This was posted 10 years 2 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Sirena Tuna (Italian Style Tuna in Oil/Tuna In Springwater) - $4 a Can (425g) at Coles


Sirena Tuna great value $4 a can less than $10kg.
Maximum online order 12 cans.

Italian Style Tuna in Oil
Tuna In Springwater

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closed Comments

  • +2

    serious q. - do people buy this just because it's the most expensive one? or is it actually any different from the el cheapo generics?

    • +2

      serious a - At $4 this is your opportunity to do your own taste test.

      • -3

        hey this is ozbargain, not ozipayforsamples :p

        • lol. ozbargainers hating me for saving money. new meta

      • -2

        how different can a dead animal in oil be?

        • +1

          loaded with higher amounts of BPA due to packaging!?

        • @Wally: are you saying that bpa is used in the cans?

        • +1

          Sirena canned tuna STILL has it, the other leading Australian brands do not!
          Plus, the Yellowfin used, has higher mercury levels than the Skipjack used by the others

    • The 2 dollar 190g ones at Aldi's are similar to Sirenas.

      The main difference is the cut of the meat, these tends to be whiter/lighter coloured chunks. Instead of the more bloody/darker meat in the cheaper brands.

      • thank you for your answer.
        animals like cows have noticeably different meats from the body, e.g. rump vs eye. do you know if tuna, or any fish, are similar?

        • apart from the colour i guess?

        • I feel with Tuna it's the actual fish you use that dictates quality, not a certain cut of flesh. I find Sirena Tuna to be meatier with more taste, and I much prefer the bigger chunks that flake easily to the sandwich style Tuna other brands do.

        • Yeah, they are different cuts of meat. I think the bloody/darker meats are from bottom half of the fish, closer to the stomach and digestive areas. The colour and the more fishy/bloody taste means its not as appealing/tasty, thus cheaper.

        • +1

          i find aldis reasonably close to sirena and i believe aldis is only $2.50?

    • +1

      I use it often. Yesterday in fact. Ive tried alot of brands and think this is the best tasting. far better than cheaper brands. IMO

    • +3

      Yellowfin >>>> skipjack. The latter is like cat food to me.
      That's why I buy Sirena over the rest.

  • +2

    Sirena cans are the best IMO. I love the 80c Coles cans, but Sirenas taste and quality is unsurpassed to me.

  • This works out at 90 cents per 95 g so great value if you don't mind the larger can.

  • Serena uses overfished yellowfin. Other brands have stopped using yellowfin and many people support them for this and don't buy Sirena.

    • -4

      Your also paying for their Halal Certification….pick another brand.

  • Most tuna comes from Thailand nowadays…check the tin…

  • Personally I think Sirena have the best tasting oil dressing the tuna - the meat itself maybe the same as rest but what they do with it stands out. The spring water stuff i never bother with.

    • -5

      you're supposed to drain the oil.

  • Ok I went to coles today but I think i'll pop in later on in the week just to try one of these. You all managed to convince me its worth a try

  • Sirena and safcol are two great tasting varieties. John west is edible, but not as good as the other two.

  • Premium Tasmanian Salmon is better deal.Available at Not Quite Retail NQR in Ashburton.It is very tasty and as good as red salmon in my opinion, for $1.49 for 185 gm. It is in canola oil which I drain off and serve as salad , in pasta, great for sandwiches or making a mousse. Everyone comments on how delicious it is.Best of all it is all Australian from TASSAL. Not sure if all NQR stores have them. Worth a phone call to check.

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