Inside twin room on Deck 5, Rooms available at time of posting.
Ship Name: Pacific Jewel
Cruise Code: J505
Departure Date: Wednesday, 28 January 2015
Cruise Name: South Pacific/Fiji
Nights: 14
Departing: Sydney
Inside twin room on Deck 5, Rooms available at time of posting.
Ship Name: Pacific Jewel
Cruise Code: J505
Departure Date: Wednesday, 28 January 2015
Cruise Name: South Pacific/Fiji
Nights: 14
Departing: Sydney
Waterfront Restaurant
•• Open for breakfast (7:30am to 9:30am), dinner (5:30pm to
10pm) and lunch most days (12pm to 2pm)
•• Full service, a la carte dining included in your cruise fare
•• Modern Australian cuisine
oh cool. then yeh, it's definitely cheaper than staying at home lol
How bad are the deck 5 cabins?
Click on the "deck plans" tab and then select "deck 5" from the drop down.
I can't work out if the Deck 5 cabins (cheapies and therefore the ONLY ones considered by OzBargainers) include a toilet or ARE the toilet
just had a look, they look pretty decent to me?
I mean how much time would you be spending in the room on a cruise (actually wondering cos I've never been on one).
I did a short cruise last time and we stayed on the inside and it could get quite claustrophobic if you just want to chill out in your bedroom. I suppose you would spend the majority of the time enjoying the facilities but you still need some time out - especially over two weeks.
And if you have sea sickness or nausea, sometimes having fresh air or being able to view the horizon helps.
Yeah low decks are quick stuffy and horrible. But if you arent prone to sea sickness and dont plan on spending forever in your room then you will be fine.
@cuteseal: The inside rooms $549 are also the worst situated, right at the nose of the ship so would be the least stable. I get seasick and claustrophobic so this is a no deal for me (I'd rather stay at home… after my nightmare P&O cruising experience where we hit a storm and were all confined in our cabins for a whole day, plus there were many other problems on the cruise that WERE within P&O's control so I'd avoid P&O in the future), if it didn't bother you the deal is amazing though.
$549 for a twin, therefore $1098!
Most travel deals are quoted per person twin share….
where does it say food not included? was just about to book it lol
dunno just couldnt find where it said it was. but sum1 above seemed to found that food IS included.
Food is included
technically it's food
I think the Deck 5 passengers get what the higher up passengers left from the previous night
and the 'gushing water' noise that you hear around your cabin in deck 5 is not the ocean…
that too is the leftovers from the higher up passengers.
Internal water feature…
That will be a nice change instead of the dumpsters at my local shops for a couple of weeks.
Price going up now
How much to bring a 3 years old?Can we book now and cancel later?
Booked and got email said "Sold out" :(
We have been unable to confirm your reservation on Cruise J505. The reason is P&O Australia have informed us that this cruise is now sold out.
We apologise for any inconvenience.
Kind Regards
Sales Team
Unit 4
6 Shea St
Phillip ACT 2606
Phone: 1300 54 00 22
Email: [email protected]
ABN 41 969 704 696
ACT Government Licence - 18800618
Travel Compensation Fund Licence - 1/951
If you want to book with children you need to do this as soon as bookings open. A limited numbers of children are allowed on each cruise and this quota fills up very quick.
as someone with no kids… excellent! :D
(got nothing against kids but going on a cruise that is over-run by them could be quite painful…)
Damn :(
God what a lot of whingers we have for this deal. Get over it. It's cheap. Pay for what you get. No ones forcing you to go. Honestly how long are you going to be in your room
Rant over
^agreed, plus are you sure you want to be on a boat full of ozbargainers? :)
The $1099 for Obstructed View twin outside seems like a good deal too if you get a bit sea sick. You cannot open the windows though.
The lower you are on a ship the less movement in the cabin of course so the lower decks passengers are less prone to sea sickness. I can speak from experience. It always amazes me how I take cabins on the low decks then when I come up to the restaurant to eat find that the upper deck passengers are all unwell from the swaying overnight.
Just take a look at the 5 star ships and the top cabins, like suites etc. are located half way down the ship decks and not near the top….they make sure the top decks are just used for dining , shops , entertainment etc.
I have been on the ship and it is good. The cabins are spacious and you can easily have the two beds plus a cot in the room (if you have a small one!). I did note on this ship though that it is a LONG WAY from the pool at the back up to the spas.
Also note that Feb is the wettest time of the year in the pacific islands (esoecially Fiji) as it is Monsoonal so it is highly likely you will have it wet. If you dont mind that then great! This is why a trip to Fiji is so season.
Is this the Love Boat?
No, that would be this ship:
EVERYBODY should look at the above link before buying tickets on this boat - great sleuthing, nexus4
"As of August 2013: In Turkish breaking yard for disassembly"??
Why should they look at the link for a completely different, much older, smaller and now dismantled ship before booking here?
Do they have WIFI on board? Not sure I could go 2 weeks without a daily ozbargain peruse.
No wifi but do have a PC lounge however its $$$ per meg
no free wifi sucks lol
Think of the money you won't spend if you're unable to access OzBargain for two weeks. You might miss out on buying some Domino's and Eneloops though.
The best part of cruising for me is no wifi. No phone calls, no work, no worries.
Been on this ship before, $549 per person inside cabin is awesome price. All meals are included and you don't have to tip and there's no pressure of tipping. However, I am sure you will tip some because some crew member's services are really excellent.
I would definitely go if I it departs middle of the month.
If you are a busy person, you should go cruise holiday as there will be No Wifi, No VPN, No (profanity) work.
and no GST
As pointed out above, this is monsoon season, so hot and wet. Unless you have cruised before you may not realise the best time to cruise in this area is late autumn through to early spring. Also people don't realise it's northern location, it is level with Cairns / Townsville …so would you want to go there in January??
wow seems heaps cheap. costs more to stay at home for 14 days lol
(not even joking!)
oh i guess it's "FROM" $549.. but still
oh this cruise doesnt include meals??? i thought a lot of cruises were all inclusive for meals