I was wondering if somebody could point me towards an organization or pathway towards getting a persons credit frozen with the intended goal of stopping them from obtaining credit from loans/credit cards in the future. Obviously, this would be with the persons consent but I'm lost for solutions at the moment. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Credit Freeze or Other Alternatives

to prevent identity theift.
Is this the actual reason?
you would have to ask the op , but what other reason would you do it for, and if it is for a older person/couple this is a great way to prevent id fraud as it takes them much longer to realise their id has been stolen and recover from it, its fairly common in america.
@Settero: Yes good point. Other thing it could is that the person has a real problem with money/credit, eg gambler or something.
Declaring themselves bankrupt would stop them obtaining credit for a few years
Whilst true, that is terrible advice. Would screw them over for any form of finance for the next 15 years.
Contact VEDA.
Years ago there was the ability to put notes on your Credit File.
This could be used to alert the Credit Provider not to approve further creditAlso paying for alerts to enquiries made to credit file may be useful.