• expired

Receive 5000 Points (Worth ~ $50) & 1st Month Cover FREE with AMEX Ezicover Insurance


5000 points is roughly worth $50 IIRC

Remember to cancel before end of first month to avoid second month premium (Otherwise its ~ $5 per month)

Receive 5,000 Bonus Points & first month’s cover for $0 when you purchase American Express Ezicover Insurance before 31 March 2015 and are approved. Term, conditions and exclusions apply3

Terms and Conditions

  1. The Ezicover insurance products described on this website are issued by Zurich Australia Limited (Zurich), ABN 92 000 010 195, AFSL 232510 of 5 Blue Street, North Sydney, NSW 2060. The information on the website is provided by Zurich and is of a general nature only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider these factors, the appropriateness of the information and the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) before making a decision. The information contained on this website is a summary only and there are relevant terms, conditions and exclusions that apply and these are explained in the PDS. The Ezicover insurance products are only available to Australian residents. The promoter of this product is American Express Australia Limited (ABN 92 108 952 085, AFS Licence No. 291313). The role of American Express is limited to promotion only. It is not authorised to act on behalf of Zurich and cannot legally bind Zurich. Please take this opportunity to read the American Express Financial Services Guide. Offer only available to new American Express Ezicover Insurance Policy Holders who apply by 31 March 2015, are approved and have purchased their policy using a Card issued by American Express Australia Limited - not bank issued, provided they are enrolled in the eligible rewards programs. Eligible rewards programs include Membership Rewards program, Qantas Direct program, Qantas Frequent Flyer program and Velocity Frequent Flyer program. Bonus Points will be allocated once only per Card account, therefore Card Members who currently hold or have previously purchased an American Express Ezicover Insurance product are ineligible for this offer.

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (3)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (10)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

American Express
American Express

closed Comments

  • -1

    Hey mate,

    Pretty sure it has your private info in the link you provided. Might wanna remove it.

    • -2

      Its been adjusted. Have a look carefully

      • Yup all good. It was showing your account number ending before. Name is still showing up, if that's a concern or not…

        • +1

          That's not his name…

  • +1

    Good deal. I'm always surprised that deals like this don't get up-voted more - they're easy wins. A few years back if I remember correctly the 1000 Amex bonus points for every transaction didn't get much attention, even though it meant earning an easy 10,000 points per day if you spent wisely. Anyhow, good deal :)

    • I recently got the 20000 flybuys points with their Dec Coles Life insurance offer. Ended up costing me $5 but got $100 worth of points

  • +1

    Just to note that this is only for Amex issued cards and not bank issued Amex cards so no good for me.

    • +2

      And I realise that it does say that in your post but I didn't read it the whole way through due to laziness and now realise that I look like a tool.

  • at what point do you exactly get 5000 points into your account?

  • You can definitely cancel any time you like?

  • Also wondering what cash you have to outlay with the Amex credit card at the beginning, just for the second month presumably?

  • The Coles offer seems to be still available. I got flybuy offers saying that you get 20000 bonus points if you purchase by 28 Feb.
    Thanks EC for the post, looks like I will be getting two life insurance policies shortly.

  • Hi guy's just wondering if it's worth getting an American Express card?, seems as though there have been a few AMEX bargains lately.

  • Has anyone who did not get the promotional email still received the points after signing up?

    Just found an email with the same offer from Aug (exp Oct). It links to the same page, also displays personal info but has a different unique id number included in the URL.

    Wondering if this is for tracking the offer and if so used to determine if the applicants account is eligible?

  • It seems you have to make at least 2 months of premium payments to get the points and possibly 3…so debateable if this is a good deal..depends on your age I think as for me the monthly premium at 50K coverage at $15/month so not worth it.

    "Offer only available to new American Express Ezicover Insurance Policy Holders who apply by 31 March 2014, are approved and have purchased their policy using a Card issued by American Express Australia ® - not bank issued. 5,000 Bonus Points will be awarded to the eligible Card Member's account 8-10 weeks after their first premium has been charged. Not valid in conjunction with any other promotional offer. "

  • Has anybody got the 5000 points yet, and if so how long did it take?

  • Not me, Amex said I'll get it when I get charged for the insurance i.e. when the statement comes out, statement came out no charge or points. Sending messages to Amex to try and get an explanation.

  • According to the T&C it is 8 to 10 weeks after the first premium is charged. This is what I read.

  • Got it, policy papers said direct debit on 17th, got charged today and receiced the points.

  • Just following up, I received the points so will be cancelling my cover.

  • i only received my points after being charged, no problems since it's only around $5 for 5000 points but it's not exactly free like the terms and conditions implied :)

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