Some pretty good prices for 32 and 64 Gig cards with Free Shipping.
Not sure if this is a dupe of this, but that I thought the memory cards deserved a post of its own.
Some pretty good prices for 32 and 64 Gig cards with Free Shipping.
Not sure if this is a dupe of this, but that I thought the memory cards deserved a post of its own.
Is less than 50c/GB for SD Cards now the benchmark for a bargain?
picked up the 64gb, 32.99 delivered, good deal.
Just be aware the ssdnow versions of Kingston ssd have a reputation for being really slow, better to spend a little more if it is for an os.
yeah I always opt for Crucial, Samsung or Sandisk for SSDs. Kingston memory cards are pretty decent though
There is an error on this page:
It shows the 120GB HyperX as being 240GB in the larger graphic.
The Hyper X version did really well in stress tests. Apparently can write over 2 Petabytes of information with very few errora. Second only to the Samsung 840 pro..
not sure why my coupon code is not accepted.
you don't need to enter any code for them
The coupon code entitles me to $10 off. I can only assume it can't be stacked on free shipping.
is it some special voucher? maybe its only applicable to full priced products
$10 coupon code expired 14/12?
I'm abit confused but the 64 gb says Micro sdxc on it?? Is this any different to the Micro SD cards I need to put into my mobile phone? just got a new sony xperia z3 and wanted to get a micro sd card for it due to the 16 gb internal storage space limitations….
so do i need a 'micro sd' which is different ot the 'micro sdxc' as seen:…
Just abit confused.. if someone could clarify the naming?
Most smartphones out this year will accept sdxc. SD extended capacity. Same physical size. I would say ur phone will support it.
HOWEVER i can not recommend this kingston microsd even at class 10 its transfer read rate is rated at a lowly 30mb/s.
Equivalent cards by Sandisk and Samsung have faster speed.
I got onenof these kingston and was disappointed the mp3 and mp4 playback pauses every 30 as the card cant keep up with the throughput needed.
As such check amazon for Samsung or Sandisk Ultra or above. Look for 45mb/s or higher.
THanks for the feedback.. it's a sony xperia z3… so just out sinec oct 14 i think? It said it's a micro sd, so i assume sdxc is just a naming convention for ap hysically same size/micro sd card except at higher capacities?
I thought by class 10 there is a mandated minimum read/write rate which is why it gets a 'class 10' speed applied?
Or are there class 10 sd cards by classification that start at 45 mb/s, as you've recommended?
The focus is obviousl 45 mb/s read speed, rather than write speed per se? Or would a smart phone have marked improvement by ensuring both have read/write speeds of 45 mb/s and up?
So stick with only samsung or sandisk branded?
Lota of background info at
Samsung Evo or Sandisk Ultra are the way to go. If you have money to splash the Samsung Pro or Sandisk Extreme.
CHeers, did you have any comment in regards to jzdhgkd's post just below this - it seems to advocate that going the samsung evo or pro, or sandisk ultra/extremes won't be a noticeable difference in speed of accessing your everyday music, videos and file stored on there via your phone?
See post below.
Its not worth saving $10 on a card for a $600 phone. Potential issue and low quality the Kingston card is known for now with my own experience means i regret cheaping out. If i could do it again i wouldn't.
My experience and opinion on a LG G3 which is no slouch of a phone too.
So by this you're saying don't save the $10 and go for a sandisk extreme or pro rather than the base product sandisk ultra?
I believe the samsung evo is decent enough on its own for the Z3 (or LG3 in your case) and the pro isn't warranted?
If you leave it in the phone then according to benchmarking reviews i have seen, the PRO is un-necessary like you said, the EVO cards are fine.
It comes down to how you use the card. Sometimes when I am transferring large amount of data like movie files or entire series of a tv show, I like to eject the card from phone, plug it into my media server via a USB adapter so the transfer is even faster - in this case the higher the speed the quicker it will get done. If you never do this then it's not worth it.
Ok Sure, will assume the Samsung evo or sandisk ultras are decent enough then.
Just need to weed out the proper from the fake ones on sale online now…. seems shoppingsquare and pcbyte per the posts below sell the samsung evo and are legit websites? Any others i can trust to get legit , quality samsung/sandisk card at decent prices? Internet searches are littered with ones that just seem way too cheap to be true/good.
MP3s play at 320kbps generally for high quality ones, and even with a 100% overhead it would be 640kbps (80KB/s).
The highest quality MP4 I've ever seen clocked in around 15,000 kbps and again assuming 100% overhead would clock in at under 4MB/s which is again well under the 30MB/s ceiling.
I think what you experienced was either a faulty card, an incompatibility between your phone and the card or combination of both factors.
These Kingston cards certainly aren't the best, but they're definitely enough for most normal usage short of 4K video recording/viewing.
Some areas they fall short is the initial media transfer and burst photos. It's no fun waiting for 50gb of files to transfer at 20MB/s when you could be doing it at 70 MB/s. I haven't read any comparisons myself regarding phones but memory speed definitely makes a huge difference when it comes to burst photos on a DSLR.
So what you're saying is any videos that aren't HD, music, file storage etc will be unnoticeably as fast on a normal class 10 micro SDXC card say the kingston in this deal, as opposed to the faster versions of say the ultra or extremes in the sandisk?
Sure, by the numbers it may appear so, what i am raising as an issue is that the card (and numerous other users on amazon review) report slower than specced transfer rate. Fact.
Regardless of what the numbers work out to be, i definitely see the pauses. If i swap in my Sandisk ultra or watch 480p videos then the videos are smooth. Fact.
I cheaped out and bought one of these Kingston card thinking class10 is class10. And have been disappointed by it. Should have spent the extra 5 dollars on a Samsung or Sandisk Ultra.
Just sharing my exp with the product, regardless of what the specs say.
PS. My phone is a LG G3 so its no slouch of a phone too.
Fair call. How much did you pay for a class 10 sandisk ultra?
If indeed as you said other users are getting specs from the Kingstons below the quoted product specifications then that would indeed be worrying.
I've got your phone's sibling the Z3 compact and can confirm that micro SDXC cards work fine.
Great.. what brand do you have/recommend in terms of speed for a SDXC? Seems people above are recommending to go say the higher class liek the ultra and extreme versions of sandisks for example.
After further research I'm now going to recommend against buying the kingston because if you check amazon reviews the first 5 reviews (at least the ones that amazon gives me) are all negative. Reasons mostly appear to be because the card doesn't reach specifications even though in theory it should be fine for most needs. I think this also explains hippo2s' bad experience with the kingston.
If I were to choose another card whilst keeping price in mind I would go for the samsung evo from pcbyte for several reasons:
1) Good price/performance ratio
2) glowing customer reviews
3) PCbyte seem like a great store that are very active within our community and so I like to support them.
If you want to save a couple of bucks for this card, shoppingsquare do have them cheaper and I've never personally had a problem with them but they don't have a good rep on this site for whatever reason.
Keep in mind that kingston's 30MB/s and samsung's 48MB/s figures are for READ speeds only. Write speeds for these cards tend to be in the 15-20MB/s range. Just something to keep in mind when you load your card with songs/movies and you're wondering why it's so slow.
What exactly is the ideal write speed that one needs to be over to not notice an annoying lag in recording video (including hd using my sony xperia z3 phone) and taking photos? ANd what would the cut off be for movies/songs? Is anything above 10-13 mb/s satisfactory? And if so where does the kingston's come in in terms of write speed?
I guess a better question would be also in regars to playing music/movies is what read speed allows lag free/no noticeable delay? I assume any 30 mb/s and over card is fine? But the issue is kingstons do not perform to the 30 mb/s stated?
I checked out the pcbyte link - is $45 a decent price for a 64 gb microsd? I haven't had to buy any microsd that large before, or ever bought a samsung. Not sure what price you can get them at normally. NOt sure what delivery costs will bump the $45 card up to though when shipping to WA.
2) Is samsung evo the more premium samsung line, just as how sandisk has ultra and extreme? Extreme is the higher than ultra line isn't it (for professionals etc per sandisk?)
3) Assuming samsungs and sandisks are all workable in a sony xperia z3 being a recent new phone??
@SaberX: Unfortunately I believe that the photo/video lag that you're experiencing is inherent to our phones (and hopefully will get better with a future update.)
I have experimented with saving direct to internal memory compared with saving to an external SD card and I see little difference in terms of lag.
With regards to a minimum write speed for HD video: generally anything with a "uhs-1" or "class 10" rating will be sufficient even for 4K recording. I say "generally" because as hippo2s and I were discussing previously, the Kingston doesn't appear to be as reliable in living up to its stated specs and consequently may not do the job. Branded UHS-1 and class 10 cards tend to have write speeds in the 15MB/s range from what I've seen.
Yes 30MB/s and over will be fine.I'm sure you would be fine with lower speeds too but the faster branded cards don't cost much more so I think it's worthwhile to spend a bit extra for peace of mind. The pro series cards are definitely overkill though unless you do a lot of transferring to/from your PC which can make the most of those speeds.
A quick look on staticice shows msy have the Samsung 64gb for $40 and they have stores in WA so if you're near one you could grab it from them. Pcbyte isn't the cheapest for this card but still an OK price depending on delivery.
Samsung's evo line is equivalent to sandisk's ultra line and you're right they are somewhat premium compared to their basic offerings.
Yes anything from either company will work fine in our phones (at least until they release a 256gb card.)
As I posted below, my Kingston 64GB microsd comes in at 13MB/s write. My galaxy S5 records UHD at 6MB/s, so no issues recording or playing back.
Skyva - how do you calculate or test how fast your phone records UHD video at (speed wise)? I'm using a sony xperia z3 so I know its hd video recording is meant to be a big selling point….
Hi - sorry for the slow response and bringing up an old topic. I let this one fall to the wayside while i've been busy.
I just read this review on the samsung evo and it seems to indicate write speeds come up 10 mb/s or just under around the 9's? This appears to be alot less than the 13-15 mb's you were mentioning and discussing a few posts up… so my concern is whether this would have an effect on noticing any lag in relation to ultra HD video recording via the sony xperia z3 phones. I assume photos etc aren't an issue by nature, so therefore the main bottleneck for a samsung evo or sandisk ultra would be its ability to record video since nothing else stresses the write speed:.
The link of the review that i saw the samsung evo write speeds of 10 mbs and lower:…
What would your thoughts be?
Would I get alot more out of buying a 128gb micro sdxc and not have to worry that 64 gb will be filled up…. for $40 it seems decent for 64 gb, but 128 gb ones seem to be $110+ online . Ebay has them for $28-45 which makes me extremely suspicious though:
Sounds way too cheap to be true?
The MSY suggestion is one I'll take if finding a 128 gb isn't price economical or worth it. I actually just found and dug up an Sandisk Ultra Micro sdHC 16gb from my drawer.. says its a class 10? I bought it when the 32gb usb's were on sale on an ozb post a yr or more back… dont know why given I never used it.. only issue is my 16 gb xperia z3 is filled within a month of ownership.. 4gb via apps (hardly installed any imo), and the other 4.5 gb in photos and videos (hardly any if you ask me. obviously videos seem to take up a heap of storage using sonys HD recording). Otherwise i would have been all set.
Sorry me again… you mentioned your z3 compact sibling takes microsdxc so I'd be fine with my z3… can you confirm or know if there is no known issues with a 128gb card even over smaller 64gb offerings? No issues with phones being able to withstand the larger capacity?
I use A1 sd bench app on the phone to test the sd card for speed. To test recording speed, i took a 30 second video on uhd settings I want to use, by just videoing the room as a i span around slowly. This keeps the images moving and ensures that the compression doesn't reduce data rate due to the image not moving/changing. For a 30 second video (roughly) I got 180MB file. To me that means it records at 6MB/s.
A1 Sd Bench is a free app that measured the write rate of my card on my phone at 10MB/s.
Each phone/reader will read and write at different speeds, so I would try a test video first and see what data rate is like. If it records above 10MB/s then the kingston may be to slow.
Unless you use Linux, I wouldn't worry about the results on that site. Their results under Windows 7 using CrystalDiskMark show the write speed to be ~20MB/s which is reassuring. In addition to this Skyva has mentioned that their S5 records UHD at 6MB/s and so it comes in well under the maximum capabilities of either the Samsung or the Kingston.
I usually go to gsmarena for my specs and this shows 128gb cards to be compatible. Furthermore a quick googling shows the top result to confirm this.
Having said that, I wouldn't bother with 128gb for now either unless you know you're going to run out of space with a 64gb. Like you said, it's just not economic.
I would DEFINITELY 100% stay away from the ebay cards unless you're buying from a reputable merchant based in Australia (in which case it wouldn't be any cheaper anyway.)
There are plenty of stories of people buying usb sticks or sd cards from asia marked at 256gb or whatever, and when they get home and plug it into their comp it even says 250gb free (or the appropriate value). But when they try and write data to the stick/card it gets to a certain point (usually 4gb or so) and then it stops because that's the true capacity of the card. Lesson of the story - there are too many fakes out there to take the risk.
I can download the A1 sd bench app on play store too then? So you timed how long it took from turning the video off to it finishing record? Or do videos record to storage as you take them? Therefore if you video constantly for 40 seconds, and it took 200 mb in size then during the time of shooting the video implied write speed was 5 mb/s? I always thought the video recording took place after you had ceased recording button.
The kingston you got was an equivalent sandisk ultra/samsung evo level card?
How will I test the write rate of the phone to card using A1 SD bench mark without having firs tbought the card though.. which is the issue? A test to writing to internal storage would be inaccurate as this will always be faster wont it?
I could run out of space with the 64gb writing videos, but like you said it's not economic so I'm sure I should bite the bullet and just delete videos and photos then periodically…
I'll stay away from ebay .. I have heard those horror stories, even external hdds where opened up and it was just an usb stick inside the casing lol. Not funny if you're on the receiving end i guess.
That said so would this pcbyte and shopping square be recommended from your end? Any other websites (amazon i assume) where I can trust the online samsung evo or sandisk ultra to be new, in good condition and legit/working alright? I'd normally just google it myself but that's when I come up with ebay and a host of websites where the pricing just seems too good to be true for a 64gb and/or 128 gb even. So any suggestions you have woudl be great (Then I can just monitor the various sites and decide on pricing/availability).
That said the retailers like jb hi fi, office works etc are selling 64gbs for close to $100 or more, it's insane! So is pcbytes really legit at $45'ish, give or take? I assumed that included delivery, otherwise certainly couldn't be much more?
I checked MSY's website and the samsungs come up well around $55+, I'm not sure how you saw $40? Otherwise I'd be glad to pick one up from the Cannington store? Unless they just happened to change their pricing?!
I believe it records straight to card but it may buffer. In my mind as long as the write speed is above the recording speed it doesn't matter if it buffers as the buffer will not fill. I have recorded 1.8gb files without issue straight to card.
You cannot test a car dyou don't have. You can test whatever card you have and see how it goes.
I look out for bargains here, often I will find a 16gb quality card (samsung or sandisk) for around $10, so Ihave some of them.
I would not buy a 128gb card right now. They sometimes don't work well with all equipment and they are too expensive in my view. Also, I wold hate to have that much stuff on my phone in case it breaks or gets lost. Much better to have a 32-64gb card and take off the videos regularly. 64gb gets you a lot of stuff, I reckon by the time I fill it a few times and am ready for 128gb, they will have dropped in price.
Nothing wrong with a 16gb card and wait until you see $40 in 64gb sandisk/samsung or kingston.
I have Toshiba encore tablet which does up to 32gb micro SD, is it true it can support 64gb but will have huge lag if I used it?
I have never heard of capacity causing slowdown in reading. Make sure the read rate is as high as you can afford same advice as above.
Hey OP, can u do a good deal on Samsung PRO 64GB MicroSD Class 10 UHS-I Memory Card MB-MG64DAAPC. the 90ms one by any chance?
how about deal on on the faster cards like sandisk extreme, extreme plus, extreme pro
No deal on the 128gb?
good deal
It's a shame that Kingston has gone from being known as "dependable", to being known for dodgy…The SSD fiasco (swapping internal hardware for cheaper/slower- after they get the good reviews on the better hardware) & now the microSD poor reviews (at there're waaaay too many with similar cr*ppy speeds & failures).
Bad feedback gets around quickly these days— they'd better re-think their products/attitude. Imho
Anyone got theirs yet? Hoping to get today but no sign of it, I ordered on 15th but mail must be slow as usually it would be delivered (to Melbourne) by now.
Hmm now a new deal came up ( I want to return this.
EDIT Looks like I can return it…
I received my item but I changed my mind, can I return it?
As long as the item is in brand new condition, where the packaging it not opened or unsealed in any way, we can accept a return for refund on the item's sales price. If the packaging has been opened, we may charge a 15% restocking fee, as we will no longer be able to sell the unit as brand new. Please contact us at [email protected] before making any returns for further advice.
My 64gb Kingston MicroSD got delivered over Christmas. Write speeds are 13MB/s on my Galaxy S5, which is enough for UHD video, so all good so far.
I have found the problem with mine is not with write speed, it is the sequential read that's slow.
Can you try loading it with MP3s and playback on your phone, let us know if it pauses every 15-30 seconds.
I tried it and it was fine. Read speeds are normally faster than write, and reading and playing an mp3 will require very little in the way of data compared to recording or playing back HD video.
I suggest doing some tests on the card itself to see if read and write speeds are ok.