• expired

Free AFL Live Pass Subscription - First 10,000 Complete Classic League Commissioners


The first 10,000 league commissioners that create a Full League prior to 2nd March 2015 will receive a 2015 AFL Live Pass for the length of the premiership season right up until the end of November, valued at $67.28. Prizes Page
Ensure you create a classic league, not an elite league

There are no further details that I have found that tell you when/how the subscription will be sent to you.

Once a league is created, as the owner you can add 10 celebrity players automatically, thus only needing 5 other 'real' players (apart from yourself) to fill the league.

Thanks to GaelicAU this is how to add celebrity teams:

  1. Click 'Classic'
  2. Click 'Leagues'
  3. To the right of your league, click the Cog / Settings icon.
  4. Under 'Manage League', click 'Players'
  5. Click 'Add a Celebrity Player' (big blue buttton)

Here's the link to the important part of the image from the email.

(tidied up midday 29/1 for clarity - as of editing, there are 4300 clicks through to the Fantasy site and 6300 comments here.. so likely easily half of the 10,000 leagues and subsequently at least half of the 10,000 passes on offer are gone or close to it! Get cracking on filling you league if it's not already full.)

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Australian Football League

closed Comments

  • Please join mine, i'll join your's

    • Thanks mate, just joined yours

    • Joined, please join mine A56MHDHH


    • Joined!
      Please join MZ99XZRM thanks

    • Joined. Pls join mine. ALJ43ZJE

  • Please join mine S2EZJ93S

    Comment here and ill join yours too

    • Joined, please join mine A56MHDHH


    • Joined, please join mine too! MZ99XZRM

    • Joined. Pls join mine. ALJ43ZJE

    • Joined. Pls join mine. XRWV35JD

  • Please join mine! MZ99XZRM
    Comment down below and I'll join yours

    • Joined, please join mine A56MHDHH


    • Will join please add mine

  • Accidentally created an Open League instead of 16.
    Here's my code: J6WP4UTX
    Please join and I will join yours!

    • Joined, please join mine A56MHDHH


    • Joined. Pls join mine. XRWV35JD

  • Hey, could use 2 more members.

    Please join my league and will join yours. Code: A56MHDHH


    • Joined your league. Pls join mine ALJ43ZJE

  • Not sure if any of these passes are still available but please join my legaue. Code is ALJ43ZJE. Cheers

  • Joined. Pls join mine. XRWV35JD

    • Joined please join V7L3W7PZ

    • Joined. I need a couple more NWP5P547

  • Please join…need 9 more

  • Does it matter if I created an 'Open' league?

  • Please join my league will be joining others the code is YNTMAXVL

    • Done…please join V7L3W7PZ

    • Joined. Pls join mine. XRWV35JD

      • Joined

      • joined :) mine is A5Y76VVP

  • Please join PKN24WRD. I'll add some others!

    • +1


      FVJE5FNPADD to join mine please

      • Filled. Thanks everyone

  • 577V5CE3 please join. Thanks.

  • +1

    Have joined a number of leagues to help fellow 'bargainers, would appreciate help to reach my target too. :)

    • +1

      Happy to join a 'Saints for flag' League. Ignore the Hawks jumper logo. Done .. joined.

      Anyone want a team to boost numbers I'll oblige. Will stay on here for a while.

      …. I've added another couple of teams for you.

    • All filled thanks. :)

  • I need a few more NWP5P547

    • Joined.. Please join KVSTXCUT

    • Just joined. mine is A5Y76VVP :)

  • Please join…need 7 more

    • Joined.. Please join KVSTXCUT

    • joined, please join mine - 2X2YURVF

  • Please join KVSTXCUT…please
    I will join yours!

    • Joined last three leagues posted.

    • Just joined mine is A5Y76VVP

  • Please join my league. 2X2YURVF

  • Please join my league - 2X2YURVF

    I will join yours too :)

  • Please Join mine :) A5Y76VVP

    • Joined. Thanks 2X2YURVF

      • ill join both of yours 59SDTUW9

  • @Trickey Just joined your league.
    P4H46Y5T for mine - I'll try and add any others I can now.

    Edit: Added 7 other leagues, would love to have a few repay the favour. :)

  • one more to go, who wants to be lucky last 59SDTUW9

  • +1

    On the "AFL Fantasy" Facebook page, they've confirmed (replied to a comment that someone made on the photo they posted that advertises this deal) that the codes will be awarded to the eligible people on the 2nd of March. So, for all we know, the 10,000 codes could have already been snapped up long ago, or there still could be plenty left…

  • Any chance you could join mine?


    • Joined.

      please join mine - A92WVNYN

  • Please join mine - A92WVNYN

    • Removed.

  • Join: K9PLSZZN

    • +1

      Joined. Please join: A92WVNYN

      • Thanks, Just joined yours.

    • Joined. Mine: DUMV49KJ

    • Done. Join mine? ARX4KDUF

    • Done. Join mine DJNXWVMZ


  • Please join my league: WSNKS2EW. Please comment when you have joined, and I will also join yours

  • Please join DUMV49KJ.

    • joined

    • Joined. Join mine DJNXWVMZ

  • Please join mine AT9AW6RY

    • Just joined, join mine?


    • Joined. Join mine DJNXWVMZ

      • Joined

      • DJNXWVMZ is now full.

        2EHA9AVJ still has spaces if you want to join and I'll return.

    • +1

      Joined yours. Can you please join mine - W3KEZZZP

      THANKS ;0)

      • Joined. Mine is 2EHA9AVJ if you could join.

    • Joined :) WPYXAR47

  • Please join my league

    Will join other peoples as trade

    • Joined yours, join mine? ARX4KDUF

      • Need 2 more!!!!! and Jeka joined

      • You should be full now.

    • +1

      Joined. Join mine DJNXWVMZ

      • Hey mate, just joined yours can you join mine? SRJ5YYVW
        Anyone else interested is welcome too. Thanks!

  • Please join my league - NVC3MVNN

  • I've joined: ARX4KDUF, E7J2CXP5, AT9AW6RY, DUMV49KJ
    Please join my league in return: NVC3MVNN
    I need one more person to join my league and it will be full. I'm more than happy to join anybody's if they joint mine :)

    • Joined =)

    • Joined

      • Joined yours. Can you please join mine - W3KEZZZP

        THANKS ;0)

  • Please join my league DJNXWVMZ, will join yours. Cheers

    • joined! Please join mine!

    • Full - lucky you:)
      Heidi league still has spaces if anyone would like to join. ===> 2EHA9AVJ
      I will reciprocate.

  • +1

    Have just joined: ARX4KDUF, E7J2CXP5, AT9AW6RY, DUMV49KJ DJNXWVMZ and a few others.

    Can you guys join my league?


    Need seven more players.


    • Joined - please join mine!

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