[SA/NT/TAS/WA] Fuel Watch

This is the fuel watch thread for SA/NT/TAS/WA. Please feel free to post the latest fuel prices here.

14 Dec: Coles Express Kilburn (SA) Unleaded Fuel $1.157 / Litre

Moved to Forum: Original Link

Coles express at kilburn churchill road Kilburn
Cheaper if using 4 cent voucher

Edit 9/5/19: This thread is now for SA, NT, TAS & WA (previously was SA only).


  • Merged from Fuel Watch WA

    This is the fuel watch thread for Western Australia. Please feel free to post the latest best fuel prices here.

    To search for current prices, go to:

    Happy New Year….
    How about for all Western Australia that are staying at metro locations just go to those 6 locations for Petrol? Good luck for queueing, hope we can make the longest queue at those locations.

    145.1 ULP Coles Express Coles Express Casuarina (WA)
    Site Details
    Coles Express Casuarina (WA)
    Cnr Thomas & Johnson Rds, BERTRAM Phone: (08) 9439 5166

    145.1 ULP Caltex Woolworths Caltex Woolworths Canning Vale
    Site Details
    Caltex Woolworths Canning Vale
    Cnr Amherst & Nicholson Rds, CANNING VALE Phone: (08) 9456 5829

    145.1 ULP Coles Express Coles Express Clarkson
    Site Details
    Coles Express Clarkson
    Cnr Marmion Ave & Pensacola Tce, CLARKSON Phone: (08) 9408 6690

    145.1 ULP Coles Express Coles Express Fremantle
    Site Details
    Coles Express Fremantle
    101 Hampton Rd, FREMANTLE Phone: (08) 9335 2723

    145.1 ULP Caltex Woolworths Caltex Woolworths Greenwood
    Site Details
    Caltex Woolworths Greenwood
    37 Canham Way (cnr Wanneroo Rd), GREENWOOD Phone: (08) 9342 6031

    145.1 ULP Caltex Woolworths Caltex Woolworths South Lake
    Site Details
    Caltex Woolworths South Lake
    752 North Lake Rd (Cnr Berrigan Drive), SOUTH LAKE Phone: (08) 9414 8247

      • +1

        A full tank of petrol would be the essential extra to haggle for, and after you run it empty, just dump the car as it might be cheaper to get another one, just like the ink cartridge printers nowadays.

      • +1

        Expensive? I wish our fuel was that cheap. We are $161.9 atm.

        • +2

          $1.65 in Adelaide.

        • Title has been fixed. It used to be $141.1.

      • When do I think the fuel price will go down so that it will be better

    • it was $141.9 at caltex on the scenic route through gosford to the entrance yesterday

    • +8

      What's the point of posting this; the Govt's website is well known, well used, and prices change every day?

      • +4

        I am just trying to help…at least Ozbargainers save even more by using Coles 25cent discount and Woolies 20cents discount….

        Also, what is the different I post this with those poeple that post Woolies/Coles catalog?

        • So you'll be posting this tomorrow, too?

          • @chrism238: Just when there are ridiculous pricing, right today, and I just want to do this for when there is special discount from woolies 20c and Coles 25c, and majority of servos are 162 cents and only a few 145 cents. Hope this help.

          • +1


            Just when there are ridiculous pricing

            which is pretty much every other day except wednesday

        • +2

          There will be too many fuel posts everyday for each states/suburbs. Especially when there is a government website which has more information(even tomorrow prices after 2:30pm).
          It will be different story if there is a petrol stations having special discounts.

    • +4

      Just sigh up on the Government petrol website nd they will send you a daily email with the prices


    • +2

      171.2 for ULP here in Darwin.
      182.1 for diesel.
      Hasnt been under 150 for the last 3 years…

      That was yest on new years day.

    • +1

      WA fuel price at http://www.fuelwatch.wa.gov.au. It will be too many fuel price posts for every state/location.

    • +2

      Thanks for providing the phone numbers

      RINGS UP


      • What's your price matching policy? Can you beat it by 10%? Otherwise I am heading towards officeworks instead, they have no problem to beat any price by 5%.

      • Call them to make sure the queue is not longggg….

      • might be a good idea to ring up actually….it isn't fun getting there, enduring a long queue only to find the pump for the fuel type you're after is out of service.

    • 1.49 at United 24 in noble Park North(vic)

    • +1

      cheapest is still Wednesday, apart from some odd station that offer cheapest price on weekend such as the Woolie Caltex in Greenwood.

    • there is an app called Petrol Spy for both Android and iPhone, shows you all the prices from FuelWatch and works nicely


    • Mondays are the cheapest to fill up

    • Merged from 93.4c/L Unleaded 91 at Caltex Woolworths Mirrabooka (Perth)

      Similarly with https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/260289
      Filled up at approx 1.30 pmnot sure what is the deal but TV crews were there.

      Long queue.
      Suggest taking the left most queue as it is the quickest.

      • Same price @ a few outlets

        92.9 cpL if you wanna venture to Armadale…!

        If you have to get it from Mirrabooka, there's 2 more @ 94.7 and 94.9, and I bet the queues are shorter!

        • I went five minutes away in Northlands and it was 93.4 with no queue

          • +1

            @bomber_bloke: It's always the way, and I laugh at people that wait for 30mins to save 5 cpl

        • Not a gambling man as by the time you drive to those, you'd be filling the tank already if you waited.
          I wouldnt've bothered if I had to wait 30 mins. Saw the quick lane , 1 queue served by 3 pumps & queued 10 mins tops.

    • ULP 91: 111.9 Midvale, WA 7-Eleven

    • Merged from [WA] Unleaded 91 $1.443/L @ United Kewdale
      Go to Deal

      United Kewdale
      410-412 Orrong Rd,
      Kewdale WA 6105
      (08) 9451 6245

      Just visited and filled up ULP91 @ $1.443c/L

      Also available:
      U55 $1.558
      U98 $1.628
      Deisel $1.609
      LPG $0.979

  • You don't actually mention what it is that costs $1.15. I'm guessing it's fuel. Regular unleaded?

    • It would be regular ULP91. If it was E-10 it would be advertised as Unleaded + ethanol.

    • Costco SA only sells unleaded 91, premium and diesel. No E10/E85/LPG.

    • Why aren't all these "Fuel Watch" data
      going into app "Gas Buddy" - so we can
      use that app to find our cheapest fuel?

  • It's been like that for weeks. Matching Costco I believe.

    • +1

      Yeah, Costco is $1.14 at the moment, Coles works out cheaper if you have 4c discount dockets. It's not a bargain at the current fuel prices, but when prices surges to $1.60 here, Costco is ~$1.18 (and this Coles Express is ~1.20).

  • I honestly think that that diesel pricing is a lot more impressive.. at least in relation to Melbourne pricing..

    • indeed, surprised there isnt trucks lined up for miles

      • The money saved on diesel would be lost through time spent waiting to get through the grid locked car park to Shell or Costco's service station. The place is a mess during 9-6 business hours.

        • i just filled up there at about 3pm, straight up to a pump :)

        • @Matt P:

          Ive filled up at costco many times and never had to wait except one time (for one car).
          Shell seems busy though.

  • $1.21 at the moment at Southport. (caltex)

  • Yes sorry it's the ulp19 as posted on photo
    But wrong about it being like that for weeks only changed from 119.9 to 115.7 thursday

    • +2

      it's the ulp19

      what kind of car runs on ULP 19 ???

      • ULP 19 would detonate in a car.

        • Thank god it is not ulp 69… What will cars do.

  • 91

  • A little heads up:

    The last time I filled up and used my 4c Coles voucher, I noticed on the tax receipt that Coles Added a 1 cent voucher processing fee. So in effect it was a 3c discount on the price. Can you guys verify if this happens to you as well?

    • Were you charged 1 additional cent for the whole transaction, or 1c / litre?

      Or is it that you only purchased 1L of fuel?

      • My mistake: 1 additional cent for the whole transaction, not per litre. I can live with this.

  • +2

    if they manually add the voucher discount its a 1c line item, which is refunded back in the discount…..Its happened to me before. I didnt pay 1c a little extra

  • +1

    God damn .. That diesel is cheap.

    • Yeah I'm surprised the deal isn't for the diesel.

  • I don't know when will VIC would have that cheap DSL price !!!!

  • +1

    It's all apples until you actually try to drive into the totally munted car park!

    Turn left turn right, cut off oncoming traffic do a u-turn, no entry do another u-turn, line up, wait an hour, then you're trapped you cant get out because the whole damn place is totally gridlocked.

    • Absolutely. Park in some sections of the car park and it's very difficult to exit as the stream of cars trying to get in or out (usually both) is constant during business hours.

      The other retailers that share the site must hate Costco. Costco's parking space is usually full so customers park near KMart/etc and leave extra wide trolleys everywhere.

  • The better deal is the diesel price, not unleaded as everywhere else around the area is within a few cents of $1.157 right now.

  • Costco SA's pumps do not have PayWave, so while Costco will always be a cent cheaper for unleaded than the Shell next door, customers using ING or MEBank's 2% or 5% PayWave offers are much better off going to Shell.

  • Average $1.18 elsewhere. It looked better when things were $1.49.

  • ULP 113.9 at coles express Laverton christmas day (109.5 with discount voucher)
    Merry Christmas

  • Merged from Coles Express Petrol SA Only Churchill Rd 96.7c per litre Unleaded

    Driving out to a customer site today and stumbled across this beauty!

    Unleaded petrol 96.7c per litre at Coles Express Churchill Rd, Kilburn.
    No voucher required but 4c cheaper if you have one.

    Pretty self explanatory.

    Not sure how long this deal is active.

    Fill up whilst the petrol companies aren't completely ******** you over.

    FYI - they also have a swap 9kg gas special on for $25 if you need some gas over the Clipsal/Fringe/Festival weekend

    • sydney misses out again.
      134.9 at my local shell, even though cruel oil has dropped $5…..

      • Crude price doesnt mean a great deal, you need to look at terminal gate pricing.


        As you can see the TGP is around 1.20 atm, which funnily enough is what the majority of sites are selling it at (though some sites the pricing is creeping up)

        Anything below 1.20 means they are selling below cost price, which is unfeasible.

    • Would be interested to see what Costco is charging (who are literally next door)… 99% sure Costco haven't increased their price above 99c since everyone had it that price a month or so ago (then all the majors decided to jack it back up to $1.15+).

      Plus for such a cheap price though, and even more deserving for the additional 4 cents if you can get it :)

      • Costco are at 96.7 as is the nearby Woolworths at Blair Athol.

        • +2

          95.7 usually. The Coles next door have been price matching them plus 1c ever since Costco opened which has been nice!

          Also for reference Costco's Diesel is about 110.7ish and Premium Unleaded is 110.7ish too

        • What about at night?

        • +1

          @falzoni: can confirm 95.7 (112.7 for premium 98 - filled up my VW yesterday)

    • It is $1.25 per litre here is WA. I'll try OW price beat to save $0.30 per litre. Thanks OP.

  • +1

    $1.18 at Coles Express Churchill (or $1.17 at Costco). Same for the nearby BP OTR, United and Caltex WW.

  • Merged from BP Pasadena - Unleaded 129.9 (SA)

    BP Pasadena (SA) has Unleaded 91 for 129.9

    Everywhere else has fuel at 138+ so this is a good price, maybe even an error.

    Sorry, no pic at this stage.

  • +1

    Fuel under 117 today in Adelaide. Spotted at various pumps in the eastern suburbs

  • +1

    Looks like the bottom of the cycle today. 102.9c for 91 unleaded around eastern suburbs tonight

  • +2

    Gilles Plains Woolworth petrol at 119.7c
    Lowest around the north-east/Eastern suburbs

    • Just filled at Modbury at 127.

    • I have found this servo to have the lowest petrol very often. The other one with low prices is the Woolworths servo near Costco.

  • Best apps for SA?

    Fuel Map, Gas Buddy, Gaspy?

    • I use GasBuddy. There's one user who manages to update all the stations I tend to visit at least twice a day? I contribute whenever possible too. You get points and awards, and can enter free fuel giveaways using those points, so there's incentivisation/gamification there too

      • Cheers. I have more success with Fuel Map in my area (regional)

  • Liberty Main north road Medindie, selling unleaded e-10 for 1.08 cents a litre. I don't know of anywhere cheaper in inner Adelaide at this point in time.

  • ULP 99.9¢ at Caltex/OTR northbound on Port Wakefield Rd, Cavan.

    Free coffee at Caltex.

  • Merged from [WA] Supreme 98 135.7c/L (with Docket) @ Caltex South Lake
    Go to Deal

    Thanks to fuelwatch, cheapest price today for 98 is 139.7c/l at Caltex Woolworths in South Lake.

    Combine with your woolies docket to bring it down to 135.7c/l.

    Then pay with your wish card for an extra 5% discount.

    Also earn woolies reward points.

    Unleaded starts at 119.7c/l also for those not wanting 98.

  • +1

    91 Unleaded is currently $108.9 at Seaford

    • i remember getting this deal…

  • Merged from [SA] Unleaded 91 $0.887/L @ Costco Adelaide Churchill Road, Kilburn (Membership Required)
    Go to Deal

    [SA] Unleaded 91 $0.887/L @ Costco Adelaide Churchill Road, Kilburn

    Membership required.

    • +2

      For those who don't have Costco membership ULP is $0.89/L at Mobile X 330 Torrens Rd, Croydon Park

    • Just remember, SA it's own country now

      • Has SA lock down the state already?

        • +1

          They closed borders. Need to apply for a visa to cross

        • Non-essential travellers have to self-isolate for two weeks if they venture into SA

  • Merged from [WA] Unleaded 91 $0.989/L @ 7-Eleven Canning Vale
    Go to Deal

    Solid price for unleaded 91 at less than a dollar per litre

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