This was posted 10 years 2 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Little Big Planet 3 US $29.99, The Last of US PS4 US $16.99 @ BoxedDeal


Thanks to Corwin & SD for this
Last of Us Remastered PS4 Full Game Download $16.99 USD After code
Little Big Planet 3 PS4 Full Game Download $29.99 USD After Code

Email Delivery
US PSN Account needed

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Used this code on Far Cry 4, US$35 all up. (AU$44 using PayPal) code has arrived and worked.

    • Can I ask you a couple of questions…

      I've just bought the PS4, haven't set it up yet. I have a PS3 with an Australian PSN account with dozens of games and a current PS+ subscription, and $100+ credit.

      I'm pretty sure I have a PS3 US PSN account, there might be a couple of games associated with it, not sure.

      On the PS4 is it just as easy to have 2 or more accounts - i.e. one Aussie PSN, and on US PSN - if so, then i'll just need to setup my existing US PSN account?

      Also, the US digital games work just as well - but DLC is usually problematic?

      Also, when purchasing US digital games from boxed deals, amazon or wherever else - do you need to set up a US address?

      $17 for The Last of Us is a sweet deal ,so I'm interested, but I just want to understand all the potential issues.

      • +1

        Yes have both a USA and AU PSN account

        If you run into any issues downloading DLC make sure you're logged into the appropriate regional account.

        For Amazon you do need an USA address. I imagine you might for the others. People use random address. Eg. Casinos. Using an AU credit card shouldn't ever be an issue.

        • +1

          This is correct ^

        • I already have an active Amazon account - with my Australian address - which I use fairly regularly and I really don't want to be kicked off for doing something naughty.

          If I have a 2nd Amazon account with a US address - is that naughty? is there the risk of any issues?

        • +1

          @davedrastic: You don't need to create a second Amazon account, just add a US shipping address to your main one.

          Just sign up to a mail forwarder like Shipito then you don't have to make anything up, it's a valid address for you.

        • @SteveBuscemi: I use my usual amazon account with a shipping address in US. Pick a hotel in Oregon (no sales tax)

        • Oh, ok cool - thanks.

          Does anyone know how many physical addresses you can have per amazon account, I already have 2 - my home address and a P.O. Box address.

        • @davedrastic: I have around 10 so far.

        • Lol.

          How come?

        • +1

          @davedrastic: I send gifts to my family in the US and UK directly from my account.

        • Oh that's a good idea, didn't think of that.

    • Man I haven't even played Far Cry 3 on my pc yet. That voucher gives a large discount on FC3

    • Payment authorization rejection from the processor.
      My paypal isn't working here.. any idea why?

      • Anyone? :-(
        I want that Far cry 4

        • You should ring paypal mate, some people trying to buy things on ebay were having problems too the other day

        • If you have an Australian address with PayPal it could cause problems as well. I was trying to add funds to my PSN US account using PayPal and it didn't work. That could be a reason.

        • @Zlatorog: nah this site accepts payment from worldwide. The US PSN only accepts from US.

        • @TRENT86:
          I got it from the other URL … posted below by @Faarba

  • out of stock

    • Wait a little while it will most likely be re stocked :)

  • Is this game really so good?

    • +2

      Probably one of the best I have ever played.

      Especially in terms of story narrative - I'd say it's one of the few games to make you fully immersed I'm the storyline

    • Yep, it really is. Naughty Dog do an amazing job at telling stories and The Last of Us is simply a masterpiece. Its easy to immerse yourself in this world.

    • Just grabbed it from gamedealdaily. Code sent instantly, downloading now. Supposedly a couple of DLC's as well

  • can anyone explain this to me? i dont get it

    • explain what?

      • what code is this

        • It takes $ off PS4 Games on boxed deal, enter it @ checkout

  • Sorry for this dumb question, but I'm not much of a gamer. Could someone please tell me if this purchase of LBP3 will work on a PS3 or is it a PS4-only version?

    • PS4 only game.

      • Thanks, Morien. Disappointing answer but much appreciated.

  • 2K15 for $29.99 USD was a steal, thanks OP!

    • did you use code?

      • Yeah, I used the code and it was fairly painless. Just had to activate on an american playstation website which gave me an option of four games to download. Once I chose 2k15 I was given a code which was automatically updated to my US PSN and I downloaded overnight :)

  • Downloaded lbp3 working well

    Hoping the last of us gets restocked

  • Personally I think LBP3 was worth the $35 I bought off gumtree. Quite a few people get them in a bundle and dont even want to open the plastic wrapper as was in my case.

  • Do these download codes require a ps+ account?
    Do they expire once bought. Thinking of doing the ozbargain way and just buy cause it's cheap and leave it for a while.

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