AusGamers are giving away Heroes of the Storm beta keys, you just need to register/be a member.
All you need to do is be a signed-up member of AusGamers (which is free)!
Once you have your key head over to to redeem your key in your account. You will then be >able to download the game through the official client downloader. You can also swing by the game's official >website for information on how to play the game and it's ever-growing roster list.
Please note that these Heroes of the Storm beta keys are only available for the ANZ region.
EDIT: You need to watch a AusGamers video now to get the key now, cheers to DJ for this next bit.
They have to be Ausgamers Hosted videos, not youtube.
Here, use this:
Don't have to watch the whiole thing, just drag the slider close to the end, and once it completes, you're good !
Weird, blizard don't have region specific key locking mechanism. It just adds ANZ key to your account, which usually provide access to Oceanic + US servers.