If You Were Given a $100 Voucher, What Would You Buy?

Here's the catch, or should I say catches? There's a few:

  • it can only be used to pay for one transaction
  • it can only be used on ebay
  • it expires on the 31st Dec

I've just found out that the wife has been issued a $100 voucher on her ebay account. She's away and has limited access to the internet. She's also close to an optus black spot and cannot be reached on her mobile. She could call me back from a landline but for some reason she chose to take a selfie of herself holding a cardboard, with the following message written on it:

"My darling JJB, your mission should you choose to accept it, is to spend that $100.Remember with great power comes great responsibility. You have 50 hours before the voucher goes 'poof'. Make me proud. Love V :) "

We've all been spoiled for xmas and for the life of me I cannot think of a single thing that we want/need that costs $100 and is sold on ebay.

I could get her a vivosmart but then we've already ordered a miband. I got a new phone for xmas and I've already bought a case for it and xiaomi pistons. The kids don't need anything.

Atm, I'm thinking bed linen? There must be something more exciting to buy than bedlinen, right?

Any suggestions appreciated.

Edit Thank you everyone..You guys make spending money so much more fun :) So here's what's happening:

  • I've bought a few things from the Target ebay store. Boring stuff like towels and socks…They can always be exhanged for something else if we don't like them.

  • I watched a few of these youtube videos in bed with the kids this morning and they decided that they both wanted to donate their share of the $100 to Make-a-wish.

  • so no money left for either a sex toy or getting hookers (sorry AnzMitch and Tyler.d) but thank you @amelyn, I took in your suggestion in the hope that I will be getting sex :p So we've cleaned the house.I have to say , I am very impressed with Ewok, our Shih Tzu. Not only did he put away all his toys in that basket where they are supposed to go but he also did the same for Darthie's toys. On the other hand,Ms Darth Maul, went to sit regally on the patio table and did what she does best: stare haughtily at us and meowed from time to time as if saying "work humans! work!" and "is that the best you can do?" She's not much of a team player.

  • @Scrooge McDuck , if I could be anyone other than me, I'd be you. I love the way you think. So re. fantasy costume, no money left in the bank :( but I did find the mrs' version of Padme's lake dress It smelled of mothballs(?), so I've dropped it off at the drycleaner. Should be ready to pick up in a couple of hours :)

Edit 2: Its barely 12! I can't believe how freaking organised,efficient and productive I can be when there is the slight glimmer of sex at the end of it.

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  • +1

    Disposable plates, cups, cutlery, underwear…or toilet paper, you will never have too many of those.

    • I can only spend the $100 in one transaction :(

  • +1

    filter for things costing 100 bucks
    randomly pick one item!

    • Great mind think alike ;)

  • A video game?

    • which one?

      • No idea, your kids can't play 'em 2-4 year olds…can't think of any good ones.

  • golf clubs..

    • lol but I don't play golf.

  • +5

    gift card
    visa card, then make a donation to cancer council

  • -7

    how about a hooker?

    • +1

      Did I mention that I have 2 4-year olds and a very prudish cat at home?

      • -4

        And your point is?

        hookers are worth the money…

        • +1

          hookers are worth the money…

          I'll take your word for it :)

        • @Jar Jar Binks:

          I'm more interested in the prudish cat… I'm not familiar with how procuring a lady of the night for services works, but I don't think I can muster a scenario where the cat is worth considering to this level of detail.

          I'd suggest you buy a cat carrier.

        • +5

          @toristo: Her name is Darth Mal. She was involved in a terrible accident, lost a leg and has limited vision in one eye…I found her and adopted her.She thinks I'm God… and she wants to be my goddess. She has a love-hate relationship with my wife. But beware any female who might try to get too close to me…. She also has an aversion to shaved pussies, be it of the cat variety or of the ermm-non-cat variety.

          edit:she's also claustrophobic so we never lock her anywhere.

        • @AznMitch: She can't be trusted with a weapon.

  • +1

    Why not buy a gold nugget, should get a nice little one for the $, maybe a nugget that looks like it would be nice on a pendant. Or how about a proof coin for the year your wife was born.

    • +2

      She got one of those from her mom for her 30th. plus she likes simple things: flowers that I've stolen from the neighbour's garden, half-burned cupcakes that the kids have baked, hand-written love poems…those are the kind of things that brings tears to her eyes.

  • +3

    Eneloops, Eneloops made out of Eneloops, Eneloops made out of Eneloops made out of Eneloops.

    • +1

      But would she be "proud" of me? Usually when I do something that make her proud, I get lots of hot, sweaty,kinky sex. I like eneloops but I want want lots of hot, sweaty,kinky sex more …

      • +2

        I'd say get the house cleaned for that kind of reward. ;) probably can't buy that sort of service on eBay though.

        • +1

          Hmmm, Dyson vacuum cleaner or robot cleaner (if they work well)?

        • @AznMitch: These things cost way more than $100.

      • +1

        Get those notorious hitachi magic wand for her?

        • +5

          I'm her favorite sex toy…and I don't like competition :p

        • +4

          @Jar Jar Binks: That's why you make sure that the wiring is slightly faulty, so that it stops every few minutes. Make the machine do all the work, take all the credit.

        • @AznMitch: LOL!

        • +1

          @Jar Jar Binks: A merchant seeks for a mere profit, a businessman seeks to create a system that gets what he want for him. ;) Perhaps same can be said.

          OK, on serious note, how about buying toys with your kids to donate to orphanage or somewhere like that? $100 would get a lot of toys that they would enjoy and since kids are helping, it might be good for them?

        • @AznMitch: …and an ozbargainer seeks to get the most bang for his bucks :) I'm happy to buy adult toys if someone's posted a deal on here but I'm pretty sure that's against the rules

          edit: we're looking into getting toys but the voucher can be only be used for one transaction.

        • +1

          @Jar Jar Binks: Hmmm, that's bad…. How about a giant lego set with a lot of spare parts that somehow comes to $100?

        • +5

          @Jar Jar Binks: when you say one transaction are you restricted to one item? I think with the previous eBay/good guys/ dick smith et al sales you could add things to your shopping basket and pay for all the items in one transaction. Would that be an option?

        • @amelyn: Thanks for the suggestion. I'm looking into it.

        • +1

          @Jar Jar Binks:

          How about a fantasy costume, lingerie and some comfortable underwear?

      • -3

        this thread is getting too much information….

        btw can you post a pic of your wife…

        • Let just say that if she was a hooker, I would pay more than $100 to spend some time with her…

        • -3

          @Jar Jar Binks:

          without pic it is hard to tell..

          also beauty is subjective…

          post some pic so we can see

      • -2

        Buy your cat another cat so she can also get lots of hot,kinky,sweaty sex

        • Darthie already has an admirer who is madly, deeply, head over paws in love with her . she enjoys toying with him … But we have faith that his love and devotion will someday win her love.

  • +1

    Trampoline for the kids?

    Can you buy an alternative Giftcard on eBay?

    A watch?

    Asics runners? Gel kayano 20s?

    • The kids don't want anything.

    • Ever had sex on a trampoline?
      Get a trampoline.. ;-)

      • +2

        Can't say I have… but a girl tried to kiss me while we were on one of those inflatable jumping castle once… and she broke my nose.

  • The kids don't need anything.

    Just remember, 'need' =/= 'want'…try asking them, I'm sure they'll have plenty of helpful hints to unburden you of that pesky C-note! ;)

    • +13

      I've asked them. They want me to donate the money to make-a-wish foundation. I can't do this as its an ebay voucher. What I could do is buy something we will use and then donate the $100 to a charity. That way I'm not out-of-pocket, the wife's proud of me and the kids are happy.

      edit: For christmas, we did this thing where we only spend half of what we originally planned on gifts and donated the other half to the receiver's favorite charity. Everyone really got into it, especially the kids. Hence why they want me to donate the money now.

      • +4

        My hat honestly goes off to your collective altruism…it's truly impressive; but I'm also not ashamed to admit that like most people, 100% of our gift money went to our own families & friends.

        • +2

          I'm not ashamed to admit that like most people, 100% of our gift money went to our own families & friends.

          and why should you? o.O

          Our family is a melting pot of so many cultures,religions, traditions..etc While we respect all of them and try to be as inclusive as we can, its really hard to keep up. JJB and I decided early on that we were going to pick and choose what we liked best from each and give it our own twist:) It is amazingly freeing…and fun! we've celebrated 11 festivals this year and for each of them , we either get gifts, new clothes, sweets or money in a big red envelop:) We also wanted each festival/celebration to have a meaning. The one we've chosen for christmas is paying it forward. We're still looking for one for diwali..other than stuffing your face with as many sweets as you can :p

          The idea to donate some money came from the ozbargain christmas donation post. As for the "altruistic" comment,I think if we were truly altruistic we would have given 100% of the gift money. We didn't. Everyone still got a gift.It was just a oneplus one instead of a $800 flagship phone, a miband instead of a garmin vivosmart…etc

        • @wicket1120:

          So who won the Feats of Strength this year?

        • @Scrooge McDuck: Originality is dead, isn't it? Everything has been thought of before.
          Happy New year Scroochie:)

  • I would get a 100 gift card to buy something else..

    • I've read the T&Cs and it can't be used to buy giftcards:(

      • +1

        There appear to be some gift cards not in the gift card category, the voucher might work on these.

        • link?

  • Buy the shoes that I've had listed for 9 months ;) no one seems to have size 11 feet! I'm a size 10.5 and it's hit and miss as to whether I should go a 10 or 11. This time a miss. Make her proud by helping your fellow ozbargainer - just think of the karma ;)

    • My wife would kill me if I buy your shoes.She's a size 6.5 and like you, she never knows if she should get a 6 or a 7 when she buying online. we recently donated 4 brand new, size 7 shoes to the Epilepsy op shop. Sorry P

  • +1

    A few ounces of silver…as a metal it is hovering around it's lowest price in four years. Buy it, chuck it in a drawer with your eneloops. Come back to it in a few years and sell it. There's a good chance it will be worth more in value.

    • on ebay? link?

  • +3

    Create a fake item for $100 and then buy it with the voucher to redeem cash minus the feebay fees?

    Then just wait three weeks while PayPal holds the money hostage.

    • Love your thinking :-P

  • buy a gift card with a gift card

  • +1

    Something for the garden, preferably something that will bear fruit. Then you can make all sorts of puns and jokes about it…

  • +1

    First, name a star after her for just under $33

    Second, in the same transaction, order the body lotion of her favourite fragrance and volunteer to apply it liberally, everywhere.

    You've already mentioned what is likely to happen next.

    • name a star after her for just under $33

      I don't need a star named after me for I have the universe in me…well according to this astrophysicist anyway.

      But I so could use a back rub :)

  • I think you should get a sex toy, since this topic is getting sex focused..

    • +1

      The kind of toy you could buy for $100 is the kind a man would buy for a woman, as a joke, and not the kind a woman would buy for herself or one that would last or be of any long term use. For instance, such things no longer use batteries but are charged without any plugs and are waterproof.

      Considering the second hand market for these items is zero, a quality, lasting toy is around the $200 mark and, I'm including buying it OS so as not to pay $300-350. I guess the lack of competition keeps the prices high.

      • yes, but he can add in more money, so the $100 will offset the total cost

    • +1

      Thanks for the suggestion tyler.durden, but to paraphrase my husband linky :he doesn't feel he can compete with one :p

      • @wiki,ha! That's not what I said n u know it.

  • +1

    Foot massager like this

  • +2

    Maybe try yellowoctopus to get some idea, they specialize in interesting giftwares

  • +2

    Are y'all sporty? You can get an alright cricket bat/tennis racquet for $100. Or two less good tennis racquets. Or like 40 tennis balls. Or two cricket balls.

  • +2

    Gift cards (cannot find really good one though, was hoping to find woolworths or coles ones):

    Problem is those are both just under $100.


    Alternatively, create a listing using an eBay account, purchase it using another eBay account (to get the money in your PayPal). However, you will lose 10% (probably a bit more) due to the fees from FeeBay and Paypal.

  • I would get a voucher so you could visit a restaurant and treat her by eating her out.

    • +1


      • +1

        gives new meaning to 'dining at the Y'!

    • +2

      treat her by eating her out.

      wow…just wow. I'm speechless Davo93 but I'm not negging;)

  • -4

    I would spend it on the bottom half of a $200 hooker.

  • +1

    Does sports direct have an ebay store? Youse could get 90 pairs of slazenger shorts/tees @$1 each + $9.95 postage. Best dressed family in your suburb for a long time. You could even donate some to charity.

  • +2

    I like how you spent your money. Kudos for donation. :)

    • Well technically, it was the wife's money, which she got for free from Ebay…so we were just paying it forward :)

      • +2

        Still :) You could've used for something else and yet you chose to share it with others. :)

  • stickers

  • +3

    100 $1 tacos. That should should provide sufficient sustenance for the Dr Who marathon.

  • +2

    just pick the next birthday/anniversary/holiday gift, like Valentine's day coming up in February and buy the gift in advance with the $100 voucher, i do this all the time, voucher or no voucher!

  • +1

    Buy 500 one direction calendars https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/177073 and eat the calendar chocolate while throwing darts at one of the calendars each day. Will finish May 13 2016 and probably with a fat gut from the chocolates and RSI from the darts

    • lol

  • +1

    Read your update, I'm rofl. All the best.

    • +2

      All the best.

      I'm very proud of him. He did an amazing job of holding the fort while I was away. The place looks spotless and when I got home,there was still the faint aroma of freshly baked cookies lingering in the air. Its nice to be home. I just wished everyone wasn't so tired and sleepy.I got a few licks on my hand from the dog, a half-hearted scatch from the cat,a drowsy 'mummy's home" from my son , a sleepy cuddle from my daughter and a mumbled " miss you.i'm not sleeping ,just resting my eyes for a minute…" from hubby :( I'm too excited to be back home. I can't sleep. so I'm eating slightly burned cookies with a cuppa and reading this post and finding out about their day :)
      Thanks everyone for the suggestions. You made me laugh.

  • Maybe an indestructible phone case cover. :P
    I'm curious now, how did ur wife manage to acquire an ebay voucher?

    • +1

      There was a promo: sell your phone or get $100.

  • "bought a few things from the Target ebay store. Boring stuff like towels and socks…"

    Ahahahaha, so you bought this and expect sex, Ahahahahahahaha.

  • Was gonna say a nutribullet and top up $50 or so cos I'm just looking at them now.

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