multi user site payment gateway advice.

We are getting a site developed for e commerce it will have products on it from two different companies of ours, with seperate bank accounts. Needing advice on how it can be set up so the customer pays for the multi items at the gateway and the funds are then directed to the respective bank accounts of the company that offers the products.Please give us your thoughts if this is possible and how it can be done. We were considering using both eway and paypal for payment gateways. The webpage is wordpress and woocommerce.


  • +2

    If the people you're paying to develop your web site do not have the knowledge to do what you want, then are they the right people do be developing your web site?

    And do they know that you seem to be trying to work around them?

  • +3

    I think what you are saying is taking a hard thing (billing systems) and making it even more complex (linking two billing payment systems). My advice would be to either separate into two, or just merge everything, and work out where the money goes at the end of each month. Sounds like (imho) you might want to think your business strategy through… unless you are a 7 figure company, I can't imagine why this would really be a critical feature in your first website. You'll be paying an absurd amount of money to the person making this system to customise, test, and make sure that such a custom system was reliable, accurate and trustworthy, which would defeat the whole point of using an off the shelf system like woo commerce.

    At the end of the day EVERYTHING is possible with websites (as long as you're paying…), but not everything is SENSIBLE.

  • Get it paid into one account and take advantage of any transaction volume discounts. Set the account up as a dual signatory account so both you and your business partner have to authorise a withdrawal and do periodic transfers out of the account into your own accounts.

  • +1

    Multi vendor e-commerce site is common and lots of site can do that. However, I have never heard of multi payment gateway on a single site and there's a good reason for it. Imagine, a customer come to your site, but 3 products (a, b and c). Product a and b are from vendor 1 and c is from vendor 2. You will need to store their credit card information (that's a pain) and try to charge them on different payment gateways as oppose to not hosting anything but passing the control over to payment gateway to process it.

    pinchies is absolutely right that there's a more sensible way to do it, unless you have a very good business case that you need such a system.

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