Display price of SONY KDL50W800B is 899$. After applying BACK60 coupon code, the price will be 839$.
It is sold out on most of the stores however I was able to find one for click & collect.
Display price of SONY KDL50W800B is 899$. After applying BACK60 coupon code, the price will be 839$.
It is sold out on most of the stores however I was able to find one for click & collect.
Depends what you are looking for, but the Panasonic is neither 3D or smart
me too, so I guess it's best match for me maybe
The Sony is a much better TV for picture quality, features etc., but it depends if you care about those things. If not, just get the Panasonic; it's cheaper.
Here's a couple of reviews. They're overseas so the model numbers are slightly different.
Panasonic A400
Sony W829
I bought this a few months ago from JB. Its a great TV for the price.
How much then? I thought there was a 60" for not much more post Christmas
Not 3D and not smart.
I bought this a day before Christmas from JB for $890. This is a very good price for a quality TV.
$50 for delivery so not cheaper. plus its refurbished… I had experience with Grays and they r a pain to deal with. won't consider unless it's half the op's price.
didn't see it refurbished. You can pick up in store if you like to save delivery cost if possible
3 month warranty, good luck with that.
it says 3 Month Sony Refurbished Warranty and there's no options to Pick up it seems.
Unless I'm wrong. but Grays?…. not for me either…
I bought this TV from Dick Smith for a similar price about 2-3 months ago and it's a fantastic TV.
Wish someone would put the 42' on sale again. So spewing I missed it with the after chrissy sales
anyone know if this is wall mountable or not?
dick smith's specs site no but other sites say yes
The DS specs also say it's not DLNA compliant which I found hard to believe. Here's the full specs from Sony (yes it is DLNA compliant and yes it has standard VESA hole spacing for wall mounting brackets): Sony Specs
Sweet, thanks.
Looks like DSE don't set all their specs when they add products
Out of stock
Does DSE usually re-stock items like this, or do they leave it "temporarily out of stock" until the sale is over?
this and the Panansonic TH-50A430A, which one I should chose?