Thanks to Corwin & SD for this
Last of Us Remastered PS4 Full Game Download $16.99 USD After code
Little Big Planet 3 PS4 Full Game Download $29.99 USD After Code
Email Delivery
US PSN Account needed
Thanks to Corwin & SD for this
Last of Us Remastered PS4 Full Game Download $16.99 USD After code
Little Big Planet 3 PS4 Full Game Download $29.99 USD After Code
Email Delivery
US PSN Account needed
Can I ask you a couple of questions…
I've just bought the PS4, haven't set it up yet. I have a PS3 with an Australian PSN account with dozens of games and a current PS+ subscription, and $100+ credit.
I'm pretty sure I have a PS3 US PSN account, there might be a couple of games associated with it, not sure.
On the PS4 is it just as easy to have 2 or more accounts - i.e. one Aussie PSN, and on US PSN - if so, then i'll just need to setup my existing US PSN account?
Also, the US digital games work just as well - but DLC is usually problematic?
Also, when purchasing US digital games from boxed deals, amazon or wherever else - do you need to set up a US address?
$17 for The Last of Us is a sweet deal ,so I'm interested, but I just want to understand all the potential issues.
Yes have both a USA and AU PSN account
If you run into any issues downloading DLC make sure you're logged into the appropriate regional account.
For Amazon you do need an USA address. I imagine you might for the others. People use random address. Eg. Casinos. Using an AU credit card shouldn't ever be an issue.
This is correct ^
I already have an active Amazon account - with my Australian address - which I use fairly regularly and I really don't want to be kicked off for doing something naughty.
If I have a 2nd Amazon account with a US address - is that naughty? is there the risk of any issues?
@davedrastic: You don't need to create a second Amazon account, just add a US shipping address to your main one.
Just sign up to a mail forwarder like Shipito then you don't have to make anything up, it's a valid address for you.
@SteveBuscemi: I use my usual amazon account with a shipping address in US. Pick a hotel in Oregon (no sales tax)
Oh, ok cool - thanks.
Does anyone know how many physical addresses you can have per amazon account, I already have 2 - my home address and a P.O. Box address.
How come?
Oh that's a good idea, didn't think of that.
Man I haven't even played Far Cry 3 on my pc yet. That voucher gives a large discount on FC3
Payment authorization rejection from the processor.
My paypal isn't working here.. any idea why?
Anyone? :-(
I want that Far cry 4
You should ring paypal mate, some people trying to buy things on ebay were having problems too the other day
If you have an Australian address with PayPal it could cause problems as well. I was trying to add funds to my PSN US account using PayPal and it didn't work. That could be a reason.
out of stock
Wait a little while it will most likely be re stocked :)
Is this game really so good?
Probably one of the best I have ever played.
Especially in terms of story narrative - I'd say it's one of the few games to make you fully immersed I'm the storyline
Yep, it really is. Naughty Dog do an amazing job at telling stories and The Last of Us is simply a masterpiece. Its easy to immerse yourself in this world.
Just grabbed it from gamedealdaily. Code sent instantly, downloading now. Supposedly a couple of DLC's as well
can anyone explain this to me? i dont get it
explain what?
what code is this
It takes $ off PS4 Games on boxed deal, enter it @ checkout
Sorry for this dumb question, but I'm not much of a gamer. Could someone please tell me if this purchase of LBP3 will work on a PS3 or is it a PS4-only version?
PS4 only game.
Thanks, Morien. Disappointing answer but much appreciated.
2K15 for $29.99 USD was a steal, thanks OP!
did you use code?
Yeah, I used the code and it was fairly painless. Just had to activate on an american playstation website which gave me an option of four games to download. Once I chose 2k15 I was given a code which was automatically updated to my US PSN and I downloaded overnight :)
Downloaded lbp3 working well
Hoping the last of us gets restocked
Personally I think LBP3 was worth the $35 I bought off gumtree. Quite a few people get them in a bundle and dont even want to open the plastic wrapper as was in my case.
Do these download codes require a ps+ account?
Do they expire once bought. Thinking of doing the ozbargain way and just buy cause it's cheap and leave it for a while.
No and no.
Used this code on Far Cry 4, US$35 all up. (AU$44 using PayPal) code has arrived and worked.