Looks like another price war between the big two, another time with bread.
$2.00 (used to be $2.30) gets you a 700g loaf of
Wholemeal sliced bread
Sliced white breaf
Soy Linseed sandwich bread
Multigrain sliced bread
Looks like another price war between the big two, another time with bread.
$2.00 (used to be $2.30) gets you a 700g loaf of
Wholemeal sliced bread
Sliced white breaf
Soy Linseed sandwich bread
Multigrain sliced bread
agreed, its been like this at my coles for the past year nearly.
didn't know 30c off would be a bargain anyway
That's more than 10% off. If dick smith or apple say 10% off people go crazy.
But you are comparing Apples with orangesbread :P
I'm assuming these are not made in-store ?
If so doesn't this just compare to the $0.85 / $1.50 Home Brand variation of Woolies ?
I think the $0.85 is 650gm variants (white bread only), same price at Coles, Aldi and Woolworths.
Not sure if these $2.00 (700gm) white bread variants are better than the $0.85 variants
These are more comparable to wonderwhite & sunblest etc.
Whereas the cheap cheap bread you would use to feed the kids toast or something, great for families on a budget.
This is the greatest thing since.. oh…
Good deal - at least now Coles has implemented nationwide pricing for their sliced bread. It was $2.00 at Airport West (VIC) and countless others, while at Coles McCrae (VIC) it has been $2.30 for at least 2 years.
Defrosted fresh daily!
It's fresh from goodman fielder bakery if i remember correctly
Geez that is cheap, I remember when bread cost a lot of dough
Wonder white is $3.30 and Helgas $3.50 at coles and coles express everyday price now
Helgas is also the same price at woolies.
It would have to be cos those 2 giants really really screw their suppliers.
It's not one of those made in the Czech republic but baked here deal is it?
Down down, bread is down
It's been this price for months at my coles?