This was posted 10 years 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Heroes of The Storm Beta Key Giveaway [Registration Required]


AusGamers are giving away Heroes of the Storm beta keys, you just need to register/be a member.

All you need to do is be a signed-up member of AusGamers (which is free)!

Once you have your key head over to to redeem your key in your account. You will then be >able to download the game through the official client downloader. You can also swing by the game's official >website for information on how to play the game and it's ever-growing roster list.

Please note that these Heroes of the Storm beta keys are only available for the ANZ region.

EDIT: You need to watch a AusGamers video now to get the key now, cheers to DJ for this next bit.

They have to be Ausgamers Hosted videos, not youtube.

Here, use this:

Don't have to watch the whiole thing, just drag the slider close to the end, and once it completes, you're good !

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closed Comments

  • Weird, blizard don't have region specific key locking mechanism. It just adds ANZ key to your account, which usually provide access to Oceanic + US servers.

    • Probably has something to do with the fact that AU blizzard accounts can't use usd in the online store.

      There was a big fuss about it when they were changing that messed up money gained from Diablo 3 auction house.

  • So I signed up and I got this message


    You are not eligible for this promotion as you don't have the right Achievements!

    You still need to earn these Achievements to be eligible for this promotion - so keep at it!

    • Site now says:

      All you need to do is be a signed-up member of AusGamers (which is free) and have watched at least one video on the site (this is to discourage multiple accounts for one user)!

      • Right I tried that but it still says I need to watch a video

        • +1

          Check my comment below - needs to be an Ausgamers hosted video, not a youtube one !

    • Logged in just to post this as well.
      I got the same message, which is a disappointment as I"m really keen to try out Heroes of the Storm.

  • +1

    I have watched 2 videos now but still not eligible

    • Yeah I watched the one the OP said to watch and unlocked the 'You killed the radio star' achievement but its still saying that Im not eligible. They may have run out of free keys not sure

  • Weird that they're doing this achievement thing. I got to play the alpha without doing anything but requesting a key.

    The game was really boring tbh. Pretty generic and no depth.

  • +2

    They have to be Ausgamers Hosted videos, not youtube.

    Here, use this:

    Don't have to watch the whiole thing, just drag the slider close to the end, and once it completes, you're good !

    • Thankyou..

      That worked

  • It's a pretty bad game, not worth the effort tbh. Definitely not the the level of Dota 2.

    • Pretty sure it's not attempting to replicate Dota 2. Think more aimed at the LoL market.

    • -1

      Well I was lucky enough to get Alpha invites, and I feel this game is very different with Lol / Dota where it is team based rather than individual based. So yeah you cant compare orange with apple.

    • +1

      HotS it's amazing! The learning curve is way easier for entry, high to master but hell it smashes DOTA and LOLs gold mechanisms to pieces. No last hitting and global group EXP makes it an accessible and fun game.

  • Have wanted to try this for a while, thanks OP.

  • Think some people's expectations might be a bit silly. It's not going to have the complexity and polish of it's competitors without their years of polish and evolution, and only a fraction of the hero roster out.

    • With a different company I'd agree, but it's Blizzard.

      Even in beta phases stuff already has a lot of polish compared to other companies. Heck they even scraped entire projects like starcraft ghost because they didn't like how it was going.

      But that's to the credit not detriment of Blizzard in my opinion that people just expect highly of them that they wouldn't other companies.

      And then of course there is also rampant fanboyism that you'd get with any game that are usually the most vocal bunch.

      • You are comparing the Blizzard of old with the new Blizzard.
        The original wizards who created WoW and StarCraft and Diablo 1 & 2 are all gone.

        • I understand Blizzard got a lot of flack over Diablo 3. But think about this, most of the people who complained about Diablo 3 still probably put way over 60 hours into the game.

          That's the kind of expectation people have from Blizzard. They rag all over the game, and yet dedicate so many hours to it. If it were any other company they'd just write it off as a bad purchase and move on after 3-4 hours of game play.

          And keep in mind, that's an issue with gameplay. And that's most likely because of the auction house and the fact that they decided to make the game not like diablo 2 where the highest level enemy is still underwhelming and you can steamroll the hardest monsters in the game can throw at you so people saw the auction house as pay to win.

          That's not an issue with polish. The game was still being worked on in beta when people were complaining 'just release it already it looks fantastic'.

          Compare Diablo 3 to it's main competition, Path of Exile. Compare the game graphically, how good it looks and how smooth it plays. That's Blizzard polish people expect that other companies get a pass on.

          To be honest with you I feel those 'original games' you mentioned started out with less polish than the newer ones on release. They had a ton of time to actually polish it up because most of those games came out at a time where there was little competition to them so they could stay around. It's unlikely any new mmo will be able to come out and be the 'wow killer' unless it is significantly better in every aspect to wow on release and will likely die within a year. Because mmos require a player base and people's friends all play wow, so if they want to play with their friends, they have to split their group of friends to those who want to play and those who don't. I highly doubt that if wow was released (as it was on release) into an environment like today's where there is one giant mmo everyone knows and has probably played at one point would survive.

  • The achievement may have changed or is different for each person.

    The achieve I had to do was 'download 10 files'. Just clicking to the download page without actually downloading the file was sufficient. There was a pop up in the bottom right of the window saying there was an achievement for the first file downloaded as well as the 10th to tell if you're on the right track.

  • +6

    Just noticed this up here, explains the surge of users! We've found a fair few are claiming multiple keys through either spoofing fake emails or using multiple spacer characters to fool the claiming system.

    To somewhat stop most of that we've just changed the required achievement to downloading 10 files, which shouldn't be too much of a bother to those legitimately wanting to play the game.

  • With the new requirement of downloading 10 files, you can just do this

    1.Go to the downloads page
    2.Randomly click on 10 different items (easier to open them all in different tabs) on "Download now" for all the tabs

    You do not need to download the files at all, they only need to think you are going to

  • +2

    Just fyi you dont actually need a beta code anymore
    All you need to do is update your beta preferences and heroes should be automatically added to your account

    • How long does it take? I updated my beta preferences 5 hours ago and still don't have it in my battle net account

      • should see it via summary page straight away

  • no keys left :(

  • did anyone get a spare key that i could have please?

  • all gone

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