This was posted 10 years 1 month 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free $10 Audible Audiobook Credit


Works on Australian accounts despite the terms and conditions stating only for is only available to customers in the United States. The credit expires on the 21st of March 2015.

Audiobooks under $10 -

Other Deals -
Daily Deal
$0.99 Classics

To get the Whispersync discount, you may be able to use the credit in conjunction with Amazon's $5 eBook Credit for registering the Kindle for iOS or Kindle for Android app for the first time. Note: I haven't heard of anyone getting the credit automatically but after contacting Amazon, they should manually apply it.

You can also just borrow the kindle version from a US Overdrive library to get the reduced price.

Also if your Amazon account is set to the US for digital content, you can use Family Library to share Kindle books, apps, and audiobooks. Choose wisely, the adult account you add will have access to your credit card and you won't be able add another person for 180 days if they remove you.

Remember if you grabbed the previous $10 credit deal, it expires on the 25th -

Related Stores

Audible US
Audible US

closed Comments

  • +2

    Worked. Cheering. Thanks OP!

    • +1

      I hear ya.

    • +1

      To activate the $10 Code, go to
      Browse Audiobooks menu on top right, then Redeem a Promo Code

      The landing page promised me $10, asked me to put in my Amazon login, then it said promo had expired so i was confused on where to put the code.

  • Awesome thanks Op!

  • Thanks.

  • thanks OP!

  • Out of all the possible code words, why would they choose a typo of their name?

  • Thanks!

  • +1

    Didn't work for my account :/

  • These audible books make a great sleeping aid..

  • +1

    Thanks OP! Think that I will use the credit on this:…

  • worked thanks

  • +1

    How do we short books that are less than $10

  • +3

    As soon as I saw this, I instantly wanted to buy 'Go the f**k to sleep'.

    • if you just want to hear old-sounding people cussing at you, that should be easily arranged free of charge.

      • I thought it might be a great present for my 1 year old son.

  • Worked. Thanks.

  • Nice, couldn't get the previous deal, said it was already claimed, but this one worked!

  • Works like a charm. Thanks so much!!!

  • -1

    Funnily enough, there's nothing in the Terms & Conditions about this credit having only 60 days validity. But I signed up and it said expires 21st March.

  • Thanks so much!

  • +1

    cheers OP I got 'Dune', was one of the those great Scifi's I have never gotten around to actually reading

    *edit for the curious, when you cancel your Gold membership they offer you to stay for next 3 months at half price (7.49/month)

    • It seems to be a bit of a lucky draw. I've gotten $7.49 a month once as well as a single free audiobook. I'm not really sure how it works. I'd probably genuinely remain a subscriber if it was only ~$7 a month.

      • Well when I 'continued' my cancellation after that offer they then offered 'Lite' membership of $9.95/year which seems to be only offered if you were once a gold member (you get by signing up anyway) I have stuck with this option for now to see if good/worth it or even needed.

  • Thanks op. It Worked.

  • does anyone have any recommendations?

  • +1

    Something else I discovered, because Amazon owns Audible, if you own kindle editions of books you can get the audiobook version for free! NB I only found one of my library to do this with but still..

  • Thanks OP. Bought Mr Men Collection which will hopefully distract the kids on a long drive.

  • Fantastic, thanks op!

  • Thanks

  • Thanks, a quick and easy credit!

  • Love it, click once, sign in and instant $10 credit, no fuss, no forms, no gimmicks!

  • "Sorry, due to the overwhelming success of this promotion, we have run out of awards! Check back for more offers."

  • Audible have great timing :) Now running for members is the Big Hit sale with approx 167 quality books to choose from for $6.95 each :) unfortunately for some though it is only for those who have a current membership

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