PlayStation store. GTA V $29.95 from 10th to 24th of December. Note that this is the 720P version of the game.
File Size: 17.2GB
Released: 17 Sep 2013
PlayStation store. GTA V $29.95 from 10th to 24th of December. Note that this is the 720P version of the game.
File Size: 17.2GB
Released: 17 Sep 2013
pretty hypocritical isn't it!
they should ban cars too
Nah. Just ban people from living in general
nothing wrong with getting your money back from a hooker by bashing her after your finished in a videogame! :) i also put a bullet between the eyes for good measure , political correctness is so annoying
i also put a bullet between the eyes for good measure
IKR, Zombies be damned…
So you can shoot her in the face twice! Once during the act and afterwards!
whatever gets you off buddy!
are you suggesting the femail staff at Target were former hookers before? LOL
Most of the people here are being unfair and making ignorant assumptions about the reasons for the ban/petition. I don't entirely agree with the ban myself for various reasons, but try to show some understanding on a pretty serious issue, please, and do your own reading/research on the topic.…
Disgusting. They shouldn't be selling this sexually violent game.
Excuse me while I go watch Game of Thrones Blu-Ray, I bought from Target today.
And read 50 Shades of Grey, also purchased from Target/Kmart.
Violence is fine so long as middle aged woman with zero life, can use it to get enjoyment with their vibrator. But heaven forbid that vibrator be a console controller.
difference between all those comparisons is the virtual involvement in a video game compared to books, movies etc. You are the one doing the actions and choices. If you still don't get it you prob never will…
This is where virtual reality will become a big issue.
Love my GTA though!
Except there's countless research which proves there's no link to video game violence and real life violence.
People were killing each other long before video games.
@PainToad: Yes, there is lots of rese… WHY AREN'T YOU THINKING OF THE CHILDREN!!!
Those poor impressionable children playing R18 gam… Oh…
Yes exactly the issue starts from the moron parents who bought the game for their kid and then complain for target not doing the parenting…
It is available but most are 80-90,000 words min each research paper, are you trying to tell me you have read all these? If so well done lol. In that time you could have got a PhD for yourself.
Anthropology btw.
@DisabledUser133605: Just because you have a random PhD - whoopdee-bloody-doo, by the way - doesn't mean you have any more knowledge than you average punter in a totally unrelated topic. "I have a PhD in Ancient Chinese Literature. This qualifies me to fly a spacecraft." Yes, you probably (hopefully) have better research skills, but that hardly matters because you clearly haven't done any.
There has been investigation into videogame violence since the late 70s when "Death Race" was released in 1976 to public backlash for its "violence" (gameplay vid here).
I HAVE read research and none of it definitively supports the link between videogame violence and real world violence. The is some evidence to suggest that violent gaming may cause short term desensitisation to real world violence (source). Subjects have shown reduced heart rate and galvanic skin response when shown footage of real violence after playing a violent game. Though I still don't think footage of real violence necessarily counts as "real violence". There have been no longitudinal studies however, so no long term effects have been observed. Good luck in actually trying to complete a longitudinal study on this, by the way - way too many variables.
Furthermore, there is also some evidence to show that naturally agressive players actually have a reduced post-violent-gameplay agression - having a cathartic effect on these types of people (Source: Unsworth, G., Devilly, G., & Ward, T. (2007)). It has also been found that any temporary post-gaming aggression is more closely linked to in-game competitiveness, rather than in-game violence (source).
I've skimmed over this pretty quickly, as I'm heading off for work, but I think you get the idea.
EDIT: Bugger. Just realised you are a "Disabled user" and won't actually read this. Oh well, hopefully others do.
Follow that up with some 50 shades also from target
my son says he kills way more men in gta v because they are the ones that work in the stores with the most money. Women in gta v only work in clothes shops that only have $50 to steal unlike the men who work in ammunition stores where he can steal $1000s. I think I am going to start a protest about this gender inequality.
Maybe men make more because they don't spend their time complaining about video games?
Rofl. Funniest thing I hear today. Made my day.
Your kid knows where to make money for sure in the virtual world. Certainly gender doesn't apply, its where the money is
Shut up and watch Breaking Bad
If only they banned GTA5 a long time ago, Hitler wouldn't have started a world war, the Egyptian pharaohs wouldn't have in-salved nations, Genghis Khan wouldn't have raped and pillaged and butchered his way through Asia and every terrorist attack/war in the 19th century wouldn't have started.
Humans will continue to kill, rape, steel and do the things we've always been doing from day one no matter how many video games get banned or taken of the shelves LOL
( Romans never had GTA5 but managed to kill and rape everyone ) Cave men would bash women over the head and rape them.. But if only they banned GTA5 .. lol
One of the best comments ive seen today about this whole banning GTA.
Nice one mate.
thanks.. like someone wise once said.. "be a man, do the right thing!
That same wise man should be the spokesperson for OzB… after all he also said "you save 50c here, you save 50c somewhere else, that's $1… you go to the dollar store and you buy something!"
Romans never had GTA5
Obviously! They were only up to GTA2 back then.
Back then it wasn't GTA but GTH (Grand Theft Horses)
Probably best to note in title this is for PS3.
That's a shame then. Was almost about to purchase.
Arrrghhh.. you save!
I thought PS4.. almost bought it.
Disgusting. They shouldn't be selling this sexually violent game.
Excuse me while I go read 50 shades of grey, I bought from Target today.
Will Target price match this?
Yes. 100% off
Disgusting. They shouldn't be selling this sexually violent game.
Excuse me while I go watch every Saw movie, I bought from Target today.
Disgusting. They shouldn't be selling this sexually violent game.
Excuse me while I make the same joke as people above me.
I see the neg police are out in force…
It's a legitimate question - why not have separate deals for Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Resident Evil Super Bundle, and all other equally discounted games that were already posted in the other deal this morning?
It is not a legitimate question and it is not a dupe, because the game isn't in the title of the other deal, the comments alone should give it away the real intention of posting this deal, so whoosh
I agree it's not a dupe because of the reason stated. I stand corrected.
But I don't see anything in the description of this deal - or suicine's other humourless fanboi posts - to suggest that their intention was to generate "humorous" discussion of Target's policies. Frankly, given your replies to their previous posts, I'm surprised you'd attribute that sort of comedic motive to them.
Tal is wrong again…. No my intention wasnt about the Target thing. I just like deals from the PSN store.
Tal why you think all my posts have a hidden agender? can't I post somthing cos $29 of GTA V is good?
@suicine94: coming from the biggest fanboy on ozbargain? yeah right, you have less credibility than Tony Abbott…
not credible? so you think i made this deal up? go to the psn blog and have a look yourself before talking rubbish.
@suicine94: i think you are making an excuse for your intention on posting this yes… talking rubbish? from Mr 1080p? hahahaha, i already told you that you have as much credibility as Tony Abbott, thanks for showing I was right :)
Didn't Target use to sell Time Crisis? Wouldn't that be worse than GTA?
sex? time-crisis? what?
Time Crisis was before social media. Ie. Before lazy unemployed soccer mums with nothing to do were given a virtual soap box to bully companies.
My pre-teen/teenage son will love this. What a deal!
You can buy a preowned version at EB games for $28.…
Not sure if you can access online stuff with preowned though, anyone know??
you can, there is no online pass for GTA V.
Just to clarify on that point, GTA V / Online doesn't need online passes so second hand should work as good as new. Also the digital version is known to be slower in loading textures because Rockstar has done some really fancy streaming from the Blu Ray to make the game go quicker than HD access alone.
but this $29 version is a new copy.
Went to Ebgames and they had it on special for $38 and was told they can't match their online price
That's actually quite stupid.
Rip off. I got my copy for free in Target's trash cans.
I heard you can shoot women in this game? Disgusting! I only play games where you can kill men
The whole Target issue is just the most flawed logic that I've ever seen
The hypocrisy is just hilarious sad.
Wow looking through it, that is funny stuff. That petition is an amazing troll.
Nah, I've been told that there's an exception for when "the original deal is a list of multiple items and the item is not contained in the title of the original deal":…
Ah cool no probs. I actually had a look on that page but the link I followed didn't take me to that section.
Edit: I see you asked the same above, I missed it as it was collapsed from the negs ;)
Keep in mind it is thought that the PSN PS3 version is the worst version of the game. Apart from it only being 720p, there are slower load times and 'pop in' issues in-game. I've heard this is because if the game is being read off the game disc and the internal harddrive then there are two lanes for data to pass through at the same time. However if the game is solely contained on the internal harddrive then the system only has the one lane to access the same amount of data.
I probably didn't explain that very clearly
ps3 game works just fine…
Maybe I didn't explain it very well but this is what I was referring to…
More info here…
OK, the disc on PS3 is better than the digital download, as the digital download can be read from the hard drive only. Good point, those pop ins look terrible.
Yep, PS3 version is awesome, 720p is HD, just not 'full' HD, 1080p, but bear in mind, the gameplay is what you see, not pixels, at the end of the day.
No the Xbox360 version is the wrost version of the game. it has 2 discs so you have to swap discs like your playing final fantasy 7 in 1997.
Also if you google the xbox version has a problem when you install the "play" disc. so bsically you can't install the play disc which means slow load times and breaks your optical drive cos it's spinning the disc reading it all day. it also overheats (RROD) your xbox too.
No fanboi plz
You literally only swap the disk once, to install. PS3 has pop-in issues, Xbox doesn't.
Nvm, realized that suicune94 posted this. Die-hard fanboii.
Lol at:
breaks your optical drive cos it's spinning the disc reading it all day
This is how, until recently, every disc based game was played.
I played well in excess of a hundred hours of GTA V on my 360 and it never overheated. You're just making sh*t up - as usual.
Do you own the game?
Why you no like GTA5?
Please go play and then give some 2 lane wisdom.
Yes I own the PS3 PSN version
'Also since Target banned the game if you got the game rom Target for $70 on release you might be able to get a refund cos they sold you are banned product which means they agree that they product is unsuitable.'
There is such an amazing lack of both legal knowledge and logical thought in that sentence that I wouldn't be surprised if it actually collapses spacetime onto itself and forms a black hole.
I'd like to see someone try to get a refund for a game they bought over a year ago at target
Well, that would be up to Target - depends how far they are willing to go putting their money where their mouth is.
I'm sure they will
I think it's a worthy idea. There was a comment on the Target FB page of somebody successfully doing this, then buying it from another store for less.
If I had purchased the game from them I'd give it a go. Imagine everyone doing it? A big slap in the face for Target.
I wonder if Big W, EB Games, Harvey Norman, Dick Smith and JB Hi-Fi will pull out this game too.
Real dicks never pull out.
Here is a better one……
This book actually perpetuates violence against women and is readily available for children to read and purchase in your stores? Meanwhile Grand Theft Auto 5 is a R18+ game that can only be sold to adults, yet you chose to bend a knee and remove it from shelves? I seriously can't see your logic.
That is gold!
Anyone has tried to get a refund from target? Just purchased a ps4 bundle with gta v and 2 other games on 20/11, just wondering if I can get a refund too.
Give it a go and let us know the result.
If you don't like what target did, vote for this petition:…
I'll just pretend that Target sells the Holy Bible…
submits signature
you can refund it 100%. because it's like when a woolies withdraws some food item cos it's unsafe and doesn't matter how long ago u bought it u can refund. target withdrew the game so it means they were not meant to sell it in the 1st place and selling it previously was a mistake cos they arepromoting violence on women.
so yea legit refund. and we should all do it to send a message.
There is no obligation for them to refund a video game unless it is defective (eg. faulty disc, malware) or illegal in some way (ie. the rating was incorrect.)
yeah, except for the part where one is a defective item and the other is something they just decided to stop selling.
So, uh, basically everything you said. I guess. But sweet analogy.
Buy it before it's banned by former sex-workers!