• expired

Free AFL Live Pass Subscription - First 10,000 Complete Classic League Commissioners


The first 10,000 league commissioners that create a Full League prior to 2nd March 2015 will receive a 2015 AFL Live Pass for the length of the premiership season right up until the end of November, valued at $67.28. Prizes Page
Ensure you create a classic league, not an elite league

There are no further details that I have found that tell you when/how the subscription will be sent to you.

Once a league is created, as the owner you can add 10 celebrity players automatically, thus only needing 5 other 'real' players (apart from yourself) to fill the league.

Thanks to GaelicAU this is how to add celebrity teams:

  1. Click 'Classic'
  2. Click 'Leagues'
  3. To the right of your league, click the Cog / Settings icon.
  4. Under 'Manage League', click 'Players'
  5. Click 'Add a Celebrity Player' (big blue buttton)

Here's the link to the important part of the image from the email.

(tidied up midday 29/1 for clarity - as of editing, there are 4300 clicks through to the Fantasy site and 6300 comments here.. so likely easily half of the 10,000 leagues and subsequently at least half of the 10,000 passes on offer are gone or close to it! Get cracking on filling you league if it's not already full.)

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closed Comments

    • Full.

      Heidi league still has spaces if anyone would like to join. ===> 2EHA9AVJ
      I will join yours in return.

  • Please join HZJLVEJ6- will join yours also. Thanks!

    • Done. Join mine DJNXWVMZ

  • +1



    joined the following scrolling back 2 pages. If earlier submissions require additions, please bump.

    I was able to join 12 celebrities….

    • I'm DJNXWVMZ. Joined your league

      • Joined, please join EVXERUYL

    • Joined, please join EVXERUYL

    • Joined! WPYXAR47

      • Joined. I still have spaces if you could return the favour.

        Anyone else needs a return, please join Heidi ===> 2EHA9AVJ


  • Hi, please join me:




    • Joined, please join EVXERUYL

      • Thanks. I've joined your league too

  • Hi all : )
    Please join my league EVXERUYL and I will join yours. Thank you

  • Hey guys, please join mine and I'll join yours too =). Lets do this, OZB teamwork.

  • So to confirm once the league is full do we need to do anything else?

  • V5S3SCVX Please join my team! =)

    • Done. Mine is DJNXWVMZ

    • done cheers YA7635K2

    • WPYXAR47 Your Full :)

  • I need 5 more. Join mine and ill join yours - W3KEZZZP

    Send me your code when joined

    THANKS ;0)

    • Done. Mine is DJNXWVMZ

    • done cheers YA7635K2

    • WPYXAR47

    • NZU5RE22 Joined :)

  • Need 5 more players. Leave your code here and I will return the compliment. Cheers

  • I need 5 more please, join me and I'll reciprocate:

    YA7635K2 (edited now correct)


    • Joined WPYXAR47

  • +1

    Happy to join teams, already joined a few here now, mine is
    Much thanks in advance!

    • joined the last spot

  • Has anyone gone and read every comment from page 1 to this comment on page 73?

  • +1

    I've joined 9 other leagues and attempted to join many others that are full, but I'm still 6 short for my own =(

    Care to join mine? I'll of course join yours in return


    • NZU5RE22 can you join mine as well =), i've joined yours

    • joined

  • +1

    U59MNZJC - please get around mine! Byo jokes
    Will be returning the favour :)

    • Joined. Join mine DJNXWVMZ

    • Joined.

      Please join mine Y5DYJRUV, and anyone else please; will reciprocate.

      • Joined yours. Can you join mine? 6NVV7HYM

    • Joined… Please join mine 3MUZVTDS :)

    • IEggs92, 've joined.
      Mine is Heidicat's league U59MNZJC if you don't mind returning the favour.

  • Hey guys.

    I need 2 more for my league 6NVV7HYM

    Will join others… cheers

    • Anyone having trouble adding celebrity players? I seem to only have been able to add Kieren Jack, need all the help I can get (Y5DYJRUV)

  • +1

    TACS6ZFL - please join!

    • +1


    • +1


  • 7MW2P5DK I will join as well. Thanks

  • +2

    S6JNEW5D - join and I'll join back :)

  • PXHUD3VR - I'll join if you join :)

    • Joined!

  • +1

    3N4TMXXP - I'll join if you join please!

  • +1

    Add me please and I'll add you :) E5U3NDAU

    • Joined

      • Your league not working - did you create a classic league or elite league? Should be classic league

    • Done. Please join Heidicat's league 2EHA9AVJ in return :)
      Sheesh but I'm failing the copy/paste test tonight!

    • Joined! Mine is MAE3MVLE

  • G'day. Late to the game but my code is VPEF3Z6R.

    Please help a Bro out and join mine!

    I will scroll back through and look for anyone who is needing players.

  • +1

    Done - ph4007
    Done - undercoverdriver
    Done - diro
    Done - benwtfrd
    Done - eggs92
    Done - Wezza

  • Please join my league and ill join yours. L5DE92TF

    • Joined :) please join - TACS6ZFL

    • You are full but if you could join mine 2EHA9AVJ as a thank you for my efforts, I'd appreciate it :-)

      I need five more if anyone else is as late to this game as me. I guarantee to join yours if you join mine.

      Thanks from someone whose sum knowledge of footie is that it keeps him outdoors occupied when he strays indoors at the weekend!

  • Hi join my league and i will join yours!!!

    THank you

    • Happy to join yours but its full. Please join my if you can.

  • +1

    2CLPS39U <— Join this one please.

    I created an open league and got 20 players. Everyone make sure you create a HEAD TO HEAD league - not an open one.

    • +1

      I would appreciate anyone joining mine - plenty space left.

    • You are full now.

  • +1

    TACS6ZFL one more! :)

    • Done. Mine's Heidicat's league 2EHA9AVJ if you could return the favour.

      • Joined! Mine is MAE3MVLE.

        You could add 12 or 13 celebs and you'll be there. Check out how to add celebs in the original post.

        • That did it!! Now that I've got the hang of filling up my league with celebs, I suppose my next task is to learn what footy is all about?

          At least the old man will be watching it in the shed, so I can probably bluff it :)

          Thanks to all who helped.

    • I will do that tonight when I get home from work. Mine is VPEF3Z6R. Thank you.

  • C'mon people. Please. I need some help here! Only one person so far. I have joined a bunch of other leagues today.

    Don't make me beg…..

    Alright. I'm begging.

    • +1

      I can't find you in the classic league, but if you'd like to join my Heidcat league 2IHA9AVJ I'll happily join yours when I get the link.

      Same goes for anyone else who wants to help out a rookie trying to score a footie fix for the old man in the shed.

      • Bother!! That should have been Heidicat's league 2EHA9AVJ.

        • Thank you. I will jump online tonight when I get home and join yours. :-)

        • @R3b3l66:
          Thanks mate. Appreciated.

    • Joined, mine is MAE3MVLE.

  • Please join my league and send me a message if you want me to join yours: 3Z66DTR3 Cheers!

    • Joined! Mine is MAE3MVLE

    • Hi buddy I have just joined yours. Would you mind joining 4JMLY6AM?

      • Hey mate I just joined yours as well. Mind joining back? 4A2PYMWY

    • Joined. Please join mine. VLN62HJT thanks.

  • Hi zan5hin, I will go online tonight and join yours. I would appreciate if you could join mine please.

    Mine is VPEF3Z6R. Thank you.

    • Hi buddy, I ahve just joined yours. Would you mind joining mine? 4JMLY6AM

  • +2

    I have now joined 161 leagues. 126 head to head leagues and 35 open leagues. Looks like lots of people are doing this incorrectly.

    There are 3 incomplete head to head leagues I can see in my list:


    Get your codes up so people can fill your leagues.

    • Thanks heaps unity1 - I think I'm one of those doing it wrong :-(

      If anyone wants to help out, please join Heidi League ===> 2EHA9AVJ

      I'm happy to join yours in return.

      Cheers, Heidi

    • Hey unity1, just wondering if you've actually got your "pass" yet. ie. I got the email that indicated "Congratulations! Your Youknow's league Classic league is complete!", but nothing since. How about you?

      • +1

        Nothing yet. Probably closer to the season commencement.

        • Ta :)

  • Wow. Respect unity1. Big job. Mine is now full and I am guessing that you jumped in there so thank you. :-)

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