• expired

Kogan 27" Cinema Display 2560x1440 IPS Monitor $349 + Shipping (Save $100)


Great price on this 2560x1440 IPS Monitor from Kogan. Been waiting for it to drop for a while.
Usual sale price is $399
So this is another $50 off. Not sure if it's ever been this low.

I got the 3y warranty for an extra $59 to be safe.

Panel info
6.5ms response time (edited)
Display Port
270 degree swivel and landscape/portrait locking system

Edit: Expired already. Price back to $409.

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closed Comments

  • How come it says Cashback under the Go to Deal button and Cashrewards is shown? Cashrewards don't do Kogan from what I can see

    • I dunno. Tried to edit the post but can't find how to disable Cashback anywhere.

  • +1

    Edit: Some more info on the panel http://www.panelook.com/LM270WQ1-SDE...iew_16010.html

    404 - 找不到文件或目录。

  • is 12ms good for an ips?

    • -3

      It's about average.

    • +1

      I think it's below average,
      My Dell UltraSharp U2412M from 2012 is 8ms.

      • +1

        Dell Ultrasharp isn't your average monitor.

    • There's good reason the think that the newer model (updated in 2013) may have 6.5ms response time. See my comment below.

  • Has anyone used one of these before? How is it?

    And importantly, I can't seem to find a pixel guarantee.

    • Surely there's an implied guarantee under the Consumer Law?

      • Within reason. Asus has a 3> dead pixel policy for them to do anything although a retailer may be a little more lenient.

    • I've had one in the past and found the picture quality to be excellent. The build quality isn't on par with Apple or LG but you can't expect that for the price tag. I did have some power issues inside the first twelve months but and Kogan were very good to deal with in sending a replacement and ultimately a refund.

      • replacement and then refund? Do tell…

        I've heard bad stuff about kogan warranty.

        • +1

          Not 100% relevant, but Kogan repaired my TV quickly and gratis (including courier each way) even though it was a few months out of warranty.

          I imagine at the very least you'd be looked after better than with Korean eBay sellers.

          If I didn't already have a qnix 27" I'd be all over this.

        • +2

          There was a problem with the power adaptor overheating and shutting off. Kogan didn't have any stand alone power adaptors so they send me a replacement monitor with adaptor. Unfortunately after about 2 months the replacement also suffered a power supply issue (no screen illumination). Dunno if it was the adaptor or the monitor but they still offered me another replacement or a full refund even though I was now outside the original 12 month warranty period. Ultimately I took the refund. Dunno if it was a bad batch of power adaptors, perhaps I just got unlucky. But they were very good in backing the warranty. On each occasion they had a replacement to me within 10 days.

    • I got mine, and ended up having to return it.

      The image quality was incredible, compared to my 5+ possibly 10 year old Dell

      somehow it introduced noise in my speakers, as far as i could see some problem with ground loop, and I had to fork extra money to buy a device to isolate the monitor.

      Also had some heavy backlight bleed, and the gloss display made everything reflect (not a big deal)

  • +2

    Guys, been doing some digging and apparently Kogan updated this monitor in 2013 when they updated the stand.

    So it's hard to know exactly which version of the LG LM270WQ1 panel it now uses. However all versions of the LM270WQ1 are specced at 6.5ms response time with the exception of the SLC1, SLC2 and SLB2 models.

    So the info about the 12ms response time may be out of date so I've changed it back to the 6.5ms response time displayed on the Kogan site until someone can confirm the current panel.

    • I've found an old snapshot of the website from late 2013
      which shows the panel model as being LG LM270WQ1-SDE5 on the Specs tab.

      Interestingly this site also shows this panel as being discontinued.

      If Kogan have back stock from 2013 then it's most likely the LM270WQ1-SDE5 and the response time would be 6.5-7.5.

      If they are manufacturing new stock then it's still not clear which panel is being used. I have submitted a support ticket with this question and will let you know if I hear back.

  • +1

    I prefer pay a little bit more to BenQ BL2710PT.
    Much better display quality

    • Have you seen both monitors in action and properly calibrated to be able to make that judgement?

      • -6

        why would you? kogan is known for crap, so I am sure that this monitor will meet that expectation.

        • +4

          I have no idea about Kogan's product quality so I can't comment and I always refrain from commenting on products I know nothing about. I was hoping the poster was giving an informed opinion and not a general one.

        • This monitor uses the same LG panel that Apple was using in their thunderbolt display. Is that the 'crap' you were referring to?

        • -1

          @stuckster: Of course. Totes obviously. The hardware doesn't determine quality it's the the vague opinion that a person holds that determines quality :p

        • +1

          Is it possible that these are second grade of the manufacturing line?

        • @stuckster: Of course Kogan would source the best panels and sell them cheaper then the second grade panels. Just read the forums about Kogan products…. why would this be any better than the rest of their crap?

        • @Logical: Sorry I don't follow. You're agreeing that they're using top quality panels but because they are able to manufacture and sell them more cheaply than second grade panels that somehow makes them crap?

        • @stuckster: you didn't read the pun… 'as if' kogan would source the best panels and sell them cheaper…

        • -1

          @Logical: Right, yer, I missed your pun. So just to be clear, are you claiming that they are NOT using the high quality LG panel that they show in the specs?

        • @turbodude: Not sure. What exactly do you mean?

        • @Jonesy77: All of benQs 120hz+ monitors have been quality

        • @nick nick: When did I ever say they weren't? I was asking the poster whether he had actually used a Kogan monitor or if he was just giving an uninformed opinion.

        • @Jonesy77: i know you wernt, im just making the point you know youre getting quality with Ben-q

    • +4

      Haha….WTH?!? I just checked the price of the BL2710PT and it's lowest price that I can find is $642.

      You really class that as a little bit more? For close to 2x the price I would certainly hope the BenQ leaves the Kogan in it's wake. They aren't even on a comparable level.

      • i think hes referring to the old price when they were clearing them out for 399 each, i dont think available at that price anymore.

        • +2

          If that's the case it seems rather odd to mention it when that monitor is not available anywhere near that price currently.

      • I brought at few months ago,about $420 including shipping. I through that's a deal but every shop were in same price($399+del

        I can show my invoice if you want.

  • +1

    Had this over a year. Running sweet.

  • Guys I am thinking of biting the bullet and trying this out. I'm sure it comes down to luck and a matter of preference but can anyone else weigh in on a recommendation to upgrade to 3 year warranty?

    My understanding is that Consumer Law in Australia would render needing to get an extended warranty unneccessary. Reasonable expectation for a $350 (usually $450) computer monitor is that it would not fail within 3 years and so if it does, I would be entitled to warranty replacement regardless. Sure I might have to jump through hoops and maybe go without for a couple of weeks while the claim is considered and processed by both Kogan and ACC but…you know that Ozbargainer spirit…perhaps I can save $56 here


    A user on the whirlpool thread linked by OP advises "The offer is avaialble until 2AM (AEDT), Feburary 6th, 2015."

    • I got the 3y warranty for a few reasons.
      a) I've had previous experience of this monitor playing up outside the default 12m warranty period
      b) I ultimately want to buy a higher end G-sync/Free Sync monitor in 18-24m when prices and choice becomes more reasonable, so this monitor needs to last me until then. I also wanted to be able to sell it with a warranty.
      c) I want to minimise my downtime if anything does go wrong. I can only get by on my iPad for a few days!

      So having all of that was worth $60 for me.

      • Thanks for replying stuckster, I appreciate hearing from you. Good reasons there and I think you have made the right descision to cover your needs. I think I'm going to roll the dice on this one and try save the $60.

        What happened with the previous one outside of the warranty period? Power adapter related issues?

  • I'm after a large high resolution monitor and I've been debating what to get.
    I noticed the Kogan 30 inch cinema display model but I'm leaning towards this Samsung 32 inch monster. Looks great, has 3 year warranty and is 2056 x 1440 resolution.
    Cheapest on the net I've found is $650 delivered to Melbourne.

    FOr anyone else looking for a huge high res monitor:


    • Shopping Express are pretty reputable. Dunno if that is a good deal for this monitor though. Perhaps start a separate deal for this, you might get more feedback as this one just expired.

  • +1

    Well it arrived. Big ass screen, high resolution, no dead pixels. Ordered Thursday night arrived Monday lunchtime. I tell you hwat though, it really likes to jiggle on its pedestal as I'm typing. I attribute that partially to the table I am using but also the monitor connection to the pedestal could be firmer. I haven't tried to do anything to fix that yet and I'm about to have a look at the manual on the website as maybe there is something to lock it in that I haven't done yet

    • I haven't got mine yet and I ordered midday on Thursday. I haven't even gotten a dispatch notice. Did you get one?

      • Yeah I got two from Australia Post

        One saying "Your shipment is due for delivery today" at 6:05am and one saying "Your shipment has been delivered" at 11:45am although it arrived at about 9:15am. I live in the ACT and paid via paypal

        • I thought Kogan gave a dispatch notice when it leaves the warehouse.

          Oh well, maybe it will arrive tomorrow. I live in Queensland.

        • @jazoom:

          Yeah me too. I got a dispatch email for the free multi-tool can opener thing that they offered a while back and that was posted on here, however I think that email came a few days after the actual thing arrived in the mail so there's that….

          I haven't had any emails from Kogan about this order since the evening I bought it and none of those were a dispatch email.

        • @hetzjagd:
          I think this must be the first time I've ever ordered from Kogan. I was shocked at just how many spam emails they sent me in the 24 hours after I ordered. I've never seen anything like it. I wonder if that works for them. It just made me unsubscribe and reduced my opinion of them.

          At least they could have made one of those emails helpful or something.

        • @jazoom:

          Actually sorry I should clarify, I got plenty of Kogan spam since ordering the monitor, I meant emails directly related to my order. The only one I got from them after the first few minutes after I ordered that was related to it was one saying something like "Nice purchase on the monitor, here are some other things you might like to buy that go with it" or something inane like that.

        • @hetzjagd:
          I know what you meant. I was just complaining about their spam haha.

        • @jazoom:
          Yeah I got the same. They should combine a few of those emails to reduce the clutter. But technically speaking it's not really "spam" (unsolicited email) since as a new customer they have permission to contact you with information relating to your order. They also add you to the newsletter which is a tad cheeky, but you can easily unsubscribe.

        • @jazoom:

          You wouldn't read about it. 1:46pm today I get an email from Kogan.com "The following Kogan items for order ordernumber have left our warehouse!" complete with details on the monitor and auspost tracking number. At least three days late on that email but still…quite happy with the product and service

        • @hetzjagd:

          Lucky for you. I won't have mine until next week. And that's if everything goes as currently planned. My service has been shit. I'll never order from them again.

    • Mine too. Arrived today. No dead pixels. Still on a mission to determine the actual panel used. Have a ticket open with Kogan.

      • how firm is the table you have it on? can you shake your table any or is too heavy to do that? if you hold the base down firmly, can you gently rock the monitor and the pedestal back and forth as if it isn't sitting in the base tightly?

        I can record a video and put it on youtube if that helps

    • +1

      Re the jiggling. There shouldn't be any. Mine is solid. Make sure you have pushed the stem firmly into the base until it clicks. Also check the actual base it flat. If the base wobbles without the monitor then that will be hugely accentuated once the monitor is attached.

      • I recorded a video of whats happening but upon rereading your comment just now it seems like the base does not sit completely flat for some reason. I can't work out why as there are at least 5 evenly distributed little grip circle things extended out from the bottom of it. It wobbles the same on this heavy glass table or a vastly heavier wooden table. I'm not really too fussed about it as I really like the monitor and typing isn't enough to make it wobble so much that it is distracting reading the text at the same time. I'm also maybe sourcing the stand from a Dell 27" monitor which might do the trick. I'm hoping/assuming that the bit that connects the back of the monitor to the pedestal will fit given they are both 27" monitors.

        I checked and the base was not completely firmly clicked in to the monitor but I have seen managed to get it firmly in and it doesn't make much difference.


        Picture of it clicked into the base http://i.imgur.com/QMyrndm.jpg

        • There is some natural play in the stand mechanism because of the swivel function. The entire stand swivels side to side about 260 degrees.

          Looking at your vid it seems like your hand would be ever so slightly engaging the swivel action causing the monitor to shake. Mine has a similar shaking motion if I do the same thing. So I think this is pretty normal. I'm guessing it would be pretty hard to make a swivel stand that is also rock solid.

        • @stuckster:

          Thanks so much for taking the time to check out the video and replying :) I'm still enjoying the heck out of this monitor and your advice is allowing me to relax even further knowing that I didn't get one with a dud or weak stand/swivel.

  • Well I still haven't heard anything from Kogan and haven't received my monitor. They haven't replied to my emails.

    This is a pretty shitty first experience buying with them. I don't think I'll do it again.

    • Mine arrived within 4 days Sydney metro. Unsure what the hold up could be. But agreed they should be in contact. Try their online chat. I've always found that to be the best.

  • Yeah, Kogan is officially shit.

    I just got notified that my monitor has been picked up from them by Toll today and it's due to arrive to me next Monday!!! Useless!

    • That's pretty shite. Mine arrived really promptly. Perhaps they had to order more stock in?

  • Well it's official. I finally got confirmation from Kogan on the specific panel used in this monitor.


    Thanks for your reply.
    We apologise for the initial confusion surrounding your enquiry.
    We can confirm that the specific LM270WQ1 monitor model is the SDE5.
    Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further assistance.

    Kindest regards,
    David G


    So it's the LG LM270WQ1-SDE5 as I suspected.
    Response time: 6.5

    First used in their 2013 model and no longer in production. Can only assume they ordered a crap load of them back in 2013 and are still selling the back stock. So the monitors are already 18 mths old. But if they still perform as expected and are backed by warranty then no big deal. Just know you're buying slightly outdated hardware.

    Here's how it compares to similar LG panels currently in production
    It still holds up pretty well. If anything the power consumption is much lower than the newer panels.

    • Thanks

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