• out of stock

Last of Us for PS4 Game Key, $23.50 on BoxedDeal



Digital download code for The last of US for PS4, seems like good value.
You will probably need an US PSN account to download it.

Key will be sent on email.


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closed Comments

  • Awesome game. Decent price too.. half the price of physical copy ($55+)

  • +1

    They also have

    Forza Motorsport 5 for Xbox One ( Digital Delivery)

    for $14.99 US$


  • I wish I had a US account :(

  • +1

    Wow. TLoU is a 45gb download. I won't be playing this for a few weeks.

    • It gets broken into a Single Player and Multiplayer download. I chose Single Player which is 10GB and once it's down apparently the multiplayer part will start downloading.

  • Anyone know a good deal for a PS3 version? I know Amazon have a US key for $20, but I'm not sure my Aus credit card or the Paypal it's linked to will work. :-(

    • +1

      I use an Australian credit card to purchase on Amazon. As long as you have a US PSN account it'll be fine. It's pretty much the same as creating an Australian PSN account, so it'll only take a few minutes. Somebody linked how to do it above.

    • If what earlobe said doesn't work you can buy psn credit on Amazon

    • +3

      Your aus card will work, just set the billing address to be one in Delaware or Oregon (so you avoid sales tax)

      • Saved me some money for tax, thanks!

      • Can't believe I never caught onto that, thanks!

        • +1

          You can also use Amazon to buy PSN credit to use on a USA PSN account without having to pay the commission rates of other sites (since they have to buy the physical cards and then retype the code for you lol)

      • I'll try that. Thanks so much!

      • I choose Oregon because its the name of my favourite series (and the name of a kick-ass-ship) from Clive Cussler.

    • Physical copies can be found on Gumtree for $20-25, I picked up a copy a fortnight ago that somebody delivered for $25. 3/4 through it (I think), bit sad knowing that it's gonna end soon.

      • On the PS3 you can account share if you get a game digitally just sign into your mates PS3 and then download the content. As long as he doesn't delete your user he can play it on his user without having to log you on. This means you can buy multiplayer games once on the PSN store and then play them together no problems. Sony cracked down on this with the PS4 but if you only have 1 friend you want to do it with you can share your PS+ subscription and any purchased games just by making your friends PS4 the primary console for your account.

        • Nice one.

  • +1

    Out of stock

    • +1

      Still shows as In Stock for me

      And for anyone who is thinking about it, I cant suggest it enough

      • Ah yep, they must have added more stock, just bought a copy then. Cheers

        • +2

          Tis all good.

          I keep refreshing hoping that they get some more LBP3 keys in for that price

  • Anyone received the digit code?
    Mine says pending.

    • I received my xbox one code but not the ps4 yet, the code for my xbox went on perfectly, downloading now

      • Received the code and downloading now.
        Thanks OP!

  • Great game! Played it on the PS3… still have the game but not the console anymore. Time to put it up on ebay.

  • One of the best games to date IMO a masterpiece. Anyone thinking of buying should beware that this is not a pick up and play for a quick 20 mins type game, it will need a good session…

  • I received my code for ps4, but when I tried using it I got an error saying the code has been used before. Awaiting response from boxeddeal.

    • I have now received a working code and it's d/l. Thanks OP.

  • +1

    played on ps3 but no replay value once you know the story already…was about to check out…

  • Being this is the US version, rest assured you'll get the fully uncensored version too, unlike the Oz release. Great price.

    • Without giving away spoilers, what is censored in the Aussie version ?

      • Basically, the multiplayer element is bereft of dismemberment and gore. Thankfully, it's a relatively minor element. Still annoying though.

  • ordered 15 minutes ago and nothing yet, is this normal?

    • Just ordered mine too, have yet to receive any emails other than Paypal confirmation.

  • +1

    Thank you all so much for your suggestions! I've been wanting to play this game for ages. I love games with compelling stories. Which reminds me, to reward you in kind, let me recommend anyone who hasn't played The Walking Dead Season 1 to pick up a copy on Steam for 6 bucks in their current sale.(Season 2 is awesome too, though not quite as good,IMO.) Similar premise -complex,troubled man protecting a (younger)child from the Zombie apocalypse, & the ending (if You tube playthroughs are anything to go by) has been known to make grown men weep.Thanks guys & have a happy new year! :-)

    • Thanks for the tip. Ive avoided buying Walking Dead, because the front cover looks very "cartoony"

  • Hmmms, showing up as Out of Stock now.

    I checked out as guest and did not record my order number, any way to find it?

    • yeah i'm in the same boat. been waiting a hour

    • +2

      Do not worry. It takes some processing time.
      Right now it is 5 AM or so in America, that can cause a delay aswell as they are off working hours at the moment.

      • Got mine in my email this morning, downloading as we speak. Awesome!

  • +3

    Coming up as out of stock now but you can still buy it cheap from this site:


    for $22.49 USD, I got it there last month and code was delivered quickly.

    • +1

      This is now $19.49USD.

      • Wow, even better than the OP deal. Crazy!

  • it says its back in stock now? I just bought one

  • +1

    Got mine last night and the code came in this morning at around 7. Code works fine and I'm downloading it as we speak.

    • +1

      that's great to hear, I saw the download code and instructions and was a bit paranoid it was just a generic link. I will be downloading when I get home

  • My code for the ps4 didn't work, said it has already been used/redeemed, I have emailed them and I am waiting on a reply

    I did receive this as part of a automatic reply to my email
    "My code is not working?
    Answer: Don't worry, its a most likely a typo. Our agents will review the code, and fix the problem."

    So they may fix the problem soon, hopefully

    • They have sent me a new code and everything is downloading great, may take a day or two to download

  • They have more codes back in stock and still $19.99 for those who may of missed out before

  • Re your all your suggestions:Just bought a PS3 copy for $23 from a seller on Ebay, who also guarantees same day FREE registered postage. He has 100% positive feedback so I'm optimistic it'll work without issue. Thanks guys and have a happy gaming Summer! :-)

  • The promotion code that I got didn't work. I wrote them an email, and called them. They told me that the promotion code is region locked. I have to have an US ps account in order to make it work.
    I wonder has anyone here have the same experience?

    • What they're saying is true. Easy enough to create a US PSN account.

  • Hey guys

    Sorry new to PS4 (bought yesterday) how do I redeem the code to my account?

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