Browsing in eBay group deals came across a discounted iPhone 6. I guess you can apply the 2% cash rewards on this too.
Apple iPhone 6 16GB Unlocked $817 @ Ausluck eBay Store

Last edited 08/12/2014 - 13:14 by 2 other users
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Okay go call yourself on your two OnePlus Ones, as you said it's a good deal let people buy what they want
And OnePlus One doesn't even have it's own exclusive apps store and music store to make money off.
This is like posting on an Eneloop deal to tell everyone you can grab a 48 pack of generics from Red Dot for half the price.
It's really not.
It is though. It's a completely different product. Yes, iPhones are expensive, and yes, you can get cheaper phones elsewhere, with different specs, different features, different compatibility and a different OS. It's not like the iPhone is OnePlus One with an apple sticker and a $400 markup.
And for the record, I have owned three android phones and zero iPhones, so it's not like I'm a fanboy.
Care to elaborate why it's not?
It's a completely different product
Well, both are smartphones.
A better comparison would be to another rechargeable battery, instead of comparing one of the best rechargeable batteries to a crappy, generic disposable one.
Edit: I have an ipad air 2 and rmbp, so it's not like I'm anti-Apple.
I find that to be interesting, there is alot of anti-iPhone sentiment, but that sentiment doesn't not include other (arguably) money wasting exercises (e.g. European Cars, Brand new cars, etc…).
And Samsung GS5 or Note is any cheaper?
Yeah both have been cheaper than this
Not that a note is really comparable to this anyhow
Note 4 $726.00 on sale
There's a reason they do. I'm a Google Nexus 5 user and the iPhones crap all over it.
The ecosystem and the user experience is just better on Apple devices. Not massively better, but noticeably. Some might argue it isn't worth it, but bloody hell, I just had to wipe my cache partition on the N5 just so I'd get the 60FPS of Lollipop.
Both have their pros's and cons, but from a user experience (and aesthetics pov), Apple wins hands down IMO.
Please arrest this person :p
From a general user experience the lumia phones are the best out of all the phones. I'd rather use the $39 lumia over an old iPhone 4s for instance. lol
If only the iPhone 6 would let me download a torrent like an Android phone can and then let me stream it directly to my TV, but Apple won't let me.
I think you mean fluidity. Which is probably true. They run well. Using them however…a nightmare. IE is horrible for most web pages and don't get me started on the app store!
I haven't had one very long but I am finding the Lumia better than any other phone I've ever used. Typing out a message is so much quicker than any iPhone (which was a huge flaw before ios 8) or Android. Browsing is ok on uc browser, but browsing on any phone sucks anyhow. Here maps are awesome. I think for general use they are much better, but yeah if you want all the latest games and a million and one apps, then there's better alternatives for you.
1+1 = poor man's iPhone 6+ ☺
or the smart mans ones
or the ozbargain mans one
or just the guy who got over paying $800 for a phone ;)The 1+1 is more than a phone :)
Seems expensive for a phone…..
for a phone that only has 10GB storage…
Usable storage around 10GB?
If only eBay had 15% off again.
Don't know why they bothered releasing a 16gb variant
can you still reclaim the 10% if you're going overseas? or does it have to be from a physical retailer
i assume you didnt even bother clicking the link?
Their listing has this exact line;"GST TAX INVOICE PROVIDED UPON REQUEST"
Or, to put it another way, OnePlus One X 2.
I am sure this is a good deal but you kinda forget just how damn much Apple charges for its handsets…