This was posted 10 years 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Esio Entertainment] Flash Sale: Watch Dogs $14.95 (Uplay Key)


Hey everyone, I've introduced a new idea I had called Flash Sales. It will be better known as a daily deal. So for the next 24 hours (9pm-9pm AEST), you can pick up Watch Dogs for just $14.95. Limited stock!

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Esio Entertainment
Esio Entertainment

closed Comments

  • +1

    LOL, web page title on their site: "Watch Doges"

    <title>Watch Doges</title>

    • +2

      Much hack. Wow.

  • +1

    Hey Dagmar, is there a sale on GTA V incoming? You said on your last ozbargain deal there would be but it only increased by $3 :( Super keen on buying it though.

    • +2

      Sure is man! I upped the price because my supplier upped theirs. As soon as the price reduces, I will put up a "You Pay What We Pay" deal and make sure I let you know :) Be assured it will be before release so get your wallet ready :)

      • +1

        Sweet, that's fair enough. Thanks for the quick reply! Looking forward to seeing that deal when it comes up, my wallet is ready!

      • Is your GTA V key a Steam key or Rockstar Social Club key?

        • Rockstar Social Club, unfortunately.

        • +1

          Bugger! Doesn't seem many sellers have a Steam key.

        • It's definitely a shame. The only upside is that I can get certain games cheaper (GTA 4, etc) because they use "other" DRM. It's about a $4 difference at least between the Steam GTA 4 and the Rockstar GTA 4.

  • $12.27 at Gaming Dragons with this voucher.


    • My prices are AUD, not USD. Even with the coupon PayPal is charging $16.39.

  • It still runs like a friggin' pig and I doubt anymore optimisation patches are coming. Make sure you've got a R9 290 or a GTX 770 at a minimum if you want half-decent performance.

    • +1

      I bought a GTX 780Ti for $950 in preparation for the game. Imagine my shock, disappointment and anger when the game stuttered when driving and kept FPS lagging randomly. I even forked out $250 for the DedSec Edition and the Vigilante Edition just so I could have all the collectors items. Never again.

      • It's ridiculous how poorly some modern games are optimised.

        You know something's wrong when Far Cry 3 averages 70FPS on a Quad-SLI Titan rig at 1920x1080.

        • Yay videogames. New PC games aren't being optimized for PC, and the new consoles aren't being optimized for games at all!

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