• expired

Free Slurpee on Saturday the 7th of November @ 7 Eleven


On Saturday the 7th of November between 7am & 11pm enter any 7-Eleven and say "HAPPY 7-ELEVEN DAY!" to get your free slurpee. More information on http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=56108856853.

We have the official confirmation from dazbaz80:

"Hey all, 7-Eleven Day is officially back :) I represent 7-Eleven and it’s great to see people are getting excited.

Just to answer a few questions, 7-Eleven Day is running on Sat Nov 7 (7-11-09) at all stores in VIC, NSW & QLD. For store locations check http://www.7eleven.com.au

All you have to do is say “Happy 7-Eleven Day” to the store assistant to receive a free slurpee. Too easy :)

This year we’ve also added a color theme to compliment our competition, “Win a years supply of free Slurpee’s”. All you have to do is take a photo of you and your mates all wearing 7-Eleven colours (red, orange and/or green) in store & share on our site. I’ll let you know more comp details as I found out early next week. In the meantime, spread the word & stay tuned."

Official Announcement at Slurpee.com.au

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closed Comments

  • Apparently they do this annually, and I heard an amusing story about it being so popular at a shop near one particular high school, that there was a queue extending far down the street and the machine couldn't dispense any more ice but just a sorry liquid drizzle. Even so, the kids who got one would just join the end of the queue again. I guess they're glad it's a Saturday this year.

    Still a good deal and might get one myself.

    • I guess they’re glad it’s a Saturday this year.

      No such luck.

      And I can't believe that no-one has posted this freebie until now. I should have. My siblings and I enjoyed several free ones last year. They don't seem to promote this event though.

      • No such luck? That's a group of 11, not a high school with 2000 pupils. You didn't just narrow down your identity to one of those 11 did you?

        • No, just the first group I came across with a search. When I last loked, number of confirmed was lower, but many more have declined since. Good call. I guess it's not going to get much bigger now, but that's just one group.

          Not to say the high-school ordeal wasn't impressive, but the 7/11 workers aren't going to have a breezy day just because it's on a weekend.

  • That's not an official 7/11 Facebook page unless it is run out of Vermont Secondary College. Hopefully, they will rerun the promotion this year, but I'm holding my + for until official confirmation.

    • Admins
      Ben Toscano (Vermont Secondary College) (creator)
      Kara Kangwa (Australia)

      On the other hand however, someone did post a comment there that some managers are saying it isn't happening.

  • 7/11, this is my way of payback for you charging me $3 for a slurpee!!!!!!!

  • Last year I was in canada for 7/11 day and the free slurpees they were giving out were only about 200ml so wasn't even worth it..

    Ended up buying a 2L one for less than $2 instead. Gotta love their big sizes over there :)

  • i did this last year! i went to a few! haha!

    • the epitome of greed. i hope you get a massive brain freeze to learn the lesson.

      • lol no. i just went to a few to try the diff flavours. i didnt finish them.

  • -2

    eh I know about that. Could have posted it =D

  • +1

    I drove around to 4-5 7/11's with my partner last year. Had a great time :)

    Note: I'm aware that using fuel to get free slurpees is a little pointless.

    • Especially if you end up refuelling at…a 7/11…

      • pretty sure that's their plan. make people pay for the petrol used to get their slurpee :D

  • +1

    go city, theres like one every 5 minutes walk

    • that's my plan, a way to relax after exams

  • +7

    Hey all, 7-Eleven Day is officially back :) I represent 7-Eleven and it's great to see people are getting excited.

    Just to answer a few questions, 7-Eleven Day is running on Sat Nov 7 (7-11-09) at all stores in VIC, NSW & QLD. For store locations check http://www.7eleven.com.au

    All you have to do is say "Happy 7-Eleven Day" to the store assistant to receive a free slurpee. Too easy :)

    This year we've also added a color theme to compliment our competition, "Win a years supply of free Slurpee's". All you have to do is take a photo of you and your mates all wearing 7-Eleven colours (red, orange and/or green) in store & share on our site. I'll let you know more comp details as I found out early next week. In the meantime, spread the word & stay tuned.

  • yeah baby may pick up a couple

  • Does anyone know the size they come in for free?

    • From the past, it's been the small size.

    • yea small size.
      but i reckon u can owes go to afew store if u wan more haha…

  • +2

    http://slurpee.com.au/ has been updated to show 7/11 day.

  • How perfect that it falls on a 30 degree day, in Melbourne at least!

  • went in to indooroopilly store at 330 and they had already run out.

  • Thanks dansor and 7-11. I had mine at 11am, and made the wife get one (spare) even though she didn't want one. Yummy.

  • I went to Mt Druitt 7-Eleven petrol station with my son, he just too shied to say and the cashier was smiling to wait for us and I said 'Happy 7-Eleven Day'. He told us to pick the orange cup. No problem at all.

  • Traveled to the Melb CBD today.. had to run around to 4 stores or so before getting my slurpee. Not impressed, especially when all 4 flavours miraculously fall 'out of order'. Store owners probably did that due to the large number of people going past i guess, shouldn't have been a problem in suburban areas.

    • What a shame for all those store owners who couldn't give away the free Slurpees.

      • I was very disappointed with the Coburg North store. As people came in and looked for the freebie, they were told by the staff working there that the machines were needing time to regenerate and so no free slurpies for at least 30 minutes. However, if you wanted to BUY a Slurpee, you were able to do so.

        The staff were trying to be sneaky about it but were relatively shameless when caught out - clearly the mixture WAS frozen enough to consume but they were not interested in giving it away as part of the promotion.

        • +2

          A lot of people here love to use the term so allow me …

          Bait and switch!


  • Went to mel CBD too. I got 5. A problem was the sticky floors. I would hate to clean that up.

    I want to know if the franchise pays for the slurpee or the headquarters. I also would like to know how many they ended up giving away…

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