MSY apparently has one dollar shipping (99 cents) if you choose to pay by PayPal.
Starts this Friday and ends on Monday.
Update: there is a 2% Handling fee apply. (As pointed out by: s3lh, da_lot, sween64, regenade)
MSY apparently has one dollar shipping (99 cents) if you choose to pay by PayPal.
Starts this Friday and ends on Monday.
Update: there is a 2% Handling fee apply. (As pointed out by: s3lh, da_lot, sween64, regenade)
Do you know how can we submit the receipt if we bought online? Which should be the receipt? Thanks
To receive your 40% cash back simply upload a scan of your purchase receipt and submit it via this form no later than 20th February 2015. For multiple purchases on one receipt, each product must still be claimed individually. Offer valid between 20th December and 1st February 2015.
You mean the Microsoft ones part of their 40% cashback promotion? Sure, if they stocked it…but they don't.
WTF does enjoin mean?
Enjoin when you get the "sorry out of stock" email?
Then enjoin the queue of disappointed customers?
to direct or impose by authoritative order or with urgent admonition
Yes it is an actual english word, but I'd say with full certainty that it is a typo.
Haha Yes , i know the definition - if taken in that context then we really have no other choice than to buy immediately from MSY ; an unfortunate error on many levels
Do they sell Xbox wireless controller? I can't seem to find it.
You buy. Out Of Stock!! Next!!!
A soup nazi reference? I get it
since they usually run out of stock
this deal is pointless
With the internet and your choice of browser, you can access their website and check stock availability before trying to make a purchase.
I believe I understand the frustration. MSY's on-line stock levels rarely mean anything if the item is low in stock. Nearly every time I order something (which I admit is rarely and over a very long time) it ends up being cancelled (RAM, graphics cards, peripherals…).
I was happy they cancelled my last order after I found out the mouse's features don't work under Linux, although I had to wait a surprisinsgly long while for PayPal's refund managers to do their thing (but I'm not doubting MSY may have realised they were charging a few cents less than the MS cashback).
Happy they opened one up in Kingsford anyway.
last time I order something from them..
it said had stock
then after a few days gone by, and calling them..
they said out of stock
I love the Chinglish on the MSY pages.
(Seriously guys, please do not hire someone how fluid English)
Quick explanation on how they managed to mangle that sign.
The signwriter probably relied on a literal dictionary translation of 'Cánfèi ren' (the first three kanji? hanzi? dunno which) which is what the sign reads in chinese.
If you were to translate the chinese characters into english using an ordinary dictionary (as opposed to a context sensitive Google translate) that's roughly what'd you get — it's literally a correct translation from a language dictionary point of view since '残废' => deformed, handicapped and '人' => person, or man. The last two words obviously means toilet. So yes, straight up dictionary translations yield pretty hilarious results.
and you called it 'quick' explanation?
may give you colour to see see
Bad chinglish grammar.
give you colour see see
if you no 2 no 3, ill give you colour see see
Seriously guys, please do not hire someone how fluid English
Can someone translate this for me please?
In the meantime, please focus on the "Chinglish", so the rest of us can pick up the frequent MSY bargains.
i loled. not sure if srs. "someone how fluid English" wot
I wonder if they have a weight/size limit, else this could cost them many pretty pennies. Quick everyone, buy cases, speakers, and power supplies!
Time to stock up on UPS batteries.
There is no limit. You can buy 10 PC cases in 1 order and we only charge you $0.99 shipping for the whole lot.
woo nice. not that i would, but good to know none the less :)
For the MS cashback, can I copy and paste the email confirmation in a word document as my receipt? I've never ordered with MSY before, there is no invoice in my order history.
I'd like to know if internet orders can be returned if defective to a shop front?
Otherwise, I wouldn't want to order my system build from them online.
Anyone know 100% positively?
Nevermind- expired anyway.
Too bad- I had the stuff in the cart, went up to the Paypal checkout & the shipping remained.
Oh well, maybe I'll just bite the bullet & travel to Perth to see who has everything I want in stock.
Timely reminder that is hosted on a Windows Server hanging off a Dodo ADSL2+ connection in Melbourne. They really are low cost :)
At least they are passing the savings on to us.
Try to RDP or trace route to the website if you don't believe me. This explains why the website is always so slow as well. They should probably lurk around here a bit more and find a $10 per year web hosting plan.
Doesn't sound all that surprising, they didn't modernise their website until a few years ago and pretty much the only bit of information you really needed from MSY back in the days was a PARTS.PDF that look like a yellow highlighter had puked all over it.
They better not get rid of PARTS.PDF either as that's their trademark.
Love there parts.pdf
That's my standard price guide
I didn't believe you.
I should have.
Explains everything.
Do they shipped via AusPost with tracking number for $1?
Now it's just a matter of finding something that they actually have in stock!
Now is the best time to order cross-border
Already started, just ordered a MS keyboard. $1.39 for delivery (0.99 + 0.4 for handle)
The MSY site?
The MSY site gives me PTSD
What? They charge for handling?
Ripped off twice…MS Keyboard :( lol
which model is this?
Does MSY charge any fee for using PayPal linked with credit card?
Just bought a gaming mouse. $1.30 handling fee. Then 99c delivery fee.
Cheers OP!
Sorry I meant those were the charges on top of the usual cost of the mouse (mouse was around $65)
Was just trying to warn people about the handling fee
Keep in mind that if you have any problems, have fun taking it back to store and getting rejected l0l
Not sure which store you go to, but at the Clayton store they have always accepted my returns no questions asked, no hassle.
Even when you got it delivered?
Deal of the year on the clearance section :
Description Unit price Qty Amount
Vantec NST-D300S3 BLK/WHT NexStar 2.5"/3.5" USB3.0 SATA to USB3.0 HDD Docking
Item Number 3761 $15.00 AUD 1 $15.00 AUD
D-Link DHP-1320 Wireless N Powerline Router
Item Number 12519 $10.00 AUD 1 $10.00 AUD
Subtotal $25.00 AUD
Shipping and handling $1.51 AUD
Total $26.51 AUD
Payment $26.51 AUD
Vantec Nexstar Black/White USB3.0 NST-D300S3 SATA to USB3.0 HDD Docking
Reference: ENCVTNSTD300S3
Availability: This product is currently out of stock
You can buy from any state. Bought from QLD_Online
out of stock for QLD online too
Additional handling fee applies. Can this be added to the OP please?
2% Handling fees
Thanks. I've never ordered online from MSY so it was a surprise to me that they had a handling fee in addition to a shipping fee.
Any suggestions on some cheap PC parts for a decent desktop build/ replacement?
"Decent parts" build, with a capability for overclocking the processor if extra performance required. Bronze PSU for power efficiency. Should be a long lasting build, so long as you're not looking to game or anything.
G3258 Pentium Anniv Edition CPU $88
8G Kit 1600 Patriot RAM $88
Antec Neo Eco 80+ Bronze 450w PSU $67
Coolermaster RC-K350 $53
Samsung 840 Evo 128GB $86
Optional extras
Coolermaster Hyper T4 $33 (for overclock)
TL-WN881ND $18 (wireless)
How do you update the BIOS of ASUS H81M-PLUS so the the motherboard can support the G3258 cpu?
Follow the instructions provided by ASUS.
Some people on WP reportedly say that the mobo ships with a BIOS that is already compatible with the Haswell refresh processor, but you will need to flash it to an even newer version to support overclocking features.
Was umming and ahhing about the TD-8960N, that price combined with this shipping sealed the deal.
Everyone knows MSY's customer service isn't their strong point, but somehow I think adding postage could be inviting additional hassles. I've reserved an item from their website 1 week ago for pickup, they haven't bothered to look at it yet. I know thats not the best approach they are really a walk in / walk out store when they have stock.
At least with paypal you have an option to get a hassle free refund :P
Similarly, I had a bad experience with MSY Morningside.
I placed an order and drove 40 minutes to their shop a week later after I placed the order. The staff just told me (with attitude) that their online ordering system had been down and wasn't willing to help any further.
Should have visited PC Alliance instead - much friendlier service.
and Umart … always a long queue despite how trivial/small the products you ordered
I've had better luck in the past emailing 3x stores to reserve stock during the morning of the business day and picking it up on the way home before the store closes. These days I try to find other computer shops since I got tired of Sorry out of stock.
Is there a list of goods that don't need to be handled?
If the handling fee is a flat 2% as mentioned, I suppose it's comforting to know that the 64 GB USB stick gets handled with a lot more care than an 8 GB stick - since you can only assume you get what you paid for. One can only imagine what would happen if the 64 GB stick was inserted into an envelope like a cheaper stick. It's also great that they surprise us with a handling fee and itemise it separately from the shipping fee so we wouldn't get confused. I only wish they itemised how much they were paying in government taxes, their computer server maintenance costs, electricity costs and their unique Quilton 4-Ply requirements so they could tack them on separately at the end as well. OK, that's enough venting for now…
The handling fee is actually just their credit processing fees.
They normally charge 2% for credit card payments in store anyway.
Dam I don't need anything. But still. Any deals??
Ended up buying a bunch of cables, usb hub and new switch.
The Microsoft wireless keyboard and mouse (2LF-00020 800) is a pretty good bargain @ $7.35 after cashback.
any good bargain for IPS screen Monitor 21-21.5?
Actually ends Monday.
Also please note the don't ship to PO Boxes :(
..even though they use Auspost e-parcel ? wtf
While its says no PO Boxes and Parcel Lockers, I'm getting my shipment to a Parcel Locker after some correspondence so it's not an absolute it seems.
So parcel locker is fine?
Seems to be, got a notification that it's manifested.
yeah, they came back to me now and said they DO to PO boxes now, they changed my saved address but too late for this order
Damn it, bought the TP Link 8960 modem/router yesterday and wasted fuel/time travelling there! Spewing!! :P
What is a good micrsoft and keyboard and mouse combo from msy?
Browsing the MSY website and finding stuff to buy is such a pain.. how they won awards for their website is beyond me.
Thanks OP, bought some cables
Was planning to go there and buy a thunderbolt to hdmi adaptor, this deal has saved me time and money
I have had no problems with MSY Plympton..I order online and click and collect usually the next day. Spoke to the guy at MSY he said most people still don't know about the microsoft cashback
Microsoft CSD-00021 5000 Wireless Comfort ordered.
Looking for a decent yet cheap mouse for occasional FPS gaming after having two Logitech G500s fail on me. Suggestions please? (Has to feel somewhat big and heavy like the G500 too).
nvm figured it out
Ordered - Microsoft Retail M7J-00019 Wireless Desktop 2000.
I can't find any Wireless Xbox 360 controller's. Who can recommend a cheap place in NSW to get one and take advantage of the cashback?
Remember, has to be an approved retailer: "Participating stores for the offer are Harvey Norman, Domayne, Joyce Mayne, JB Hi-Fi, The Good Guys, Dick Smith, Officeworks, Bing Lee, Big W,EB Games, MSY Technology Pty Ltd, Officemax Australia Ltd, Centre Com Sunshine Pty Ltd, Computer Alliance, Austin Computers, Leading Edge Group Ltd, PLE Computers, Umart Online, Compuworld"
$67.31 for a BitFenix Prodigy case delivered isn't all that bad, even if I had to settle for orange. Thanks OP!
Goddammit. Was checking out, realised i needed to add my new address, came back and suddenly my cart was $12 more. 9pm here in WA which means it just ticked over to Sunday over east. Damn.
? Deal is still active.
Can I buy wireless controller from MSY online and get cash back?