Looking for FANLESS mini pc, running windows with decent specs for day to computing (surfing, email, social media, youtube, office). No gaming , no HD movies.
What are my options?
Budget under $200, but cheaper the better.
Looking for FANLESS mini pc, running windows with decent specs for day to computing (surfing, email, social media, youtube, office). No gaming , no HD movies.
What are my options?
Budget under $200, but cheaper the better.
Don't forget this too, for about half the price.
Thanks, PIPO looks interesting
None of them. You start multitasking and it will die. A $40 G1840 mini-ITX PC would be a better choice (though still slow).
Agreed. The Intel i3 NUC is fanless. Yes more than $200 I'm sure when you build it up but a far better choice also. Even though the i5 version has a fan apparently I've yet to hear one fire up.
Very good choices but not around $200. Unless your needs are extremely specific which going by your list they are not I really do not think you'll be happy with a sub $200 PC.
Does it have to be Windows? If you put Linux on there it'd be heaps more efficient. Plus it's free. More secure too for web surfing etc.
Windows is free though, it comes free with the hardware your buying since they are considered entry level devices. The vendor doesn't need to pay Microsoft to include Windows Bing so basically you are only paying for the hardware.
'Free' after vendor pays $30 license fee. It'll be a crappy version with less features, not that it matters much in this case.
Good luck when OP gets an attachment that requires Excel or something from Office to read it. Maybe they'll use 360 or the true free OpenOffice.
Thanks all for your input.
Yes it needs to windows. Because I connect to my work via VPN and use Citrix VDI. The VPN client we use is dependent on windows (that is what our tech guy told me).
Basically for 90% of the time, I will be just using the Citrix client and occasionally use Office, Youtube etc locally.
So local processing power is not that important for me, as I will be using the VDI.
Ah makes better sense now then. Thanks for response, good luck. Maybe let us know how it goes, am also interested in this. Sure others are too.
These haven't been released yet…