You will get 10 Steam games for the price. Some are great games while others are probably average and one is bad (Kick-Ass 2)
Here are the games:
Level 22 (recommendable)
Fly'N (recommendable)
Kick-Ass 2 (miss!)
Poof vs the cursed Kitty (no idea)
Cloud Chamber (recommendable)
Robot Rescue Revolution (recommendable)
Sang Froid: Tales of Werewolves (recommendable)
Dungeon Lurk II - Leona (mixed)
Desert Ashes (mixed)
99 Spirits (mixed)
The "recommendable" games are definitely worth a go in my opinion (and most Steam users who rate them as positive, mostly positive, or very positive). Cloud Chamber is a different kind of game, very text-intensive and story driven/interactive.
Should be a no brainer given the low price.
Hope you enjoy.
Sang Froid has a fantastic soundtrack.