This was posted 10 years 1 month 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Battlefield Hardline Open Beta - Free [Origin - PC | PS3 + 4 | Xbox 360 + 1]


I noticed that a previous beta was posted and quite popular, so thought I'd post that the final, open beta, phase is now live.

Just login to Origin and it'll be there.

Not bad really, a bit laggy at times, needs to be tuned a bit before release, but my favorite since 1942!

PC (Origin)
· Make sure your PC meets the disk space and system requirements.
· Launch Origin.
· Find and download the Battlefield Hardline Open Beta.
· Once installation is complete, launch the Beta from Origin. This will direct you to Battlelog.
· Choose a game mode and server in Battlelog to start playing.

PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 3
· Head to the PlayStation Store.
· Find and download the Battlefield Hardline Open Beta.
· Once installation is complete, launch the Beta from the main Playstation menu.
· Note that PS4 owners need an active PlayStation+ Subscription.

Xbox One / Xbox 360
· Make sure you have an active Xbox Live subscription.
· Head to Xbox Live.
· Find and download the Battlefield Hardline Open Beta.
· Once installation is complete, launch the Beta from the main menu.

If anyone wants to jump in for a game, add me on Origin: shaw2100

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closed Comments

  • +1

    The state of the game last year is vastly superior to the product now on show. The game is clunky, animations are bad (especially running/walking), servers are unstable. This game should be F2P. Battlefield Heroes is better.

    Fairly large discussion on the current beta on Reddit

    • I agree. It looks and plays horribly like a F2P game.

    • I've heard the same stated by others, although I'm not really into harshly judging a game by a pre-release version. I can't say I'll be buying it, maybe once it's on sale at Origin MX, but it's better than the other BF games I've played in the last few years, in any state.

      • I would have had the same reservations about the game last year knowing how long there is still left until the game is released, however the game is released next month. Not a lot is going to change in that time frame. Glad you enjoy it though.

        • I've tested, beta and alpha, many games, and have often been surprised by the amount of change that can happen in the short time between last beta and release. I don't necessarily believe that this will be one of those cases though.

          It is fun for a beta, and as stated above, would be a good F2P game, having to pay for it, that is a different matter.

    • It's possible it's a legitimate beta rather than an advertising beta. I remember Battlefield 3 was extremely busted during its beta.

      • it wasnt that bad

  • How big is the PS4 download ?

    • Just like with Xbox consoles, you can't pre-install or pre-load the Battlefield Hardline beta on your PS4 or PS3. Instead, you're going to have to wait until the beta drops on February 3 and wait for it to download and install. You're looking at a download size of between 10 – 11GB on PS4 and just under 4GB for PS3.

      • This is gonna take awhile.11 hour's remaining.

        i downloaded the First Beta last year and was hoping there would be a update for it so i don't need to download BFH again but that wasn't the case so now i'm downloading a 11gb beta again.

        • ADSL? :(

          I was getting max line on Origin ~7MBps.

        • @Shaw:


          checked speed test and here is my hopeless download speed 0.80mps.

          I just wish they laid the NBN cable already.

        • @Pepsi to go:

          Really? Surely there is something not right there…

          How far are you from the exchange?

          Actually, no, sounds about right… been so long.

        • @Shaw:

          Are you on NBN?

          Ran the speed test again and got 1.23mbps now.

        • @Pepsi to go:

          I'm on VDSL. Basically faster copper.

          Is that MBps or Mbps?

        • @Pepsi to go: Same speed as me mate.
          it sucks doesnt it.
          Thats why i don't bother with timed betas like these with my slow ass download speeds.

        • @holden93:

          Got 5 Hours left.
          I left my PS4 on overnight.

  • +4

    For those wondering, 9.6gb dl for PC

    • +1

      Expands to 11.4GB.

  • This game is terrible.

  • I can't find the download on ps3 playstation store, can anyone help? And is an active PS+ acc needed to download beta on ps3?

    • Possibly.

      It doesn't say either way though..

    • You need Ps+. As it is online multiplayer.

      • nope, I think people with normal PSN just had delayed access. I just downloaded it myself.

  • +1

    Seems a cross between COD and Counter Strike. Yawn. Back to BF3/4 for me.

    • Heist mode especially. Hotwire is fun for a laugh. BF4 gameplay is still more enjoyable.

  • it really does suck - i was really hoping to find the next cs:go replacement - cs:go is just too full of hackers, and the genuine players are mostly leaving.

    i'm sick of cs:go and its hackers :(

  • -7

    Nope. I don't consider beta testing a bargain.

    • +1

      how is it not? just because you don't pay money upfront for it doesn't mean it can't save you money in the long run, just don't be so narrow minded…

      • +1

        So the bargain is that you never end up buying the game?

        • It all depends on how you like the game wouldn't it..,

      • How exactly are you saving money by doing work (beta testing) for a company that should be paying their staff for the testing? Guess you don't remember that it took Dice 8 months to iron out the bugs in BF4.

        • So then you can answer your own question can't you?

        • @Tal_Shiar:
          Right, so you're saying the bargain is that you're doing paid work for free.
          Best. Bargain. Ever.

        • @Draxxx:

          not everyone views beta testing as work

          some view it as getting an exclusive sneak peak before release


          and you get to enjoy the preview of the beta version of the game without wasting time waiting for it to drop

          Also its a free demo before you buy

        • @Draxxx: I am saying it's an opportunity to test the game to see how you like it and adjust your purchase decision accordingly…. do you want to pay full price for a bad game? It sure sounds like you do…..

        • @furythree:
          I get your point. And I understand why people participate.
          I guess I'm trying to say not everything that is free is a bargain.

          Technically, you're not testing the game. You're testing a "pre-final" build, so its hardly a sure way to gauge what you'll be purchasing.
          Secondly, I learnt from the BF4 debacle what Dice/EA releases are like. And frankly I have no desire at all to play this game. Free or not.

  • I believe that this finishes on 8 February….
    ohhhhhhhh well….give it a try…
    NOBODY ON SERVERS atm…nooooooooo

    • It's strange, one minute it shows all empty, then the next there are a couple full.. Buggy filtering I think.

  • Tragicfield hardline. Tragically will be softline. The fastest Battlefield ever! wait ever? what about 2016/17 when the next Battlefield is out, it will surely be faster. To date the tragicfield 4 the buggest of all.

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