This was posted 10 years 1 month 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Get Serperior, Emboar, & Samurott Free for Your PokéMon Omega Ruby or PokéMon Alpha Sapphire Game


First Post Guys!

Basically 3 free pokemons with hidden abilities via codes redemption:

Grass-type Pokémon Serperior : code "POKEMON497" —-Already out

Fire-type Pokémon Emboar : code "POKEMON500" thanks to Ventak

Water-type Pokémon Samurott : code "POKEMON503"


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closed Comments

  • Been soft resetting for a female serperior. I wanna breed that hidden ability :P

    • Can't you also just breed it for a female one?

      • Hidden abilities are passed down from female only :(


        OH wait they changed it! Hidden ability can be passed down from male as well. Weee

        • +1

          Actually, I believe they changed that recently:

          In Generation V, Hidden Abilities cannot be passed down from male or genderless Pokémon, or when breeding with Ditto. In Generation VI, this was changed so that male and genderless Pokémon have the chance to pass down their Hidden Ability only when bred with Ditto.


          But yeah, still easier to pass down when breeding with a female.

        • @dlaso: Yeah I did not realise that. I was hunting for a hidden ability froakie from X and Y since forever and no one seems to want to trade them.

        • I can breed you one if you still don't have one fren.

        • @Wilburre: I still don't have one :(. I'll give you my friend code tonight?

        • yeah m8 no problem, can probably put pokerus on it too

        • @Wilburre: Don't worry about pokerus, just the hidden ability would be great :)

        • @Wilburre: hey are you by any chance Wilburre off Aman'Thul?

  • +3

    Emboar's already out - POKEMON500 is the code.

    Samurott should be POKEMON503 when it arrives, as that was the code that Japan had when they got it beforehand.

    • Did not know Emboar is out. Thanks for the tip!

    • They happen to be their National Dex numbers, so there's that.

  • Bit of a noob, where do we put in the code?

    • When you first turn on, from the main menu select the mystery gift option and via code. Same menu you would go to receive other wifi distributed pokemon.

      • Ahh right. Thanks for that!

  • +2

    How do you subscribe to the newsletter?
    I already had an account, and I couldn't find the option.

  • +1

    How do you use the code in the game?

  • +3

    To use the code, launch the game but don't load your game. Click on "Mystery Gift" > "Receive Gift" > "Get With Code" > Connect to internet > Type in code > "Receive this gift". You will have to collect your gift from the delivery lady in any Pokemon Centre (blue shirt, next to the counter).

    I believe if you already have a Pokemon Trainer Account, but need to subscribe to the Newsletter, you must click "opt in" to the email preferences. You should be able to access that here. I'm not 100% sure about that, though. Either way, the Samurott code will probably be POKEMON503.

    • +8's different because its not a cheat code dude. its a promo code that has a limited time to redeem a character(s) for use in the game.

      I for one am grateful for OP to be posting this as I wouldn't have known about it otherwise and now I've got a happy son with a new pokemon to use. if it doesn't apply to you then move on..

    • +1

      This is extra content, akin to DLC.

    • +2

      This is a freebie for a period of time only. Once you miss it, you cannot get the same one again. This is technically the same as the borderlands loot key deal. Do you see a problem with that one?

      By your definition, any freebie should not be posted if the item does not have RRP price. Does that mean the free samples should not be posted because it does not have any value?

    • GTA5, a free tank

      GTAV pre-order bonus edition came with a blimp. Deals such as these were posted on OzBargain. It adds nothing, apart from being able to pilot a blimp.

      So, using your logic, this already happens.

      Free RPG with infinite ammo

      Don't give them ideas for more DLC, please.

        • +4

          Well according to your logic, preorder DLC that have retail value is a deal. Why are you bashing your own logic?

          Some example for you just in case you do not understand.

          Your Logic.
          Game ($50) = No Deal!
          Game ($50) + Bonus DLC ($5) = Deal!
          Game ($50) + Bonus DLC (exclusive never to be sold) = No Deal!
          Bonus DLC ($5) for free = Deal!
          Bonus DLC (exclusive never to be sold) for free = No Deal!
          Freebie with no Retail Value = No Deal!

          Am I explaining your logic correctly?

    • +1

      Ah suicide, I'd hoped you'd show up.
      Actually it's kind of ironic that your name is a pokemon.

  • what levels are they ?

    • Level 50

  • "Your Game Card cannot receive the gift provided by this code."

    These codes region locked?

    • I used Serperior on my Australia copy and had no issue. Have not tried emboar yet tho.

    • They would be, yes. The codes were only recently made available for AU (whereas they were already available in Japan).

    • They're to be made available for NA copies shortly.

  • Thanks OP. Anyone know when Samurotts code will be live? He's my favourite from Gen 5.

    • They probably won't make it live until the next newsletter comes out, considering thats where they say it should be from.

  • Sweet now I just need to wait for a bargain for pokemon Omega Ruby

    • Target has it for $49 right now, although that's not the cheapest it's been.

      • I think the cheapest was around $40? I'm aimming for around there… TBH, I just wanted to play the game, not really in a hurry for building a team and competing… Heck I haven't even finished my team for X lol

        • $44 on release has been the cheapest

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