Sirena Tuna great value $4 a can less than $10kg.
Maximum online order 12 cans.
Sirena Tuna (Italian Style Tuna in Oil/Tuna In Springwater) - $4 a Can (425g) at Coles

Last edited 04/01/2015 - 22:45 by 1 other user
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serious a - At $4 this is your opportunity to do your own taste test.
hey this is ozbargain, not ozipayforsamples :p
lol. ozbargainers hating me for saving money. new meta
how different can a dead animal in oil be?
loaded with higher amounts of BPA due to packaging!?
Sirena canned tuna STILL has it, the other leading Australian brands do not!
Plus, the Yellowfin used, has higher mercury levels than the Skipjack used by the others
The 2 dollar 190g ones at Aldi's are similar to Sirenas.
The main difference is the cut of the meat, these tends to be whiter/lighter coloured chunks. Instead of the more bloody/darker meat in the cheaper brands.
thank you for your answer.
animals like cows have noticeably different meats from the body, e.g. rump vs eye. do you know if tuna, or any fish, are similar?apart from the colour i guess?
I feel with Tuna it's the actual fish you use that dictates quality, not a certain cut of flesh. I find Sirena Tuna to be meatier with more taste, and I much prefer the bigger chunks that flake easily to the sandwich style Tuna other brands do.
Yeah, they are different cuts of meat. I think the bloody/darker meats are from bottom half of the fish, closer to the stomach and digestive areas. The colour and the more fishy/bloody taste means its not as appealing/tasty, thus cheaper.
i find aldis reasonably close to sirena and i believe aldis is only $2.50?
I use it often. Yesterday in fact. Ive tried alot of brands and think this is the best tasting. far better than cheaper brands. IMO
Yellowfin >>>> skipjack. The latter is like cat food to me.
That's why I buy Sirena over the rest.the answer. cheers
Sirena cans are the best IMO. I love the 80c Coles cans, but Sirenas taste and quality is unsurpassed to me.
This works out at 90 cents per 95 g so great value if you don't mind the larger can.
Serena uses overfished yellowfin. Other brands have stopped using yellowfin and many people support them for this and don't buy Sirena.
Most tuna comes from Thailand nowadays…check the tin…
Personally I think Sirena have the best tasting oil dressing the tuna - the meat itself maybe the same as rest but what they do with it stands out. The spring water stuff i never bother with.
you're supposed to drain the oil.
Ok I went to coles today but I think i'll pop in later on in the week just to try one of these. You all managed to convince me its worth a try
Sirena and safcol are two great tasting varieties. John west is edible, but not as good as the other two.
Premium Tasmanian Salmon is better deal.Available at Not Quite Retail NQR in Ashburton.It is very tasty and as good as red salmon in my opinion, for $1.49 for 185 gm. It is in canola oil which I drain off and serve as salad , in pasta, great for sandwiches or making a mousse. Everyone comments on how delicious it is.Best of all it is all Australian from TASSAL. Not sure if all NQR stores have them. Worth a phone call to check.
serious q. - do people buy this just because it's the most expensive one? or is it actually any different from the el cheapo generics?