ohhh. Derp. When you change it to 'female' up the top, it changes abdomen to waist and adds hips.
@Scrooge McDuck: More like 10-11%. Whenever I fall into the single digits BF, my body starts rebelling and craves meat.
We're mostly lacto-vegetarians, although we sometime consume fish and other seafood. Meat is not something I normally eat or even enjoy eating. So may be the meat craving I get when my body fat goes under 10%, is my survival instinct kicking in.
@Scrooge McDuck: Tell me about it. A friend of mine looks far better in a pencil skirt than I ever will.
and he's a dude.
@Scrooge McDuck: I gotta get permission first, then pending that, I may be able to post it tonight/tomorrow… lol
Do I have man boobs? If so, are they bigger than my wife's? :b
Your wife has man boobs?
I know where this is going…
Pics or gtfo!
According to that I'm a 16E…
All the better for motorboating!
Wait, wut?
Bad angle but you can't exactly shoot your own chest from eye level:
@Scrooge McDuck: Now that's one nice chest:) No wonder women were literally throwing themselves at you on Valentine's day. So what's your BF% …and umm were you wearing pants when you took that pic? :b
By the Navy Tape Measure Method I have ~9 % BF. However, visually I'd say I'm closer to 13 %.
I wasn't wearing pants, not sure how you could know that…
I don't usually wear clothes at home when it's hot. I'm more comfortable and I save on AC + washing.
I wasn't wearing pants, not sure how you could know that…
If your avatar is anything to go by… you never wear pants…
Might as well give my CC details to top thinks off ;)
*things (before the grammar Nazis arrive)
One should look in the mirror. :D
110Kg, it sounds like a lot but its not.
At my leanest I'm about 85 to 90Kg
6"5 130kg
5'9 80kg pure muscle
pure muscle
How do you walk or even type?
Obviously he meant it metaphorically.
No fat in your body means you cannot survive since nerve cells require sheath of fat, myelin, for them to work.
If he's pure muscle he's just going to look like a starfish shaped lump of flesh, since he wouldn't have skin, bones, eyes or brains.
We can call him patrick
This was my mental image.
I'm happy to correct your mental images with a pic of my guns ;) not really though, no free fap material for anyone! and I realised I'm actually 5'10 , so more win for me lol.
Height: 5'11
Weight: 63kg
Why are people giving their height in imperial and their weight in metric?
I'm 185cms and 83kgs
That was the only question going on in my head the whole time while scrolling down to the comment box at the bottom.
Hangover of the colonial days? My great aunt used to comment on her weight in stone.
Cause it looks cool
180cm 115kg
180cm, 75kg
165cm, 60kg
205cm, 125kg
Most of my weight is in a single appendage. ;)
Gets out popcorn, awaiting responses
I work in the resource sector… I like my job… is this link SFW?
If I was your boss, I wouldn't want you on OzBargain at all unless my name was Scott Yang.
Having said that, the image is nothing you couldn't see in a PG film.
Pass on risking my employment over a link. I'll let my manager know thanks chief.
Yes sir whatever you say sir!