Driving Test Queensland - Reversing

Hi Guys and Gals,

Good morning to you all and this is my first post!

I failed a driving test (Car - Manual) at Rosalie. It is noted on the result paper with one CDE.


I looked through all three mirrors but didn't look through rear window. But does it fall under a CDE or NCDE?

Thanks in advance!


  • Mirrors have blind spots, you should always look over your shoulder during reversing and switching lanes, pretty much everytime you 'need' to use your mirrors, always double check without the mirrors to be safe.

  • I would not want to be behind you if you were reversing and not looking out the window.

  • +7

    Bad luck Zero,
    next time, as you begin reversing, take your left hand off the steering wheel and place your hand on the examiners headrest. Then as you turn your head to look out the rear window - blow a kiss in his ear to make sure he's paying attention.

    • +1

      I find a tongue in the ear has a longer lasting impression

    • Better still, get a rear facing camera and reversing sensors.
      Just make sure you eject your favourite Drifting DVD before ignition.

  • yeah man, you NEED to look out the back window when reversing, mirrors aren't good enough

  • Failing due to just looking at mirrors doesn't apply to only reversing, same happens when you turn or lane change. I have a wide angle rear mirror in my car and when my wife was taking her driving test, she just relied on the wide angle mirror when lane changing/turning. Needless to say she failed her test.

  • -1

    isn't this why we have reversing cameras?

    like this

    • +1

      You can't rely on reversing cameras in driving tests. The 'old fashioned' way is required.

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