• expired

VRSmartView - 'Google Cardboard on Steroids' VR Headset - $47.99 + Free Shipping & Wrapping @ Phenomec


The VRSmartView Developer Kit is designed and manufactured in Australia from premium materials.
It allows you to use your Smartphone as a wireless virtual & augmented reality head mounted display.

You can:
- Watch 2D & 3D movies on a massive display (portable cinema).
- Play the latest Virtual & Augmented reality apps & games on the app stores.
- Wireless streaming from a PC to play computer games in virtual reality (requires some tweaking to optimize).

The VRSmartView developer kit comes as a DIY self assembly product. You can choose to have it pre-assembled if you prefer.

Tech Specs:
- Durable and lightweight high grade plastic body parts
- Dual density foam padding
- Large, high quality aspheric lenses providing an immersive field of view
- Compatible 'sticky gel' mount supports most modern Smartphones
- Design supports adjustment of focus and stereo image calibration
- Adjustable headband

iOS and Android Smartphones.
We recommend phones with at least a 4.7 inch size screen to a maximum of 5.7 inches.
Apple - We Recommend the latest iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 plus.
Android - Look up your phone screen size specifications on http://www.gsmarena.com/search.php3 if you are not sure.
Apps - There is an ever-growing selection of availiable apps (all with differing levels of quality), you can find them on our apps page.

We are a new Australian startup who launched the VRSmartView at the end of October this year,
We launched at a discount price for $49.99 where-in a few weeks afterwards we then started selling at RRP $59.99.
We are extending our previous sale to run over this weekend at 20% off our RRP + free shipping in Australia, and now with the option of free Christmas wrapping (was previously $5).

If you are looking for a much better viewing experience than a Google cardboard, and are disappointed the Samsung Gear VR only supports a Galaxy Note 4 and costs $200+ , then this is your headset.
Our headset is comparable to a Durovis Dive - however it can fit phones with screens larger than 5.1 inches.
Also the design of our focus adjustment has far less light leakage and does not reduce the field of view like the Durovis does.

Here is a good review on our headset outlining the reviewer's opinion of the pro's and cons:
Note: There are many new and polished apps out now that don't require a controller and we now include a headband!

We love virtual & augmented reality technology and are developing some awesome new products and apps we seek to launch in the new year, but we need your support so we can get there!
If you see value in what we are doing and think others would too please help us get noticed by up-voting the deal :)

To follow Ozbargains guidelines we are now offering this new deal with the option of free Christmas wrapping.
Those that have purchased wrapping previously will be refunded. Merry Christmas everyone!

Update: Post office now closed, please pick express shipping option to guarantee delivery before Christmas if required.

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closed Comments

  • Does it have a headband?

    • Yes

  • +1

    I got sick to a point of nearly vomited after 30 mins of use (Google cuboard and Oculus), is it just me or these "VR" things still need a lot of work. Still lov them though
    (FYI I dont get sea/air sick and watch 3D movie without any ill effect)

    • +3

      maybe the VR things are fine, maybe it is humans that still need a lot of work…

      • +1

        Yep, wait a few millions years for evolution to catch up or just built better motion tracking.

    • +3

      That's really common. I mostly don't get simulator sickness, but I know a lot of people who do. I think one of the causes is that there is conflicting information coming from the inner ears and vision - particularly if the head tracking is a bit laggy. Everyone in my office tried out a Durovis Dive with a PS3 controller just on a couple of demos and almost everyone got some degree of queasiness, and two people did within about 15 seconds.

      Just in advance of people asking what these are good for:
      3D movies (best player I found for SBS movies was the $5.31 VR Player(play.google.com), which allows adjustment for inter-pupil distance, and to some extent compensation for lens distortion.
      Game: Trinus Gyre ($7.16, more info here(oddsheepgames.com)). This allows you to use a phone in headgear as a VR headset for quite a few PC games and includes using the phone gyros for some head tracking (using things like Track IR emulation, etc).

      They are the best applications I've found so far, and they work pretty well.

    • +1

      The main culprits are motion blur and latency - the delay between where you look and what you see.
      Positional tracking and screens with a higher refresh rate help overcome this.

      Smartphone Apps that are not optimized and running smoothly (ideally 60fps) can cause issues.
      Some games are also just not well designed to be played in VR, e.g. most first person-shooters.
      Cockpit games like flight simulators work well.
      Have you tried the latest Oculus Rift Dev Kit 2?
      We were fortunate enough to try Oculus's latest Crystal Cove prototype and it overcomes many of these limitations.

    • +1

      and be prepare to sit down LOL

  • +1

    What advantages does this have over the ColorCross headset which you can get from eBay(ebay.com.au) for about the same price including shipping? (Note: I bought the ColorCross from that eBay seller).

    The padding on the ColorCross is pretty poor (but you can use spare bicycle helmet pads if you have some, or in my case I cut up an old mousemat), but after watching that video it looks like the ColorCross phone mounting arrangement is better and it has an overhead strap so it doesn't pull down from the weight of the phone.

    Note: you can find the ColorCross even cheaper elsewhere if you don't mind shipping from China. The eBay seller linked above is in Aus.

    • +2

      Sure we have the ColorCross too.
      In summary of advantages over the ColorCross are:
      - We use larger lenses with stronger magnification, providing a much wider, more immersive field of view (ColorCross has too narrow FOV to our liking).
      - Focus adjustment - you can tweak the focus to suit your eyesight.
      - Much more comfortable - the ColorCross is uncomfortable for our big noses, the rubber padding is also harsh.
      - We offer wider range of IPD adjustment for better stereo alignment.
      - A better quality headband, thicker and no dorky central band.

      • Thanks for the response.

        The rubber padding on the ColorCross is certainly harsh: to two ways about that.

        If you're using a higher magnification, that will have the downside that the pixels in the centre of the FOV will be more visible.
        The ColorCross can be focus-adjusted.
        Also, I'm not sure how wise it is to comment on anything looking dorky when talking about strapping a phone to your face.

        Don't get me wrong, if someone I know buys one of these I'll definitely have a look.

        • Hi 2be8,
          I probably came across a bit harsh about the ColorCross - I was just pointing out the differences.
          I do notice now the lenses can be screwed out to focus, although somewhat annoying way to do it as you have to remove headset to unscrew lenses - although this probably only needs to be done once.

          In regards to the magnification causing pixelation - it is all relative to the screens size and pixel density, larger screen phones do show more pixelation but the experience is also more immersive which we feel is a better trade-off.

          You may be interested to know we are looking at offering the option of interchangeable lenses so you can pick the optimal magnification suited for your screen size.

          Agreed on the dorkey response :) I think with time and popularity it will be accepted.

  • Wouldn't it make sense to have a link to the product so people could buy?

    • hahahahhaha ikr

    • Thanks, just fixed that now

  • Just purchased. Are you guys hitting the post office today?

    • Yes we are, orders placed today get in before Christmas

      • Thanks.

  • How is this deal different from the last deal, i.e. https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/175201 ?

    • Last deal expired, we are now extending the sale over the weekend.

      • It's not really a new deal then. You should read the guidelines, I can already see two you're in breach of.

        • +1

          Can you please PM me what it is you believe we have breached as we really do not want to be breaking any rules here.

        • -3

          @Phenomec: You'll find out soon enough.

        • +3

          @daerka: Hi daerka we have updated the deal to follow Ozbargain's guidelines. No trouble was intended. Have a Merry Christmas

  • +2

    good on you! made in OZ. make it great!

  • For iOS what sort of app coverage is there? Obviously most of the VR apps out there are for Android given the recent focus on cardboard etc.., but is there much for iPhone 6 and 6+ at the moment? - especially a movie or 3d movie player?

  • +1

    Awesome. Just the time for me to see what all the fuss is about I guess.

  • +1

    don't waste your money. unless you have a 4k display on your phone the experience will be pixelated. even the 2k QHD display screen on the LG G3 looks very pixelated with the current VR gear.

    • +2

      Actually I'm quite happy to waste my money. I mean eventually I'll probably pump a few more dollars into this VR endeavour just like so many other people will, but in the meantime I can get a decent sense of how it's all unfolding and have a bit of undemanding fun while I'm at it.

      Besides, even the latest Oculus Rift dev kit only gives you 960x1080 per eye. Of course a 1080p smartphone display wont get utilized in quite the same immersive, efficient manner, but I doubt it will be horrible.

      • +1

        1080p smartphone display is horrible you don't have to doubt it. I've tried it even tried it on the G3 and IP6+. pixelated is pixelated which wont make it better no matter how much you try to spin it with a $40 pizza box cut out holder or $50 plastic holder. a $3 google VR clone will get you a decent sense of how it unfold.

        • +1

          There seem to be a lot of people out there having fun with this in spite of your negativity, and I don't see how there is anything wrong with dressing up the experience with a bit of style and convenience.

  • +1

    Purchased to support an Ozzie company!

    btw, I tried to purchase 2 but "checkout" didn't auto-update (from 1 to 2 items), nor did it have a button to manually update. Am using Firefox with Ad-Block so may have something to do with it. May be worth having a button to manually update the number of items, just as a fail safe :)

    • Hi Ebany, thanks I had a look into it - with our eCommerce system there is not way for me to add a manual update button. Not sure what I could do to fix it besides moving to a new eCommerce system. I am hoping you found a way to make it work for you!

  • I've got a dumb and Luddite question: do any of these 'faux' VR headsets work with the iPod Touch (physical) dimensions?

    Never mind, I realise how stupid it sounds :-s

  • +2

    Here's a freebie for you OP, a million dollar idea: http://i.imgur.com/UODJLZo.png

    • lol, we like it :)

    • pure genius! Thrift you have talent, show us some more!

      • +1

        Only the first one is free ;)

  • I guess Australia post are slacking off this year as I would have expected that something posted in QLD on friday would have made it to Melbourne on Wednesday. And since it's not today, it looks like I'll be waiting 'till Monday.

    Oh well. First world problems…

    • Sorry to hear that cainn, we definitely shipped all last Friday orders out that same day.
      AusPost better then deliver to you on Monday!

      • Got mine, looks great. Many thanks!

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