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Sony 4K UHD TV KD55X8500B $1499 4K Movies Instant Redemption @Sony Kiosk Chatswood & Parramatta NSW


I just bought a television from Sony Kiosk Parramatta; they are advertising the KD55X8500B at $1499 with free delivery. Pretty good considering JB is at $2098, VideoPro at $1588.

The guys there also gave the bonus 4K movies at the time of the purchase instead of me registering the paperwork via redemption online. After some negotiation I managed to get the price down to $1480. Super happy tbh!

KD49X8500B (http://www.sony.com.au/product/kd-49x8500b) $999
KD55X8500B (http://www.sony.com.au/product/kd-55x8500b) $1499
KD65X8500B (http://www.sony.com.au/product/kd-65x8500b) $2499

I bought the 55 inch 4K, however, both the 49 inch and 65 inch were tempting. My friend bought the KD65X8500B at the Chatswood kiosk and he got them to price match VideoPro as well as the 4K movies. They also have other Bravia models that are priced cheaper than the website.

I believe there are 2 Sony Kiosks in NSW (Parramatta and Chatswood). I was told that the pricing ends on the 4th of January while the bonus 4K movies end on the 31st of December.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    sony central stores sent an email out and the TV is $1493.
    Surely than can at least match their own stores.

    • +1

      I'm sure they won't pass up on business for $6.

      • +1

        just strange that they have a different price to whats advertised in the emails.
        Didnt mean price match, meant it should already be the price I posted yesterday.

    • Sony online = Sony
      Sony Central = Bing Lee formerly, currently Video Pro

      Sony do NOT back their product, as exampled via their lack of faith in the longevity of their product and refusal to offer an extended warranty beyond 1 year(12 months).

      From what I've read recently looking into purchasing a cheap LCD, refresh rate is a gimmick above 100hz, particularly considering F2A/Pay TV is broadcast at 60hz and HDMI cables not able to handle much above 100hz anyhow.
      4k video is few and far between and most certainly not F2A/Pay TV.
      Unless you use 3D, it is a waste of technology.
      Sony has a more logic friendly menu, Samsung, a faster processing menu.

      My journey started at the kdl48w600b as cheap.
      Looked into the kdl55w800b due to no stock of above.
      Ended up with the kdl60w850b due to better inbuilt speakers and panel (mainly contrast - 33% better).

  • I dont get it. Trent posts a deal for this TV from VideoPro and it get a million votes. I post one thats $100 cheaper https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/176896 and it only gets a few votes. This post is around the same price as I posted and only gets a few votes.
    I think Trent86 is paying for votes :)

    • +6

      If you saw the deal originally it had an extra 5% off the prices in that deal- that's where most voted came from, and also it was the first deal where those TV'S Were great prices.

      • Sure TRENT sure, you go to Fivr and buy a hundred votes for 5 bucks :) :)
        just stirring and hav'n some fun.

        • +9

          You mean I been giving Trent votes for free…

        • -1

          Do the mods know people might be gaming the system? I'm sure their software would pick up unusual patterns unless they were in on it as well.

        • @Davo93:
          It was a joke mate

        • @PVA:

          You're the one missing the joke mate.

    • If you give me $5, I'll vote for you

    • Keep in mind, that's only in Queensland.

  • Anyone else think the free movies will be extended if they are viewable until September 2016?

    • +1

      I'd say it's very unlikely.

    • They will probably do a ps4 promo. That's what I'd be waiting for if spending that much on a new TV.

  • is there even any 4k content?

    • +1

      try youtube

      • Have fun waiting for the interface to respond and your modem to stream…

        You can always get a 4K handycam and make your own family movies

        • why would my modem stream?

          I can get media player or KODI media center and connect by LAN…

      • Pretty sure the youtube app on the TV isn't capable of 4k. I tried it on my 70inch and it didn't look 4k at all. And that was on 116mbps connection.

    • +2

      Netflix. Computer Games. etc

    • Yes. Lots.
      Your mobile phone shoots 4k (well all ours do)

  • -1

    I think I saw that on special @jbhifi westfield hornsby for $1398 today while I was on my lunch break

  • +1

    FullHD and 4K TV prices are falling like dead flies now everywhere.

    • It isn't just TVs, it is that time of the year. New models usually come in early in the new year.

      • Also Sony finally has good lineup to go against the Korean brands to win back market share. Hence all the deals are Sonys. Very deliberate lowering of prices. My 60w600 and friends 50w700 are both cheaper or even against equivalent size smaller brands.

        Pretty good job by Sony i think.

  • are these wedge design?

    I hate the design, it looks stupid

    • It has a wedge design yes. On the contrary the design is pretty smart. It gives the tv room to have better speakers and bass…yes better, not wow but better.

      • The speakers are only slightly better than normal ones (from reviews I read)
        but you end up with a crappy look design TV..

        I prefer the thin sleek design (e.g. Samsung) over slightly better speakers but with a crappy wedge design

        If you are watching movies then you would use an AV receiver anyways..
        and for normal TV, standard speakers are fine…

        I seen the wedge design in person and it just looks crap..

        I don't know what sony was thinking..


        Also I think samsung 4k TV seems to look more better in picture quality/sharpness compared to sony..
        and sony no longer makes their own panels..

        So these factors put me off from buying sony
        -crappy wedge design
        -picture quality
        -no longer makes their own panels..

        The only reason why I might get a sony is if they have another ps3 promo..
        but even then they must get rid of these wedge designs…

      • No it doesn't, the X90 series is the one with the wedge design and the awful exposed speakers on front


        Also costs about a grand more, but from the reviews I've seen is a superior picture.

        • what's wrong with front speakers?

          they give you better sound

        • @tyler.durden: Yeah, couldn't care less if it's rectangle, wedge, or tetrakaidecagon if it's better quality.

        • I agree with you Dominus, I also don't like the exposed speakers look, they remind me of those speakers mobile DJs use.
          I rather the sleek clean design. One of the things I do like about the curved sets.

        • @tyler.durden: personally I think the X90 series is incredibly ugly, and aesthetics play a part in any piece of living room furniture. Coupled with the fact it's significantly more expensive, the X90 was never an option for me even if it was a better panel. Each to their own, I wasn't trying to start a flame war, I was just trying to point out that the TV mentioned in this deal, the X85 series Bravia, is not the wedge design you dislike!

  • Would have bought a KD65X8500B instantly if I hadn't already just purchased a 1080P Samsung.

  • I just bought a television from Sony Kiosk Parramatta

    Did you actually buy one? or are you just saying that?

    • Yea, one of my mates told me about the deal last Saturday. I went in a couple of times and made the purchase yesterday! I guess i'm associated because i have always been a fan of Sony products so my answers may be biased :)

      • Actually you signed up to OzBargain and posted the deal from an IP address that belongs to:

        Sony Australia Limited

        The system automatically marked you as associated.

        • +8

          Awkward… lol

        • -5

          Well yes! I told them i would do something for them in return for lowing the price down. tbh I was expecting something lower than 1480 but I am a man of my word so i did it there.

        • +1

          @JasonSmith89: Come on now, there's more to this story. Wait, let me grab my popcorn! :)

        • +1

          @educalifa: Omg LMAO

        • +1

          so i did it there.

          'It' = joined OzB and posted?

        • +1

          Would this be sockpuppeting then.

      • so are you associated with sony?

  • Tried to talk to Sony online rep to price match this price…at first he didn't wanted to acknowledge this and then asked me to hold while he checks and then after 19 mins on hold ..Hung up the phone Lol! I guess no price matches there.

    • +1

      Check my post. Sony central stores emailed their boxing day sales. This tv is $1493.

      • Yes I checked your post. Thank you for posting it. I live in Swan Hill far far away land lol..so nearest Sony store is 400+ Km away n I guess I have to buy tv and Sony stores wont sell over the phone hence I tried to get in touch with Sony online store to get it sorted!

        • bugger. no local will match Sony?

  • +1

    So they gave you the password to their wifi to use their internet? LOL!

  • To pull the trigger now or wait until the end of 2015 when there's more content and hopefully around the one grand price mark..

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