This was posted 10 years 1 month 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Dodo Unlimited ADSL2+ with Fetch TV Lite $39.90 P/M (Min Cost $1026.60)


I'm considering getting this bundle once my contract with TPG matures. Fetch set-up fee of $69.00. Includes 30 pre-selected movies per month. Free one month trial of Fetch Entertainment Plus, just don't forget to cancel prior to one month or you'll be charged an extra $20 per month.

Or get the Unlimited ADSL2+ and Fetch Entertainment Plus for $59.90 per month, min cost $1,506.60.

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closed Comments

  • How does it compare with TPG as far as speed and availability goes? This sounds too good to be true..

    • -5

      about the same… i moved from TPG to Dodo and the performance is identical except for random non youtube video streaming issues but at a 50% discount… stupid not to change

      i'm on a non Fetch plan but I dont know if I'd bother to upgrade because the reality is you have access to all the free movies you want with just the internet itself, if you know what I mean…

      • How is it a 50% discount. Did they offer you a free line rental or something?

        • -2

          i was paying $60 at tpg, now $40 at dodo

        • @tonyjzx: TPG includes line rental though, don't they? With Dodo you need to pay for line rental.

        • paying line rental on both ($25?)

        • dodo is $59.80 per months with phone, and you are paying $40 plus line rental? look like you are not that smart.

        • +4

          @tonyjzx: that would be a 33.3% discount..

        • +1


          That maths for you, he was paying 50% more but now he is paying 33.3% less.

    • +16

      Youtube speedtest users whenever a video is watched. This is very useful for comparing isps.

      Go here

      Click on the RIGHT button to change the graph so the graph becomes completely coloured.

      What you want in a good isp, is hardly any variation or dips with these colours, and almost NO grey, even a small bump of grey means severe congestion issues. Bumps = time based congestion, and that's what you want to avoid.

      Click on "compare providers in your area".
      Don't look at the % of HD streams, but rather if the graph has any large bumps or variations.

      For reference, look at the isp "Spintel" for an example of a severely congested isp. The HD streaming plummets in onpeak times, and then picks up in offpeak.

      • +1

        thanks mib. Very handy.

  • +2

    Does this felch lite plan including phone line rental?

    • +7

      Its 'FETCH' actually but your version is probably closer to the truth

      • +1

        No line rental included. You are to pay extra for that per month.

    • Sorry, I apologise, 'include'.

      Not having a good day today, literally woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Wondered why I slammed my head on the nearest wall.

  • What's the normal price?

  • +2

    You cant expect better speed from dodo. TPG owns Pipe network remember

  • +6

    I gave Dodo a try a few years ago and I am pretty sure I was the Dodo for thinking it was any different to what everyone else had told me about it, it was one of my worst experiences with a service provider I had ever encountered.

    How's their rep these days?

  • +7

    Keep in mind that the price is only for actually internet data connection. You still have to pay extra for line rental. Works out to be similar price as TPG. Also fetch TV is free for first month only, then it's an extra $20 per month. What's the cheapest line rental deal out there?

    • -6

      Meh. I'll still stick with my 200GB Bigpond Cable Ultimate for $79/month. It's not unlimited but it's damn fast.

      • +1

        How'd you get it for $79 a month??

        • +2

          That's how much it was at the time (January 2012).

        • @MrZ: Nice one. I'm paying almost $100

        • @snagseb:

          I've never paid more than I'm paying now for internet. It used to be $59.95 for 50GB (no phone line, and standard speed), and always varied between $60-$70 a month ever since signing up in 1997.

        • @MrZ: Never let go of that deal lol. They have jacked the price up in the past couple of years. I went from 93 to 99 when I moved a few months back. Plus an extra $20 for the speed boost sometimes.

  • I remember Bigpond used to have a service called "Fetch me movies". It was great - they sent you out DVDs in the mail and you'd mail them back. No idea what ever happened to it.

    • +2

      The DVDs never came back!

  • +3

    Many of you know, but for those who don't …

    For those of you looking for good internet deals, all the info you're after is organised @

    Whirlpool forums and wikis also have lots of useful info.

  • -6

    I once told a telemarketers no matter what he said or offered I would never join Dodo. It called Dodo for gods sakes who would join a organisation called that?

    Enough posts on whirlpool to back up this neg.

    • +1

      Bit harsh to neg a company you've no personal experience with and to offer no comment on the deal other than you don't like the Dodo name. whirlpool is a great site, but it's also known as "whingepool" for a reason. You could probably be more judicious with the use of your negs.
      I've never been a Dodo customer by the way.

      • OK. And I suppose you're gonna tell us about how all providers are the same now and so on so those whingers are just complainin bout nothin.


        Edit: And I just noticed your username, hilarious. You know, since the whirlpool users aren't just acting like sheep :p

  • +2

    You know it is a bad deal as soon as you hear "24 month contract".

  • Straya internet is a joke, seriously cannot compare to … cheapest and worst ADSL plans in Asia, when will we receive what we pay for with top mollars?

    • “Do we really want to invest $50 billion of hard earned taxpayers money in what is essentially a video entertainment system?” — Tony Abbott.

      There lies the problem. Faster internet, to the government, just means moar HD Youtube and less video buffering.

      • +4

        For the question you've given, I actually agreed before NBN started that it wasn't a great investment to be made. But once they started, it shouldn't have been stopped.

        What's even worse though, is "Do we really want to invest $30 billion of hard earned taxpayers money in what is essentially 20yo technology based on 50yo copper that hardly improves anything at all?" Tony's NBN doesn't save $20 billion, it wastes $30 billion… Sigh.

        • +5

          It's OK we already funded it by selling Telstra for a few billion. Wait no i mean we funded it that way then funded it again by paying Telstra. No wait … WTF is happening. >:(

        • @Diji1: it's called loop-F@@@ ;)

    • Bit of a generalisation, there are plenty of asian countries with internet and mobile telecomms WAYYYYYYYYY worse than here. I recently got back from 5 weeks travelling in asia. Japan and South Korea are great but a lot of others are suprisingly bad especially mobile networks.

      • +1

        You probably need to add Hong Kong and Taiwan to the countries with WAYYY better internet than what we have here! :)

    • +1

      Have you tried Telstra cable? If you can get it, I highly recommend it. It's not cheap, but you get what you pay for. I get about 117mbps

  • I remember when we were with dodo, can't even play any online games on steam, download is not that good, and ping was always 200ms, idk maybe just the exchange? Just sharing my awful experience.

  • +7

    FYI … I'm with Dodo and looking to change after just 6 months. Every month the bill has been wrong. They are always trying to slip something in. I've spent hours on the phone sorting stuff out. What really pisses me off is I went for the no contract, expensive set up for their unlimited plan. Two months after the start, they upped the price by $10 per month and said it was in the contract that there was a price increase due, 2 months before I signed up. I figured when they quoted me and when I signed up I would be on the new pricing. Nope they quoted and put me on the old pricing. Now they keep ringing wanting me to go on a contract. I'm in Mornington, Vic and it seems everyone resells Telstra services. I'm waiting for a good offer to come up so I can ditch DoDo.

    • +1

      Go with TPG, honestly dealing with them can be annoying. But use whirlpool and don't bother calling. Usually works treat.

      I'd recommend tpg for their unlimited plans.

  • +1

    Dodo will go belly up soon or later, just like the flightless bird it names after.

  • For someone on TPG unlimited, wouldn't they have to get themselves a Telstra connection, and pay a connection fee first? I can't see TPG leaving their VOIP phone service hooked up so a competitor could use the line for their data…

    • +1

      It depends on the service.

      But yes, if you're on a TPG "Home Phone" plan (such as the $59.99 unlimited bundle), that's actually technically ULL (Naked DSL) with your home phone actually being a VoIP product once it hits the exchange.

      You can transfer to another Naked DSL provider (I churned straight to Internode) but not a traditional non-naked service, you have to reconnect to Telstra.

  • +3

    Please do not get blinded by the prices. I would rather pay double and never have to use the terrible customer service they offer- and trust me you will be using the customer service.

  • +3

    Lost me at "Dodo"

  • i am with dodo on unilmited plan , i used them for 3 months , i didnt have problems or slowing speed, yet, its true its not as fast as telstra but i can play hd youtube and play games fine, im situated in SA , in my suburb tpg didnt have adsl2 but dodo has using telstra lines

  • +3

    Looks to be more of a forum post if you read the description.
    The Op is posting this to get feedback on whether or not he should sign up after his existing contract expires.
    $39.90 is not a bargain because their service is terrible, also you still need to pay for line rental.

  • I'm in SA and with DODO for ADSL2+ and home phone. It has to be, by far, THE WORST service I've ever experienced. I get regular daily drop outs, it is incredibly slow and DODO are awful to deal with. They won't physically check or repair the line as it will soon be removed as NBN has been installed (though not yet active). In my opinion nothing is worth signing with them, pay a tad more and go elsewhere, I will be signing up with a different company asap (I have been a DODO customer for 5 months so far).

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