100GB cable internet for $80 per month (Home Bundle M) - juicy!
- New customers only
- Home Bundle M or above bundles
- 24 month contract
- $59 sign up costs, includes modem and installation
100GB cable internet for $80 per month (Home Bundle M) - juicy!
Threaten to cancel - go through to Saves and tell them you can get a better deal with Optus or TPG or some such. Tell them you want this deal or better. You shouldn't be paying for any line rentals, local or STD calls, calls to Telstra mobiles and 500GB should be easily achieved in the price.
ok, i'll try that tomorrow.
Don't let them fob you off and give Live Chat a crack if the phone's no good. $20 off even your current plan should be the very least you walk away with (and without a recontract).
10GB plan for super fast broadband what the point lol.
Order of magnitude more throughput than DSL for 1 order of magnitude less inclusion ..bit of nonsense. +degraded offerings versus past deals.. passé. (Got a 10M 4g UL)
Aussie how can we get Netflix, online video with such kind of ISPs.
I think this is much better value and only ten bucks more. https://www.optus.com.au/shop/broadband/bundles/90-superfast…
assuming one has cable
I am sure Optus will be at the top of the market if you give the same plan to NBN Customers :-). Many people here would love that deal.
Actually I think the NBN version is the same… $90 for Tier 2 speeds (25/5)
Additional $20 for tier 4 speeds (100/40)
Definitely a great deal if I could get optus, unfortunately I can't… and NBN isn't available in my area yet…
errrr stuffed up my comment.
Apologies, not gonna edit it.
includes free congestion, bargain!
Well I recently swapped from BigPond Cable -> Optus Cable (on the above deal).
I has both connections active several days (Fri-Mon). surprisingly Optus was marginly quicker most of the time (like 1-1.5Mbps), This was the to oolka speedtest servers in oz (even the Telstra ones). The OS ones they were similar, but with a VPN Telstra tended to be a bit quicker in the early morning (6am). But that was before the 100Mbs speed pack was added, now Optus of course is much quicker locally.
So don't assume Telstra will be quicker/better, as it's not always the case.
The real test is how that speed holds up a little later down the track!
Why would it be any different, except if they got a lot of people signing up in the neighbourhood?
Yeah the Optus one is pretty good - they don't service my area though sob.
These dicks are available literally just over the train tracks from me, and also just over a park from me. I'm stuck on 10mbps ADSL2+, and they get 100mbps unlimited. :(.
It's very interesting how much telstra is avoiding "unlimited" connections. If they're not careful it will be their downfall. It seems everyone has an unlimited plan except telstra.
In my area they just say we are too far from the exchange and I have to put up with mobile coverage - by week 1 I'm getting messages that I've used half my allowance and that's at around $60 for 8Gb. To set the context I'm in NSW Campbelltown City Council LGA and not too far from the new Urban Growth areas. It's unrealistic to expect people within metro areas to only be able to access mobile internet. Yet someone just down the road can get it and Telstra won't explain how they can access something I can't and their wires/cables etc have to go past my house! Its gone on for years and I'm not tech savvy enough to know how to fight it. Probably the local MP isn't either cause he's had no success with getting broadband into the area despite his efforts. I feel your pain, and your bank balance.
"Unlimited" is just not necessary these days in the era of 500GB allowances. RSPs know that you won't use more than that realistically which is why they can offer "unlimited" deals nowadays. Either way, get a 500GB or an unlimited, and you're right.
How much data they can use if they turn on Netflix every night on two TVs?
Quite true. I hit my 500gb cap for the first time last month after letting Sickbeard go nuts.
Called Telstra up and they gave me another 500gb till the end of the billing cycle. They will do this 3 times a year per customer.
Telstra has no so-called "unlimited" plan. I am happy to be proven wrong. However, Optus has one on special at $90 per month.
@atlas: yes, the reseting of the quota. There was even a deal:
https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/145676 it says it expired on the 31st of Dec.
is this incorrect, or will they charge u for it? hope they don't for your sake.
Wish they can beat the $78 for 200GB per month deal I'm currently on now from https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/59796. If only they offer 500GB for the same price, that would be sweet.
Anyone who compares non-NBN Optus to non-NBN Telstra services is a fool.
Optus cable network in Sydney completely overloaded - terrible pings.
Telstra SO much better. Telstra might be expensive, but in this case you get what you pay for…
Umm… Optus cable is awesome, especially in Melbourne. If in Melbourne, make sure you sign up for Optus rather than Telstra.
Phew. @GreatWhiteHunter you almost ruined a good thing. Thankfully I'm so convincing.
What speeds do you get in Melbourne on Optus Cable?
I got the Optus deal in Sydney, coming from ADSL where any streaming would hog the whole connection, and even then usually look like SD or worse, with plenty of streaming issues. First month of Optus has been Full HD on streaming, and can stream that on 2 TV's at once while son is on youtube etc. Speed tests from the back PC (ie furthest from the router) over wireless was 90Mb/s, so at that point I didn't bother doing any tests again. I've only downloaded 1 thing of the news servers, but it was very quick, something like 7MB/s, over 30 connections to the US, peak hour but early January.
ISP speed is a combination of things though. Someone at work refused to swap to Optus because he'd had a lot of local congestion issues at peak time, in the inner west. I have a neighbour who had no issues, and I've had none so far. So Optus are going to be very up and down depending on the suburb I'd think, whereas I think Telstra are more stable suburb to suburb. The next problem is international backhaul, which people say Telstra is miles better than Optus. I don't doubt this, but haven't had a problem with Netflix, Hulu, and the one time I used News servers, so it's fine for my limited, but heavy use.
The other thing to think about is NBN is coming to cable, whether you are Optus or Telstra. So if you sign up to a much more expensive plan with Telstra, you might be using the exact same local NBN network as your Optus neighbour in 12+ months, so at that point only backhaul will make any difference.
Optus, unlike so many other providers, has openly stated they are fully aware of the congestion issues on their Cable network and are working to fix it.
You also have to remember that all HFC networks will switch to NBN (assuming the same deals and plans remain in the future) so who's cable it is coming to your front door will no longer be of concern.
What a ridiculous statement.
how can you say that about a whole city the size of Sydney?
See my comment about about my experiences in Melb with Optus & Telstra cable side-by-side.
It wasn't my statement, it's been theirs and you're welcome to call and question them about their Cable network upgrades as a result of congestion. They don't hide it. Sydney is fairing the worse, Melbourne less so. Hardly worth getting so upset about.
My regular usage on a 5MB connection is about 150GB/Month. I would fly through that and more (probably buy some WD HDDs that pop up on OzB haha) on a 100Mbit connection.
Australia y u so data caps
Good deal but I'll stick to TPG nbn unlimited for now until the new Netflix comes and then I'll decide.
You'll want to stick with US Netflix until all the global licencing sorts itself out. Netflix released a great statement about a week or so ago on exactly where they expect to be in 2-5 years and what that'll mean for us (and why they don't care about Australians using US services).
Edit - http://www.news.com.au/technology/home-entertainment/netflix… (not that News is the bastion of quality journalism….)
Foxtel is also in this game as of today.
Thoughts on the iinet naked dsl 100 gb plan for $59.95??
mmmm shop around - plenty of comparison sites available. Should be able to get Unlimited for that price range and I'm sure someone will have feedback on the providers.
I'm on a bare bones Telstra phone fixed line plan and a separate 500gig ADSL plan for $104 a month. Nothing special about it.
The thing I hate about ISP here is that they literally don't care if you leave your contract or not. Nor do they give a crap load about long term customers. I have been with telstra over 8 years and the sales team saying that they are unable to provide these type of discounts.
Another thing that ticks me off is their new plans. Basically if you upgrade ur getting a crap plan compared to your current plan.
Yup, they treat existing customers with total indifference. I've been with them for 10+ years and even when uncontracted it's next to impossible to recontract to get a better offer. Every deal I do with Telstra is a deal with the devil.
Trick is not to talk to Sales but the Saves team instead.
I usually just start with a letter to the CEOs desk these days because the reps are more mature and Australian.
@bxpressiv: True, the Australian reps who calls me always gives me these tips on savings because they understand the situation here. Where as in the Philippines they most likely pay for the speed not data allowance (Like most countries in Asia).
Point I am getting at is that they wouldn't understand how much we are getting ripped off by the ISP.
Saves is always the way to go and they're also available on Live Chat. Tell them what you want. They have an amazing arsenal available to offer you.
I've been a Telstra Customer for many years….I managed to get $20 off the medium supreme 100gb m bundle with foxtel and sport added…came to 125 per month…..unfortunately they couldn't waiver the one off $150 install cost. Still pretty happy though.
I've been with Optus about 20 years. We have slowly been upgrading the service (refusing to go back in a contract) and lowering the price every time.
Atm we get 300gb on cable @about 70-80mbps with landline and calls for about $83 pm.
Telstra never come close every time I offer to switch
yeah go with telstra two of my mates have been waiting 8 weeks for someone to install the net for them
one of them has had 5 different techos go out there and they all come up with different excuses why they cant do the job and each time they have closed the job on him so he has had to wait 45min to 1 hour trying to understand why
erroneous post
Now if only we could get the $20 off the new Foxtel bundles - here's hoping
Am I missing something I've been on 200gb for this price for a few years?
is $80 price before $20 off? Or has it been taken off already & it was $100 originally?
was $100 now $80
Are there any extras like waiving setup fees or welcome credit on offer with Telstra? Referrals?
I was able to waive setup fees for being a long term loyal customer but nothing more (yet).
I got a variant of this deal last month. Got $20 off the M Entertainment package (normally $120) so I was getting Foxtel free on top of the M package.
No $59 connection charge as I was an out of contract Bigpond customer just rolling over month to month from my previous plan.
I'm in Epping , Sydney .
Can any one comment on how Optus cable fairs in this area now in 2016?
If only it included existing customers.. would've upgraded to the 500gb.. zz