This was posted 10 years 3 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

AU PSN Store - 12 Deals of Christmas - 1st Deal


12 deals leading up to Christmas - 1 deal every 2 days.

This is the first one - great price for Last Of Us

Here’s the first round of savings, going live at around midday GMT (23:00 AEDST) today and running until 11.59am GMT on 3rd December (11:00 AEDST 4/12/14) , at which point we’ll replace it with a fresh set of discounts

The Last of Us Remastered (PS4)
Was €44.99/£39.99/AU$62.95, now €24.99/£19.99/AU$37.95
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members

F1 2014 (PS3)
Was €54.99/£39.99/AU$79.95, now €19.99/£15.99/AU$24.95

Dynasty Warriors Next (PS Vita)
Was €34.99/£29.99/AU$47.95, now €14.99/£11.99/AU$22.95
Additional 20% discount for PS Plus members

Remember, if you’ve not got access to your PS4, PS3 or PS Vita then you can also buy through our online store.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Last year had a mix of good and bad deals. I'm looking forward to what Sony will come up with this year!

    • here here.

      • where?

        • +3

          Here here
          Where where
          There there
          Boo hoo
          Oh oh
          Ho ho
          Merry Merry
          Quite contrary
          Under the wings of a gold canary

          ….why did I type that out?

    • the last of us deal is a ripper.

      I have passed it, and sold physical copy on ebay but for this price it is a buy and keeper for collection (must get every trophy)…

      Multiplayer is pretty good also, def a welcome change to the fast paced COD like multiplayer… I guess if I could compare it it would be a little gears of war like but better IMHO…

      for single player, it is one of the better games I have played (felt ending was a little rushed and bit of a letdown though)… wouldn't put it up there with games like system shock 2 or the original halflife for how they changed single player games at their time story wise etc but still if you have not played the last of us get onto it asap! worth every cent.

  • +3

    The last of us from the US store still seems to be a better deal:

    On that note I'm looking forward to the deals they will bring out. Please bring discounted ps + subscriptions!

  • Was thinking about buying the physical copy of Last of Us. Just wondering though about the install size? If the install size on the physical copy is the same as the download.. may as well get this?

  • +1

    Dynasty Warrior NEXT sounds good… I checked and it's around $18 if you have PS+

    I'm new to the series, is it worth picking up if you're a casual on the PS Vita?

    • +2

      I think it is an IGC for ps+ members in this January?

      Don't buy it, Dynasty Warrior 8 is a far better choice.

    • +3

      Very repetitive gameplay and not overly difficult (if you understand what is going on in the maps), but after playing the full console title compared to NEXT, NEXT does have the advantage of having smaller maps and is slightly more focused with objectives. The story is all over the place, playing as 3 opposing forces at different times, and multiple endings are available. Content wise, there is plenty of stuff in this game, all of it may not be great though. Possibly a good entry point into the series, but I don't know if it's worth $18.

      • Hmmm, guess I'll give it a miss.

        • Yeah, I'd also say that it's not the best in the series and in addition, it's only 20% off which isn't even close to justifying gambling on the game, especially on the first day of the 2 week sale.

  • Waiting for Dark Souls 2 on sale….Other games not interested

    • since Dark Souls 2 will be out on next-gen with all DLCs next year, the original game might get discounted to push more sales.

      • Not to mentioned Bloodborne in March

      • Well US coop sale had it $28 USD let's see what happens

    • +1

      New games are out, looks like it's your lucky day. Dark Souls 2 is $24.95

      • nice! Is that a good price at $24.95? its lower than US!

        5GB download ROFL on a 4Mbps connection that will painful 6-7 hours

  • I'm seeing The Evil Within & Shadows of Mordor for $30 on what seems to be the AU store (en-au in url). Is this for real or is the region filter on the website just messing with me?

    • I'm signed into the web store using my AU Account (which ensures all AU prices), and I see $79.95 for Evil Within.

      I do see the TLOU for $34.16 (I'm PS+) so it's definitely NOT $30 for Evil Within…

  • Not sure about digital games, not much HDD space to use for PS4.

    If only they had what Wii U does with external HDD, then it would be awesome. Space will be a non-issue.

    • +1

      You could always chuck a bigger HDD in……

    • It's super easy to put a larger drive in your PS4. I have a 1TB hybrid drive on mine, and I only go digital. Many people have put 2TB drives in theirs.

      • I have 1TB hybrid in mine, but I can see it filling up fast already, have a few 50GB games in there, 2TB will fill up quick.

        Just wish they can update to have the freedom.

        • How many will you realistically want to play at once over a 3 month period. If you don't have restrictive data plan (I'm guessing you don't with current downloads) then delete a few and download them again in the future as needed. Obviously if you have slow downloads this sucks. For me GTA V downloaded over night, and I did similar with all games when I had to wipe the drive a month ago.

        • @snuke:

          The idea is you're not always deleting and downloading things. The idea of a library is so you can see what options you have or games you forgot you had to play. Especially if there's several multiplayer games you cycle through.

          Quite a hassle to download a 50GB game again.

          That won't be much of a problem in the future (if NBN becomes standard), but now, 50GB takes me 3 days to download if left on 24/7. No limits on data.

          Not much of a problem now, but say 2-3 years into the PS4's life.

          The only other issue is if Sony remove the game from their catalogue.

        • @justmiike:

          I agree, my point was though, realistically how many do you really have in rotation that you would really fill a 2TB drive, even 1TB. If they were all 50GB, you can still fit approx. 18-19 games on a 1TB drive. Will you really be playing 18 games constantly enough at the same time that they need to be on the drive? You may, I have no idea, it’s a genuine question. I know I am on the lower side and only touch about 3 at a time, so I could get away with a 250Gb drive, and did seriously consider putting in a 240GB SSD.
          If you are likely to play 18 at a time, then a 2TB drive makes it to the point that surely only crazy people could play that many large AAA titles at once, or over a few months.
          Once they finally add video media playback, that changes things and storing video files will take up space quickly, but I am sure they will have USB playback available as they do with MP3s.

        • @snuke:

          I see what you mean, usually I have about 3-5 in rotation.

          Yeah, USB playback is mandatory otherwise storing HD video files along side games might not be feasible.

  • Good price for Last of Us.

    However, the price is still 41gb download which is 1/3rd of my 100mbps cable connection with Optus I cannot upgrade without paying double the access fee.

    • Yeah these digital games are good in theory, but when you only have 100gb download limit it's not so great. I liked when I used to download PC games on steam and the downloads wouldn't count towards the monthly total with Internode, but they have no such deal with PSN unfortunately.

      • My PSN downloads did not used to be metered. I think this was a fault though, and they rectified it this month, just as I needed to download everything again after HDD wipe.

        • My PSN downloads did not used to be metered.

          OMG, which ISP was that?

      • I think they still have unmetered Xbox Live etc, but not PSN - correct!

        • Who is "they"?

        • I know iiNet group seems to have Xbox Live and Steam… but not PSN

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